Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2137: 9 Yoyosei Tenkou!

No one thinks that Ling Xiao will be the opponent of Jiuyang Yaosheng, and even some people think that as long as Jiuyang Yaosheng takes a shot, Ling Xiao can be suppressed immediately!

"Does this guy really want to imitate those people, kill law enforcement and guardians, and turn the demon holy city into a chaotic city?"

Feng Qingyang's eyes widened and he couldn't help laughing. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā

If Ling Xiao told him before that he could kill the law enforcers and guardians and turn the demon holy city into a chaotic city, then he would definitely sneer, but now seeing the scene in front of him has shaken his heart.

He became more and more curious, and Ling Xiao seemed to have no limit. No matter what kind of opponent he met, he could make him stronger and stronger!

"Huh! This Long Aotian is just a little stronger than the flesh. Jiuyang Yaosheng hasn't really shot, but he is just testing his flesh. When Jiuyang Yaosheng is really shot, there is no need to mobilize the power of the Holy City. , Long Aotian is also mortal!"

Reincarnation Saint Child sneered.

"From the moment he killed the law enforcer, he was destined to die today!"

The demon young master also said indifferently.

He has been in the demon holy city for so long, naturally knowing the strength of Jiuyang demon holy, even if he has many life-saving means and cards, but in front of Jiuyang demon holy, there is still no chance of winning.

Although he was also very shocked in his heart, why Ling Xiao has such a strong physical body, knowing that it is stronger than the physical body of many demon clan powerful people, but he still believes that the result cannot be changed, Ling Xiao will be defeated!

"A real power?"

After hearing the words of Reincarnation Son and Young Master Demon, everyone couldn't help but feel awkward.

Jiuyang Yaosheng can sit on one side of the holy city and take charge of the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people. How could this power be the only thing? Perhaps really as the reincarnation Saint Child and the Sky Demon Master said, Jiuyang Yaosheng did not explode with real power.


As if to prove everyone's ideas, the horrible breath of Jiuyang Yaosheng's body rose, and the endless flame spread out in the void in an instant.

"Long Aotian, I have to admit that your physical body is indeed very strong, maybe you are indeed talented in the process of body training! But you don't understand what real power is! Today, I will let you know!"

The immense momentum of Jiuyang Demon Saint's body erupted, the flame was fierce and unmatched, twisted like a thunder, forming a very mysterious scene.

And Jiuyang Yaosheng's black hair was flying, and even bright sun emerged around him. Every sun was like a huge mountain. Nine suns floated in the void, filling the sky dome. Seems to be able to burn everything.

The people watching the battle felt the horror from the body of Jiuyang Yaosheng Zhou, and they all couldn't help but look pale, their eyes full of awe.

Is Jiuyang Yaosheng finally going all out?

"Noisy! Fight to fight, where is there so much nonsense?"

Ling Xiao sneered with a sneer. The body of the dragon was vast and the endless golden rays of light burst out. He was like a rainbow, punching like a dragon, and took the lead in attacking the nine-yang demon holy.

Ling Xiao's blood was boiling, and the battle with Jiuyang Yaosheng made him feel great pressure, but the more such, the more he could inspire a strong fighting intention in his heart.

Ling Xiao can feel that every particle in his body is excited, the blood in his body is boiling, the bones are undergoing a mysterious change, the flesh exudes chaotic and immortal luster, the primordial spirit is crystal clear, the avenue in the body is true The vastness is unmatched, and the mental power seems to be able to cover the entire chaotic ancient land.

Unconsciously, Ling Xiao seems to have risen to the extreme of the whole person's momentum, and the whole person's breath has also become flawless. With only one opportunity, he can break the limit and enter another mysterious realm.

This is a blessing to the soul, and Ling Xiao feels the direction of the breakthrough. There is no way to describe it in language, but Ling Xiao knows that if he misses today, it may take longer to break through again!

So, he took the initiative to attack!


The mighty fist print, filled with chaotic light, formed the phantom of the golden dragon, and it was tough and overbearing, and it seemed to be able to devour everything. This fist actually came alive, making people feel vaguely like a living Shenlong, but like a vast world, all inclusive.

Ling Xiao took Zulong's Secret Technique and Swallowing Heaven's Secret Technique as the foundation, thoroughly mobilized the power of Heavenly Emperor's Fist!

Ling Xiao's 108,000 pores around him seemed to be spraying endless divine light at the same time. It was like 18,000 real dragons burst into the sound of the dragon chanting at the same time, allowing Ling Xiao to accumulate a kind of The general trend can suppress everything!

It's difficult to say, but it actually happened between the electric light and flint, and a vast trend has been suppressed towards Jiuyang Yaosheng!


Jiuyang Yaosheng's face changed, and he did not expect that Ling Xiao could explode such a powerful force. This is a real power for the application of the law of the Dao and the comprehension of heaven and earth. Borrow the power of heaven and earth and be indestructible!

It is impossible to hide.

Moreover, with the dignity of Jiuyang Yaosheng, it is impossible for him to dodge, he must face this blow!


A vast and mysterious roar burst from the mouth of Jiuyang Yaosheng, as if it were the first monster in the ancient times, and the endless shouts and cheers erupted, which is the gratitude and excitement for life, hidden The true meaning of the most original road.

One by one the sun manifested in the body of Jiuyang Demon Saint, as if they were superimposed together in an instant, the nine mysterious flames merged, exuding a wave of power that destroyed all.

He pushed the nine dazzling suns horizontally, like the supreme ruler of this side of the world, and the horizontal air suppressed towards Ling Xiao!

"This is... Jiuyang's world-killing power?!"

The demon young master was There was a dignified look in his eyes.

Jiuyang Destroying Tiangong can be said to be the most powerful force of Jiuyang Demon Saint. It contains the true meaning of the World Destruction Avenue. The horror is terrible. I did not expect Ling Xiao to force Jiuyang Destroying the Heavenly Deeds!

The suns are all transformed by the true meaning of the avenue, which can burn the world and destroy the human life, and destroy the soul of the people. It is the most powerful means of the Jiuyang Demon Saint.

Even Ling Xiao could feel the dangerous breath contained in those nine suns.


Ling Xiao took a scream, and his eyes were unmatched, with a look of incomparable decay, a terrifying arrogance all over his body, a vast fist of stamps crashing together with Jiuyang Yaosheng! ..


It was like a sky and a crack, a bright sun exploded and turned into a chaotic avenue law, directly covering Ling Xiao!

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