Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2122: Eyes of punishment!

The punishment was so high that Ye Qingcheng and Feng Qingyang finally saw the figure in the battle with Ling Xiao. Both of them couldn't help but startled, and their eyes were full of shock.

"That's... the emperor?!"

Emperor Tianzi is famous among the ancient chaotic land, but it is the most dazzling ancient arrogance. None of them is even known as the most promising person to be chosen by the heavens. Ye Qingcheng and Fengqingyang naturally recognize him.

They did not expect that the people who fought against Ling Xiao turned out to be emperors.

"It's not the real body of the emperor, just a real body! Legend has it that the emperor has broken the limit three times and has reached the realm of heaven. If his real body is here, I am afraid that Ling Xiao is not necessarily his opponent!"

Ye Qingcheng said slowly.

"Is it just such a horrible thing? The gap is too big! Don't know if Ling Xiao is his opponent?"

Feng Qingyang smiled bitterly, and felt a sense of frustration in his heart.

The power of the emperor makes every person who sees him feel desperate. Even even many powerful arrogants, the legendary ancient demon, are eclipsed by the emperor's light.


In the void, the blazing divine light bloomed, Ling Xiao evolved the four emperor soldiers' brand with the fighting battle of Tiangong, broke out the peerless supernatural power, and collided with the emperor's sword.

This is the ultimate collision, there is no coincidence, but a countermeasure of absolute power, Ling Xiao has begun desperately, and the Heavenly Man Emperor Sword makes him feel an indescribable fatal threat.

In the end, the emperor sword of the Heavenly Daoist and the four emperor soldiers were annihilated at the same time!

"Do you fight for Tiangong? The evolution of Fighting Tiangong with the four emperors and soldiers can indeed exert the powerful fighting power of Fighting Tiangong, but foreign objects are foreign objects after all, and only your own strength is eternal!"

The emperor flew out, the figure was a bit bleak, but the look was still very indifferent, said lightly.

After all, what he left behind was just a Taoist body. The display of the Heavenly Daoist Emperor Sword and other killing treasures made his own loss too great, and he lost a lot of power.

However, Tianzi has some regrets. After all, it is not an ontology. Otherwise, if the Emperor Sword of the Heavenly Daoist is cast with the power of the ontology, even if he cannot kill Ling Xiao, he can be hit hard.

"The Emperor Sword of Heavenly Dao is indeed very strong! But it is not strong enough to be able to run across the world. Heavenly Son, today I will cut off your Taoist body!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, although his face was a little pale, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.


His whole body was full of energy and blood, and the sound of Longyin exploded. Every step he took made the heavens shake, and the whole body exuded a vast momentum.

The imprints of the four emperor soldiers manifested once again, floating above his head, and the tripods, knives, guns, and swords floated up and down, vomiting the spirit of the world, and breathing in horror.

Although he was destroyed by a single blow with the Emperor Sword of the Heavenly Emperor, Ling Xiao also had to dare to open the horror of the Emperor Sword of the Heavenly Emperor, but Ling Xiao practiced the fighting battle of Tiangong to the state of Dacheng, and now he struggled to pay a great price, but also Once again urge the fighting to fight Tiangong, killing the emperor!

"Cut my way? I'm afraid you don't have this qualification yet! Don't you want the punishment of heavenly punishment? Then I will let you know today what the real heavenly punishment is!"

The emperor said indifferently that there was a chaotic beam of light in his eyes, which was extremely fierce.


As his voice just fell, the Quartet's emptiness trembleed suddenly, and a thunder surged out of his body. The emperor rose from the sky, filled with chaos, and the whole body was blazing with thunder, which contained the vast power of Thunder Dao.

The emperor seemed to be the resurgence of the Thunder Emperor, and every move contained the unpredictable Tianwei!

In the void, red, black, white, silver, gold... All kinds of thunder intertwined, and finally formed a huge eye.

Ling Xiao felt a shock in his heart. Although the eye didn't open, the eye made him feel a strong sense of crisis.

At the same time, Ling Xiao's Wu Zi Tian Shu was excited again, and became extremely hot, as if he encountered a supreme delicacy that was difficult to seduce.

"The Eye of Heaven's Punishment!"

As the indifferent voice of the Son of Heaven sounded, the eyes opened in an instant!

Just like the sky, the endless chaotic light bloomed, the fierce thunder enveloped the four-sided sky dome, and a nine-color thunder shot out of that eye, just like a supreme swordman traversing nine days, shooting straight towards Lingxiao !

When the nine-color thunder came, it seemed that time and space were still static. The mysterious power sealed off the Sifangtiandi, only to see that gorgeous nine-color thunder became brighter and closer.

Ling Xiao seemed to be locked in his body, even without the slightest resistance, he let the nine-color thunder shoot directly into his eyebrows.


The explosion of lightning in the sky, the huge earthquake in the world, and hundreds of millions of lightning turned into chaos, this moment will completely submerge Ling Xiao!

"It turned out to be the eye of heaven's punishment? The legendary **** punishment's supreme supernatural power?"

Ye Qingcheng was shocked, his whole body was trembling, and there was an extremely worried look in his eyes.

The eye of heaven punishment is the supreme supernatural power of heaven punishment, contains the origin of thunder, it is part of the incarnation of heaven, has the supreme power, can kill everything, there is no way to contend, can wipe out all vitality .

Ye Qingcheng couldn't imagine it. How could Ling Xiao contend with the punishment of heaven?

"This guy, won't he die like this?"

Feng Qingyang is also unbelievable, with a suspicious look on his face.

He always felt that Ling Xiao could not die so easily. After all, the psychological shadow caused by Ling Xiao was too strong, and he always felt that Ling Xiao might have other ways to turn over.

"Everything is over! The ants, the secret punishment technique is not what you can covet!"

Tianzi's expression was indifferent. Although his figure became more and more illusory, he was still in a high posture.

He glanced at Ye Qingcheng and Feng Qingyang, ignoring them both, and then took a step forward. He would disappear above the heavenly penalty and re-enter the thunder above the sky.

"Who said everything is over?"

Suddenly, a light but calm voice sounded, causing the figure of the emperor to startle and could not help turning booming!

Amidst the sky of thunder, Ling Xiao was dressed in white, Sheng Xue, and his black hair was flying, walking out of it. He was bathed in a horrible thunder, but he seemed to be unable to cause any harm to him.

And Ling Xiao's eyebrows glowed, the nine-color thunder seemed to be swallowed by some kind of existence, the light shook slightly, and disappeared instantly.

Ling Xiao blasted towards Tianzi, the sound of Long Yin and Thunder exploded at the same time, the golden glow of the sky converged into an invincible fist print, and suddenly fell on Tianzi's body!

"How can this be?"

Tian Zi's indifferent face finally showed a trace of consternation, as if he could hardly believe all this in front of him.

But his power at this moment has also been exhausted to the extreme. At this moment, there is no way to resist Ling Xiao's punch. With a shocked look on his face, the whole person was bombed by Ling Xiao's punch and exploded into a bright light rain!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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