Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2114: Thunder Tribulation!


  The body of the Dragon and Tiger Shuangsheng exploded in the void, and the majestic essence of life in the flesh and blood flew away, and the enchanted enchantment was like a cat seeing fishy, ​​and swept through.

   Ling Xiao's eyes were swift and fast, and he suddenly came over, and the swallowing mystery exploded, and the fiery Jinxia rose around him, which directly transformed into a vast swallowing vortex, and began to swallow the majestic life essence in the void.

  The two saints of dragon and tiger are saints. Not only is the horror of incomparable strength, after experiencing the holy robbery, the level of life has also evolved, the body is almost transformed by the law of the road, and contains the majestic essence of life.

   The flesh and blood of the saint is not even weaker than the ordinary holy pill, for the powerful below the holy realm, it is the supreme treasure!

Ling Xiao exerted great achievements in fighting the battle, and the body's strength was consumed by more than half. At the moment, he felt some weakness. After swallowing the essence of flesh and blood in the void, the feeling of weakness in his body quickly disappeared, and the whole person's breath also It started to get stronger and stronger.

   The blood and life essence of the two saints were swallowed by him, which not only made his physical body stronger and stronger, but also made his accumulation more and more strong.

  Longhu Shuangsheng is like this, extremely suffocated died in the hands of Ling Xiao!

   "The strength of these two people is very strong! But I did not expect that your combat power was so terrible! Before you battled with me, you still keep your hands!"

   Ye Qingcheng walked towards Ling Xiao, said with a somewhat complicated look.

"Speaking of it, I would like to thank you! Both of them are saints, and their strength is extremely powerful. If it is not the evil spirits here, even if I can defeat them, it is difficult to kill them so easily. !"

   Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

"You don’t have to be humble! Although the Shaqi Enchantment bound them, but your last blow left them without the slightest resistance! I really didn’t expect that you should have achieved the battle of fighting the Tiangong to such a degree, I should be Call you Ling Xiao, or should I call you Long Aotian?"

   Ye Qingcheng's eyes were burning, staring at Ling Xiao and said.

   "You really see it! Call me Ling Xiao, and this time I would also like to thank your three emperor soldiers for branding, otherwise I will not be able to take over the Great Emperor's Decree!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he smiled slightly.

   Dou Zhan Tiangong's fame is too great, and as soon as Dou Zhan Tiangong came out, Ye Qingcheng recognized his identity.

"Everyone thought you were beheaded by the Chinese and the Celestial Sect, but they didn't expect you to enter the ancient chaotic land and be able to escape from the hands of the two great saints. Presumably in this chaotic land, you will be able to release Splendid!"

   Ye Qingcheng said with emotion.


   At this moment, the light flashed in the void, and Feng Qingyang's figure also appeared in front of Ling Xiao.

   It was just Feng Qingyang at the moment, and his face was all shocked.

   "You... are strong again!"

   Feng Qingyang smiled bitterly, seeming to be a bit depressed.

He used the secret treasure to hide in the dark void, originally wanted to fight with Ling Xiao inside and outside, and cut a killing blow to the Dragon and Tiger Double Saints, but he did not expect Ling Xiao to cut it by himself. Dragon and Tiger Double Saints, completed the feast of the Saints!

   He is the one who understands how terrifying Lingxiao's combat power improvement is. From the beginning, it will take a while to fight with him, and now he is always looking up.

   This horrible speed of improvement made the self-proclaimed arrogance of Qing Qingyang feel frustrated.

   "It's not that I am strong again, but that these two people are too stupid! Let me introduce you to you, this is Ye Qingcheng, the heir to the Golden Clan!"

   Ling Xiao smiled lightly and introduced Ye Qingcheng to Feng Qingyang.

   "Is the successor of the Golden Clan? Have you seen Brother Ye!"

   Hearing that Ye Qingcheng was the heir of the Golden Clan, Feng Qingyang couldn't help but change his complexion, and said seriously.

   "Feng Qingyang, one of the Gemini of the Taishang Dao Gong generation, has unparalleled talent and extraordinary strength, I know you!"

   Ye Qingcheng glanced at Feng Qingyang and said lightly.

   She knew that the Temple of War and the Taishang Dao Palace are allies, so it was no surprise to see Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang together.

   "Brother Ye has won the prize!"

   Feng Qingyang said modestly.

   He has some doubts in his heart. I don't know why a man takes the feminine name "Ye Qingcheng", but he can't ask much.

   "Hey, this Dragon and Tiger Double Saints is really a great fortune! Are Shenlong Tiangong and Baihu Tiangong?"

   The eyes of Ling Xiao flashed, and the Dragon and Tiger Shuangsheng were killed. He devoured the flesh and blood essence of the Dragon and Tiger Shuangsheng, and swallowed the majestic Yuanshen fragments, stripping part of the memory from them.

It turned out that the Dragon and Tiger Double Saints in a cave house of the ancient Saint King actually got the God of Dragon and the Tiger of White Tiger. After their successful cultivation, the two ran rampant in the ancient chaos, and it was considered to have broken out the fierce name, or else the curse Zong will not send them both to chase Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang.

   It's just a pity that Ling Xiao only got the incomplete Shenlong Tiangong and Baihu Tiangong, but didn't get a complete cultivation method.

   However, the incomplete version made Ling Xiao see it. These two great powers are really created based on the ancestral dragon mystery and the white tiger mystery, so the dragon and tiger double holy can only display the power of mystery fusion.

Ling Xiao, Ye Qingcheng and Feng Qingyang greeted each other for a moment, and they were ready to leave here and go to the thunderous sea deep in the void of Fengqingyang knew that there was a sky hidden in the sea When it comes to punishment, it is also extremely exciting and exciting.

   If he can get the punishment, he must be able to skyrocket!

"There is a lot of crisis in the Thunder Tribulation Sea, which contains the power of punishment, and the Thunder Spirit is extremely powerful! When you arrive at Thunder Tribulation Sea, you must listen to my command, otherwise you will be blamed. Now!"

   Ye Qingcheng once again instructed Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang, and informed them of their precautions when they went into the sea of ​​Lei.

   Lingxiao and wind Qingyang naturally promised.

   The speed of the three people was extremely fast. Under the leadership of Ye Qingcheng, they avoided the crises of the void and finally came to a very mysterious place.


   The darkness ahead seems to have reached the end. The fierce lightning rises, making the sky violently sway, the endless thunder forms a vast sea, and the sound of mountains and tsunami erupts.

The lightning is extremely dense, like a chain of order gods, and like a waterfall pouring down, exuding extremely fierce fluctuations, the vast law of the road comes, exuding terrifying coercion, like the magnificence of the heavens, as if Able to turn everything into powder.

  Yi Qingcheng took a deep breath, and there was a trace of excitement in her eyes.

   Lei Jiehai, here it is!

  PS: The third stage is over, everyone rests early.

   (End of this chapter)

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