Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2103: The treasure in the sky tank!

Ling Xiao explored the small world of Tongtian Yaosheng and Shengmu Shengzi again, and found that the others were some ordinary medicine and martial arts skills, and there was nothing that could make him look at the treasures.

   But this time the harvest is still very huge, not to mention the Yuanyuan Pill and the Yuanyuan holy medicine, it is already a pleasant surprise that it is a crippled mysterious spell of sky curse.

   These primitive pill and primal sacred medicine can make Ling Xiao's cultivation base stronger, accumulate more abundantly, have more certainty to break the limit, and advance to the heaven and earth.

   After all, Ling Xiao's heritage is too strong, and the accumulation is incomparably rich, far exceeding the strongmen of the same realm, and trying to break the limit is naturally ten times and hundred times harder than ordinary people.

   "Feng Qingyang, take out the Tongtian jar you just got from the Yellow Crane Taoist, I feel this is very extraordinary!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he smiled slightly.

   "Tongtian jar? Do you mean this thing?"

   Wind Qingyang froze for a moment, and the gray-brown jar appeared in the palm of his hand, with a layer of seal on it, which seemed to be very common.

   "Good! You open it first!"

  Ling Xiao knew that the fragments of the forged jade dish were hidden in the Tiantian pot, but he could clearly feel that there were other treasures in the Tiantian pot, which made him very curious.

"it is good!"

  Feng Qingyang nodded and said, the fiery flame rising in his palm spread towards the seal.

  The seal of the sky tank has passed countless years, and it has become much looser. It was burnt by the flame of the Qingyang Yang to Yang, and soon became dim.


   Only heard a clear sound, the seal of the Tongtian tank broke instantaneously, and an ancient and vast breath spewed out of it, containing mysterious majesty, just like Tianwei.

   "This is...the breath of Di Wei Di Wei?!"

   Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang were all shocked, and could not help but glance at each other and said at the same time.

   They can feel that the breath of immense expanse in the heavenly tank seems to be able to annihilate everything, and it is eternal and immortal, and there is no weakness with the passage of time.


   In the sky tank, a roll of bright yellow silk flew slowly, shining bright golden light, making the void tremble slightly.

   Feng Qingyang reached out his hand, and suddenly the roll of silk flew into his palm, and slowly spread out, revealing the contents.


   A large flying dragon and phoenix danced with a dazzling light, as if containing the incomparably mysterious laws of space, it is necessary to take the wind and the Qingyang directly into the void.

   "This turned out to be an emperor's decree? Although it is not the way to attack, but it is the supreme treasure of life-saving! It's really not a loss to exchange it with a golden Jindan!"

   Feng Qingyang said with some surprise.

   A golden prince is also very precious to him. Although he was angry, he still felt extremely painful in his heart. At this moment, he saw that the emperor's law was in the Tongtian pot, and he was a little surprised.

  He could feel that if he urged the power of this great emperor's decree, it would allow him to move the void and cross the hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers, which is the supreme treasure of life-saving.

   Feng Qingyang hesitated a bit, it stands to reason that Ling Xiao saved his life, he should give the emperor's law to Ling Xiao, but he was reluctant in his heart.

Ling Xiao seemed to see the hesitation in Feng Qingyang's eyes, and smiled slightly: "There is nothing to hesitate. This is what you took for Jindan. The gentleman doesn't take the love of others. Keep it for yourself! If you want to repay me, just give me this jar, how?"

   "This jar? It was originally the vessel of the Grand Emperor's decree, if you want it, just take it!"

   Feng Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief, pretending to speak generously.

  Although he knew that Ling Xiao wanted this jar to explain that this jar was definitely not simple, but he was a wise man and didn't ask much.

   "Thank you!"

   Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and put away the Tongtian canister without any politeness.

   Ling Xiao has noticed that the fragments of the jade dish have been integrated into the Tongtian Can, making Ling Xiao more curious about the origin of the Tongtian Can.

  Since the Taoist Yellow Crane knew that there was a supreme treasure in the sky tank, why didn't he open it by himself, but instead wanted to bring it to auction?

   "The greatest possibility is that the Yellow Crane Taoist knows what is in the Tongtian Can! Or, the Tongtian Canister was originally his own thing. It seems that the origin of the Yellow Crane Taoist is very mysterious!"

   Ling Xiao thought secretly.


Tongtian tank entered Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge, and suddenly broke apart, and a crystal jade piece appeared, without any trace of flaws, and instantly integrated into the sea of ​​his knowledge of the sea. In the full moon.

  The jade dish made of immortal light bursts into immeasurable light. Ling Xiao can feel that the jade dish made of nature is a little more complete, and the breath becomes more powerful and mysterious.

Although Ling Xiao has not been able to urge the creation of jade discs as he pleased until now, but the only shot of the creation of jade discs saved his life, and he is one of the top ten chaotic treasures of Wushu Tianshu. Ling Xiao believes that once it is made Yudie was gathered by him, and he must not be disappointed, and he must be able to explode with extremely powerful forces.

   "Ling Xiao, you have slashed the priest of Muyuan, I'm afraid Tianzongzong won't easily let go of it! And I heard that the relationship between the prince of priest and the prince is very good.

   Feng Qingyang said slowly, when he mentioned the emperor, his expression became very Manzong? Even if there is a saint, it is nothing more than a chicken and a dog! As for the emperor, what state is he now? "

   Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

However, he was still impressed by the power of the emperor. Ling Xiao saw both sides of the emperor. In one time, when the emperor was born, Zhou Panlong was extremely afraid of him, and once the emperor sent someone to give Ling Xiao a command, As a result, the two major arrogances were slain by Ling Xiao, and the Son of Heaven came down with unparalleled power.

   Ling Xiao has a hunch, I am afraid that the emperor will be his enemy, in this chaotic ancient land, there will be a battle sooner or later!

"Is the Son of Heaven? I doubt he should have reached the third realm of heaven, condensing the three heavens, the earth, and the human beings, and completely conquering the heavens! Because I have seen it with my own eyes, a strong man who condenses human respect, Killed by him!"

   said the wind Qingyang very dignified.

   "Is the strong man condensed with human respect, killed by one blow? Worthy of him!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes revealed a sharp sharp mane, the whole body was spitting out of war, and the breath was hidden.

Even with Ling Xiao's full blow, it is impossible to kill and kill a Tianjiao strong man who has condensed his dignity. Although Tongtian Demon Saint and Muyuan Yuanzi finally died in Ling Xiao's hands, Ling Xiao has already The full burst of power is not as easy as it seems.

  The strength of Tianzi should be above him!

  PS: The third stage is over, everyone rests early.

   (End of this chapter)

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