Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2125: Demon Emperor Grave!

"Million Demon Mountain?"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flickered with fine eyes, looked up into the distance, and found mountains rising from the ground, exuding an ancient and majestic atmosphere, filled with bright lights of various colors, it looks very strange.

   From afar, those mountains turned out to be like graves, filled with a vast death air, as if burying countless demon powers!

Ling Xiao practiced the mysteries of life and death, so he discovered the strangeness of this place at a glance. The death gas here is extremely rich, but in the endless death gas, there is an indelible vitality, as if There is a kind of terrifying existence.

"Million Demon Mountain also has a name called Demon Emperor Grave! It is rumored that a demon emperor was buried here, resulting in changes in the millions of miles of mountains and rivers here, forming a mysterious ancient cemetery, ancient times Countless demon clan powers will choose to be buried here! Legend has it that life and death gathered here is a domain of life and death. If buried here for a long time, it may be possible to die and resurrect!"

   Feng Qingyang said slowly.

   "Resurrection from the dead? How can it be so easy! Even if it is resurrected from the dead, I am afraid that the corpse has produced spiritual wisdom for some reason, and it is no longer the original person!"

   Ling Xiao shook his head.

"It’s just a legend. I don’t know if anyone died and resurrected, but there are treasures and inheritances left by countless powerful people. There will often be people who come here to find treasure! Opportunity and danger coexist here, passing through the tomb of the demon emperor. Is the holy city of demon races!"

   Feng Qingyang smiled slightly.

   "Let's go! Demon Emperor's Tomb We can find some time to explore it again. Now let's go to the demon holy city first!"

   Ling Xiao nodded and said.

   Although the strangeness of the Tomb of the Demon Emperor made him also curious, at this moment he most hoped that he could rush to the Holy City of the Demon Race in time to find Xuewei and the White Dragon Horse.

   Swoosh! Whoosh!

   Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang skimmed towards the depths of the Demon Emperor's Tomb. They all converged their breath. They didn't want to disturb the horror of the Demon Emperor's Tomb, and wanted to pass through the Demon Emperor's Tomb unharmed.

   The speed of the two of them was extremely fast, and they quickly crossed hundreds of thousands of miles to the depths of the Tomb of the Demon Emperor.


   In the depths of the Tomb of the Demon Emperor, the weather is more and more striking, and a dazzling divine light rises from the sky. The huge mountain looks like a tomb, exuding endless death.

   Ling Xiao can feel that among those mountains, there seems to be some extremely terrifying breath, which can be recovered at any time, exuding the fluctuation of power that makes people feel throbbing.


   Mountains, there are powerful beast roar coming, ancient and mysterious, like some kind of ancient and strange sound, containing a fierce and monstrous atmosphere.


   Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and suddenly found a group of powerful figures hidden in a **** in front of him.

  Although those people performed a powerful technique of concealing their breath and covered up their breath, they still could not hide Ling Xiao's perception.

   "Go and see!"

Ling Xiao saw that they were a dozen strong men with nine turns and half holy sages. They wore black robes, their faces were extremely cold, and their strengths were unmatched. They formed a mysterious battle line with each other and blocked the mountain. Of a cave.

  Every one of them is very alert. The breath in the body is as strong as the sea, very terrifying, and the look is very cold, as if they want to catch something.

   The most important thing is that Ling Xiao can feel that the majestic demon in their body, these dozen people are all demon strong!

   "These guys, what kind of baby did they find? Hey, the cruel and cunning of the demon clan, if we encounter any baby, we simply grab it!"

   Feng Qingyang's eyes lit up, hehe smiled, and said with some eagerness to try.

   "Look first and talk!"

   Ling Xiao's figure flashed, the whole person was hidden in the void, and flew silently towards that mountain!


   At this moment, a cave surrounded by dozens of powerful people suddenly rushed out of a white streamer, and the speed reached the extreme, like lightning.

   "Come out! Grab it!"

   "Never let it run this time!"

   "Must catch this evil animal alive and bring it to the young master!"

   Dozens of powerful demon clan shouted, the eyes were full of extremely cold killing intentions!


   Just as the white streamer rushed out of the cave, a bright rune lit up in the void, and suddenly a large net fell from the sky, and the golden light shining brightly shrouded the white shadow.

  At the same time, in the palm of each of the dozen or so demon clan strongmen, there is a black demon light emitted, just like the divine light pillar, exuding monstrous grief and murderous opportunity!

Among them, the twelve demon clan strongmen seem to be transformed into twelve ancient gods and demons in a flash, with a terrifying and mysterious breath. The divine light pillar interweaves in the void, distorting the void, and forming a vastness directly Formation space!

   "Sinister, I think where are you going this time?"

Headed by a young man, wearing a black armor, holding a black war knife, the whole body was full of anger, and his eyes were cold and staring, staring at the white shadow. ~Click!

As if there was a sound of dragon chant exploding in the void, the void shook in an instant, and the four heavenly vaults were shaking. The white shadow imprisoned by the golden net burst into a sudden burst of unparalleled divine power, and directly turned the golden one. The nets are torn.

   A very beautiful white horse came out with a sniffing nose. It had pure white hair and no trace of motley. It looked as silky as silk, and its four hoofs exuded mysterious fluctuations, as if it could break the void at any time.

   looked at the demon clan strongman in disdain and said: "Only you, want to seize the seat? Really not self-confident!"

   "White Dragon Horse?"

   Ling Xiao's eyes were shocked, and he suddenly showed a look of extreme surprise.

   He did not expect that he would encounter a white dragon horse in this demon emperor's grave, and it seems that the white dragon horse started to provoke trouble, otherwise it would not cause more than a dozen demon clan strongmen to chase it down at the same time.

"Dirty beast, I know you can travel through the void! But the twelve gods are in great formation, but the young master prepared them for you. I want to see how you can escape from the twelve gods in great formation today. ?"

  Black armor youth sneered.

   "The twelve capitals are in a big formation? Even the heavens and the earth can't be trapped in this seat, is it a bad formation in your area?"

   White Dragon Horse's disdainful smile, the streamer flashed at the moment, and the void suddenly trembles, it disappeared directly in front of everyone, and the next moment I want to shuttle the void and escape directly!

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