Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2119: Heavenly punishment is the best!

Heavenly punishment is outstanding.

Surrounded by the vast Thunder Sea, the sky above is intertwined with the destruction of Thunder, vaguely forming a mysterious eye, exuding nine colors of light, now staring at Ling Xiao, very indifferent.

There is nothing on the top of the Tianpu Mountain, only the sky-high thunder and the eye above the sky dome with nine-colored light.

"Where is the mystery of heavenly punishment?"

Ling Xiao said to herself, there was no sharp edge among his eyes, and he looked up at the eye above the void.

He had already felt Wu Zi Tian Shu trembling slightly, becoming more and more excited, the mysterious light flashing, oscillating in Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea, and wanted to rush out of Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea.

Ling Xiao didn't stop the movement of Wu Zi Tian Shu, only to see the mysterious light in his eyebrows thinned out, Wu Zi Tian Shu flew out of it.


The wordless heavenly book appeared in the void, bursting into a blazing light in an instant, and the mysterious symbols were intertwined, as if a flame spewed out, and quickly rushed towards the eye above the nine days!


The sky dome seemed to break apart in an instant.

Wu Zi Tian Shu exudes nine colors of divine light, the atmosphere is ancient and mysterious, a kind of horror wave similar to Ji Dao Di Wei explodes, as if wanting to blow up that eye completely.


That eye seemed to be irritated. Thousands of thunders burst out above the sky. Lightning intertwined with mysterious light, just like the law of the road, the symbol rises, and it is necessary to contend with the wordless book.

Wu Zi Tian Shu slowly unfolded in the void, which seemed to have a vast vortex, which swallowed up all the thunder in the sky.

"Is that eye, is it some kind of treasure?"

Ling Xiao shook his heart, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

Being able to contend with Wu Zi Tian Shu without falling into the wind, Ling Xiao has only seen the original demon bone so far, and now this eye can actually compete with Wu Zi Tian Shu, which makes Ling Xiao's heart extremely shaken.

Moreover, the eye in the void trembles slightly, as if it wants to open, and the vast and terrifying extreme divine power escapes from it.


The eyes opened completely.

A fiery ray of light emerged from it, as if the sky and earth were breaking open, and the sky and earth were like a day, and the chaos of the four sides seemed to disappear.

No one can describe the amazing light, even Ling Xiao felt instant blindness and lost any perception in an instant.

A mysterious beam of light, like a punishment from heaven, was shot out of that eye and landed on the wordless book!

The Wordless Heavenly Book trembles violently, and one page unfolds in the void, as if every page contains a world, engulfing all the heavenly punishment and divine light.

Among the eyes, it seemed that there was a sky-burning anger that was thinned out and turned into a fiery symbol, like a bright sun, suppressed by the sky.

Wu Zi Tian Shu rushed straight up to compete with that eye, and the power erupted between each other shocked Ling Xiao.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he saw that there was chaos and mist in that eye, which seemed to be sitting with a figure, although it looked very vague, but it could be seen as a young man.

After the appearance of a figure, the power of that eye became more and more horrible, and the sky-thundering thunder fell, containing endless power of destruction, as if it could suppress the wordless books.

Ling Xiao was afraid that Wu Zi Tian Shu had something wrong, and quickly recalled Wu Zi Tian Shu.


Although Wu Zi Tian Shu was somewhat reluctant, it seemed to feel that the pupil was not easy to provoke and flew back to Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge unwillingly.

Ling Xiao stared intently at the figure in that eye, and there was a feeling in his heart that the young man was just about to wake up!


The thunder rises and chaos pervades in that eye, and an ancient gate suddenly appears, as if leading to a mysterious world.

The figure in the eyes slowly came out of the door!

It was a man who looked flawless, dressed in a chaotic shirt, walking on cloud boots, with a slender figure, skin like jade, and a handsome face.

His eyes seemed to be one with the one in the void, containing the magnificence of Huanghuangtiantian, mysterious, majestic, indifferent and incompetent.

The whole of him exudes a kind of lingering temperament, bathed in the sky of thunder, like Emperor Linchen!


Ling Xiao's eyes were shocked, revealing an unbelievable look, and his eyes were unmatched, as if they could pierce the sky!

He didn't expect that he would see the emperor here, although it was only a real thing!

"Ant ants, do you recognize me?"

Tian Zi gave Ling Xiao a faint look, his eyes calm and deep, and his expression was indifferent, as if he hadn't put Ling Xiao in his eyes at all.

"I naturally recognize you, but I am afraid that you can't recognize me in this way! You should hand over the secret technique of heaven punishment, otherwise don't blame me!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly

He could see that the power of the Tianzi Dao body was extremely powerful, and appeared in that ancient portal more like a kind of guardian. Ling Xiao guessed that the Tian Zi Dao body was likely to know the whereabouts of the Heavenly Penalty Secret.

"You are hostile to me, so I'm afraid that you have some grudges with my body! It is easy to get the punishment of heavenly punishment, just beat me! But because of your hostility, I have decided to kill here You! ants, how do you want to die?"

The emperor said lightly.

"Kill me? You are as arrogant as ever! What's more, today I am going to cut you off, a bit of interest first!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were filled with coldness, ready to start.

Although he doesn't know why Tianzi Daoshen is, as long as he knows that defeating Tianzi Daoshen can get the secret of Heavenly Punishment, that's enough.

Ling Xiao's fiery thunder rose around him and walked towards the emperor step by step. The vitality in the body began to accumulate and climb towards the peak!

"The ants are the ants, I am the emperor of heaven, the heavens and the world, and I am alone! Do you want to hit the stone with eggs? I will complete you!"

The emperor said indifferently, his voice was like a vast thunder, as if he could penetrate everything, and it was terrifying.


There was a thunder rising around Tianzi, red orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black and white, and nine-color thunder. It finally gathered around him, forming a chaotic thunder, which made his momentum more and more terrifying.

The emperor at this moment is like an emperor who controls the punishment of heaven.


The momentum erupted by Ling Xiao and Tian Zi was like substance, and they collided violently, arousing a tremendous wave of divine light!

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