Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2135: War guardian!

Seeing the hesitant look of Jiuyang Demon Saint, the young demon master sneered: "Master Jiuyang Demon Saint, would you have to be afraid that a young Master An could not succeed? His strength can't control the demon anymore. Clan Holy City! Today you cut Long Aotian, I will give you a seven-turn big golden pill!"

"The Seventh Great Saint Golden Pill? Is this serious?"

Jiuyang Yaosheng's eyes lit up. ? WwW.suimeng.lā

The seven-turn Great Saint Golden Pill is the supreme Holy Pill, which contains vast laws of heaven and can help the saints break through to the Great Saint. Firmly in his hands!

He did not expect that there would be such a treasure as Seven-turn Great Saint Jindan.

"Of course! I'm a demon, you can trust the reputation of the demon emperor if you do it?"

The young demon lord smiled proudly.

"Reliable, of course!"

Jiuyang Yaosheng smiled slightly, then turned to look at the old man and said: "Mun En Daoyou, if you can give me a seven-turn big Saint Jindan, how can I let Long Aotian go? Believe a seven It shouldn’t be difficult for Master An to switch to Great Saint Jindan!"

Hearing the words from Jiuyang Yaosheng, the face of Young Master Yao became instantly ugly, and an old blood almost came out.

After all, Jiuyang Yaosheng still has some fears about Young Master An. He even prefers to accept Master An's seven-turn Great Saint Jindan, which makes Master Tianya very embarrassed.

"Jiuyang Daoyou, I think it's good to be content with Changle, what do you think? Although a seven-turned Great Golden Pill is nothing for Master An, he doesn't plan to give it to you, so you can't want it! "

The old man Mu En smiled faintly.

"Since that is the case, don't blame me for not giving face to Master An Shao! Long Aotian killed the law enforcers of my demon holy city and must die!"

The look of Jiuyang Yaosheng also became cold, and said lightly.

"Brother Jiuyang, I hope you won't regret it!"

Mu En shook his head.

"What? Brother Mu En wants to make two moves with him?"

Jiuyang Yaosheng's eyes were cold, showing a fierce light.

"In this holy city of demon races, I'm not your opponent, so I won't do it with you! Today I'm just talking for Master An, if you insist on doing it, please do it!"

Mu En said lightly, and then fell directly, standing on a hill, closing his eyes slightly, he didn't really intend to intervene in this matter.

With regard to Mu En's attitude, Ling Xiao also felt a little surprised. Mu En's cultivation was unfathomable, his breath was powerful and unmatched, not weaker than Jiuyang Demon Saint, and he should also be a saint-level strong man.

He just whispered a word to Jiuyang Yaosheng, and then stood aside with nothing to do with himself, and did not intend to control it in the end.

Mu En's attitude made Ling Xiao more and more curious about the identity of Master An.

"Long Aotian, didn't expect you to recognize Master An? No wonder you are so fearless! However, even Master An can't save you today, die!"

Jiuyang Yaosheng was completely angry, and the murderous opportunity filled his eyes, and he instantly shot Ling Xiao!


He took a step, the vastness of the whole body rose, and suddenly turned into a huge handprint in the void and shot towards Ling Xiao.

At the same time, the blazing flames of Jiuyang Yaosheng's body rose like a red fire snake, winding from all directions towards Lingxiao.

Ling Xiao can feel the vigorous vitality in the body of Jiuyang Yaosheng, and he dare not be indifferent. He also directly shot.


Ling Xiao directly erupted the most powerful power of the flesh, and the vast golden energy of the whole body rose into a mysterious dragon shape in the void.

The sound of Longyin shook the sky, Ling Xiao punched toward Jiuyang Demon Saint, urged the fist of Heavenly Emperor with the ancestral dragon secret technique, and gave Ling Xiao this invincible power fluctuation. ..


The violent shock of the void, Ling Xiao punched the huge palm print with a punch, and then collided with the flames of the sky, the blazing divine light thinned, and the flames all burst apart.


Ling Xiao's eyes were fierce and unmatched. In the face of the powerful and unmatched Jiuyang Demon Saint, without any fear, he directly exploded into the power of Xeon.

He can feel that the strength of Jiuyang Yaosheng is extremely powerful, far exceeding the strength of the heaven and earth. It should be equivalent to the strength of the strength of the heaven and earth. Also, after understanding the laws of the Dadao, there is a vast amount of power between the shots. Tianwei, the terrifying strength.

But Ling Xiao knows that this is not the strongest combat strength of Jiuyang Yaosheng. Jiuyang Yaosheng is the guardian of the demon holy city, and it is the most terrifying killer in charge of the demon holy city. That is the most frightening. the power of!

boom! boom! boom!

Ling Xiao exploded hundreds of fists in an instant, and the golden fist marks lingered with chaos, as if hundreds of mysterious world shadows had been formed, and they were cracked down toward the Nine Yang Yaosheng.

The flames of Jiuyang Yaosheng's body rose, and the laws of the avenues were intertwined, turning into bright suns, competing with Ling Xiao's fist prints, breaking all the world apart.

The speed of Ling Xiao and Jiuyang Yaosheng are extremely fast, leaving a residual image in the void, like a gold and a red and two bright light groups colliding, each blow is like a sky cracking, containing destruction The power of heaven and earth fluctuates.

"This Long Aotian's strength is so horrible, can he fight against Jiuyang Demon Jihad?"

Everyone was shocked.

Hundreds of rounds passed, the battle between Ling Xiao and Jiuyang Yaosheng didn't even fall, and there were signs of evenly looming.

Especially Ling Xiao's flesh is powerful and unmatched, and it can almost tear the world. The chaotic fist prints are overbearing, and the fist prints are in the sky and sky. impression.

Even if Ling Xiao had beheaded dozens of law enforcers one after another, he didn't have a strong impact on everyone at this moment!

"The cultivation of Nine Turns and Half Saints is Without the promotion to the heaven and earth, you have the fighting power comparable to the saints. This talent is really evil!"

Someone exclaimed.

"Huh! Even if you can contend with Lord Jiuyang Demon Saint in a short time? Lord Jiuyang hasn't used real power. The defeat of Long Aotian is only a matter of time!"

"Yes! The reason why the guardians are guardians is not their own power, but the powerful power given by the Holy City!"

"Hey, what a pity! A peerless demon of the human race, I am afraid that this will fall..."

Everyone said that after a short shock, most people still think that Ling Xiao is not the opponent of Jiuyang Yaosheng, and I am afraid that he will eventually die.

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early. In addition, a quiz with prizes, the brothers guess who is Master An? You can post the answer in the book review section of this chapter. The top ten correct people can get a reward of 500 coins. The correct answer will be announced tomorrow. You can join the reader group to find the administrator to receive the reward.

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