Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2140: 9 Yang Xue Ling Emperor Technique!

"what happened?!"

The young demon master and the reincarnation son both exclaimed, their eyes full of unbelievable looks.

They originally thought that the Jiuyang Yaosheng urged the power of the demon holy city. The power of the ancient Zhoutian stars and large arrays must be able to directly kill Ling Xiao, but they did not expect that the Jiuyang Yaosheng has not yet A large burst of power broke out, and Ling Xiao was hit hard with a punch!

"Zhou Tianxing is in a big formation, sealed by some kind of power! Damn, who is doing it?"

There was a mysterious light flashing in the eyes of the young demon master, as if he could penetrate the void, as if seeing something wrong, he could not help but be shocked.

"What?! The power of heaven and heaven was exerted by the power of heaven and heaven. Even the Great Saint was hard to shake. Who can seal the power of Zhou and stars?"

Reincarnation of the Son is also completely shocked.

Yu Guang, the young master of the demon, suddenly glanced at the old Muen standing beside him, and suddenly thought of something in his heart, he could not help but sneered: "I know who it is! Master An, I didn't think he sent this Muen before Come to fool a shot, he dare to seal the Zhou Tianxing Dazhen? He really thinks that Zhou Tianxing Dazhen is so good to seal?"

"Master An? I'm afraid he doesn't have the power to seal Zhou Tianxing's big formation?"

Sacred Son of Reincarnation said with some uncertainty.

He has also heard of the reputation of Master An, who is not weaker than the Young Master in the Demon Realm. He is tied with the Tianjiao of the Five-Family Divine Beast family and is known as the seed of the Demon Realm. Its strength is extremely terrifying.

However, Lord An Shao did not prove to be holy, and with the strength of the Three Realms, it was impossible to seal the Zhou Tianxing formation.

"He doesn't have the power to seal Zhou Tianxing's large array, but it does not rule out that he has other treasures or secrets. No matter what, his relationship with this Long Aotian is definitely not ordinary! He wants to save the Long Aotian, I can't but Let him do what we want. Let's go together and slaughter this Long Aotian. He will definitely be repulsed by Zhou Tianxing's array by then!"

The young demon sneered a sneer, his eyes full of cold murderous intention.

"Okay! I have long seen this Long Aotian discomfort. The Fan Tianyin in his hand is not simple, and there are fighting battles. If you can force it out, it will definitely increase our strength!"

Sacred Son of Reincarnation also said coldly.

"What are you waiting for? Kill it!"

The demon young master said in a cold voice, and took the lead towards Ling Xiao!


The celestial demon master is enchanted, the eyes are as cold as iron, and the ten thousand sword pots emit a boundless light, and a sword light shoots out of it, and suddenly a valiant sword is condensed in the void, as mighty as possible. Separate the world.

The spirit of the young demon master is extremely fierce, the whole person seems to be in control of the supreme sword, and the supreme power can be exploded in his hand!

The gigantic Jiangang boomed down towards Ling Xiao!

At the same time, Reincarnation Son also shot.

The flame in his left hand rises, a blazing sun emerges, the right hand is filled with anger, and a mysterious moon emerges. The sun and the lunar intertwined, endlessly forming each other, forming a vast reincarnation divine light, and suddenly toward Ling Come on!

The shots of Celestial Demon Master and Reincarnation Son are extremely decisive and fierce, and everyone did not expect that both of them will rush out of the killer at this time.


Ling Xiao's eyes flickered. He had planned to kill Jiuyang Demon Saint directly, but he didn't expect the young demon master and the reincarnation Saint Son to come.

"Long Aotian, die!"

"Today, no one can save you!"

The young demon celestial lord and the reincarnation son are sneering, the killing intention in the eyes is like the substance.

"It's up to you?"

Ling Xiao said coldly that the fiery blood around him rose, and the sound of Longyin broke out, as if he could tear this side of the sky, making his breath more terrifying, as if rising to the extreme.


Ling Xiao exerted his fighting power, and the four emperor soldiers above his head were branded ups and downs, and in an instant the sky was slain towards the demon master and saint son!

The imprints of the four emperor soldiers were suspended above his head, leaving Ling Xiao surrounded with a blazing divine light, and there was almost a force that could not be invaded, which made him possess unpredictable Tianwei.


Ling Xiao raised his arm and slashed out with a palm knife. The seven-killing knife above his head burst into immeasurable light. He was so angry that he suddenly collided with the gigantic Jiangang. ..

The flame rises in his palm, Yan Emperor Ding blooms unparalleled divine power, Dingkou has endless divine light ascends, exudes a powerful swallowing power, slammed that reincarnation divine light, and then completely Devoured.

Ling Xiao exerted the power of fighting battle power, and the whole momentum was tremendous. At the same time, he was fighting against the young master of the demon and the saint son of reincarnation.

"Damn it! Who is doing it? Dare to cut off the power of Zhou Tianxing's large array, I want to make you die!"

Jiuyang Yaosheng is also completely mad, and his eyes are full of monstrous murderous intentions.

Zhou Tianxing's large array is his most powerful force, so that he has the strength to suppress all things, but now this power has been sealed by people. Although he does not know who it is, it makes Jiuyang Demon Saint incomparable. Panic.

"Long Aotian, it's all about you, I want you to die without burial!"

Jiuyang Yaosheng glanced at Ling Xiao with a bitter look, and a terrifying breath rose all over his body, and a roaring roar broke out in his mouth.


Like the ancient beasts roaring the world, ancient and mysterious, it made people palpitate. I saw the endless fairy light of Jiuyang Yaosheng's body rising, and the blood turned in a flash, which directly turned into a huge monster!

It looks like a cow and a tiger, with wings on its back, covered with fierce scale armor, with a huge one-horned head, a terrifying **** body, and a pair of blood-red eyes like a blood moon. It makes people tremble, as if the whole person is frozen.

The ancient fierce beast is very is born!

"No, these guys are so shameless, dare to besiege Ling Xiao? Kill them!"

Bailongma snorted coldly, staring at the big bell-like eyes.


Xue Wei and Feng Qingyang were both cold-eyed and killed together with Bailongma, wanting to help Ling Xiao share a little pressure, but those law enforcement officers under the Jiuyang demon saint have been prepared at the moment, they are all around He was upset and stopped in front of the three of them.

The extremely fierce war broke out directly.

Although Bailongma, Xuewei and Fengqingyang were extremely anxious, but dozens of law enforcers shot together, even if they couldn't get rid of it in a short time, they could only fight hard.

"With my blood, call the ancient spirits, the demon ancestor is on it, burn the sky and make the sky empty, kill! kill! kill! kill! kill!"

Jiuyang Yaosheng roared with a scream, a blazing divine light rose around him, and a burst of blood burst into the air!

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