Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2147: Life support!

Jiuyang Yaosheng was very suffocated. If he could completely refine the demon seal, the old goat had no chance to seal the power of Zhou Tianxing’s large array, and he would not die so easily in Lingxiao’s hands. .

And now, the demon seal has been completely refined by the old goat, and the old goat has become the new guardian of the holy city of demon!

"Is the Demon Race imprinted, does it contain the luck of the Demon Race? It can be said that this is a treasure of luck. Although it is not an extremely emperor soldier, if it is held in the Holy City of the Demon Race, it will naturally stand on the ground. Lost place! I'm too careless!"

Ling Xiao saw the old goat refining the demon seal, and his eyes showed a hint of enlightenment. At the same time, he felt a little scared.

He finally understood how lucky he was to be able to kill Jiuyang Yaosheng. The reason why the guardian is the guardian is not as simple as Ling Xiao imagined. If Jiuyang Yaosheng holds the demon seal, it will stimulate the power of the demon seal. , I am afraid it is another result.

"However, the demon seal is not just as simple as representing the identity of the guardian!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

When he was just suppressing the demon seal, he felt that the demon seal had a very mysterious and transcendent breath, as if it contained the power of heaven, but it was hidden deep in the demon seal, he didn't feel very clear, But the old goat may understand the role of the demon seal.


The divine light around radiated a bright light, but as the old goat swallowed the demon clan, the light around it slowly dissipated, and the void returned to calm.

"An An!"

Ling Xiao looked at the familiar figure of the old goat, watched him slowly open his eyes, his eyes showed a smile, and shouted softly.

The old goat was shocked, his eyes were excited, it seemed that there was a crystal liquid overflowing, but he was evaporated by him in an instant, and he suddenly rushed towards Lingxiao, and the huge sheep hoof kicked directly into Lingxiao's head.

The horror power it contains, as if even a mountain can be directly crushed into pieces.

Ling Xiao did not dodge, still looking at the old goat with a smile.

When the huge sheep hoof was kicked in Ling Xiao's head, the violent power instantly dissipated into the invisible, and finally just gently bounced in Ling Xiao's forehead.

"Ling Xiao, you bastard, do you know how worried I am?"

"They all said that you were slaughtered by the old man of Tianzongzong and the Chinese, I don't believe it, but where have you been in these three years?"

"You are an asshole, and I'm so worried about you!"

"Ling Xiao, do you know...I miss you so much!"

The old goat kicked the sky while cursing and yelling, and finally his eyes were red, crying and laughing, which seemed very distressing.

Perhaps, in the heart of the old goat, Ling Xiao has long been regarded as his loved one!

Ling Xiao is also a person who has lived two lives. From the time when he was weak in the first life, until he became a swallowing supreme, all old goats were with him. To some extent, old goats even Jinse appeared. It's still early, they are already brothers and relatives.

When the demon died, the old goat cried very sad. He held Ling Xiao and said he would be alone.

When the demon saint is there, there is still a place for life.

But after all, Ling Xiao was still with the old goat. Two lonely souls nestled in this desolate world. That kind of feeling had already been immersed in the blood and penetrated into the bone marrow.

"Why don't I miss you? Your kid is getting more and more powerful now!"

Ling Xiao hugged the old goat softly, his eyes full of smiles, his eyes red with a smile, a mist appeared, but then disappeared.

Seeing each other more than ten years later, the kind of brotherhood is self-evident.

"Boss, I didn't expect Young Master to have such a brother with whom his life intersects. It seems that the old master knows about it and should look away!"

The old man with white hair sighed, his eyes full of emotion, as if he had thought of something, and he was slightly lost.

"Who said no? The young Master Ling Xiao heard that the young master was having trouble, but he came without saying a word! If he had not beheaded the Jiuyang demon saint, I was afraid that the young master would be in greater trouble! Yunhe, Are you thinking of the youngest?"

Mu En also nodded and glanced at the old man with white hair.

Yun He nodded and shook his head again, his gaze had a hint of hatred: "The third brother died for the young master, and he is also well-deserved! But this hatred is not reported, I swear not to be a man! One day, I will To kill Yunxiao, kill that old thing!"

"Second brother, be careful! The emperor and heaven are in harmony, and they can perceive some things in the dark, but they can't call them by their names! But the young master demon is in the chaotic ancient land, we can find opportunities to kill him first!"

Mu En also sneered.

Yunhe nodded, a little silent.

Xuewei, Bailongma and Fengqingyang all stood aside, and did not disturb Ling Xiao and the old goat, but the eyes of Bailongma and Fengqingyang obviously had envy.

They all understand how rare it is to have a brother who lives and lives in this cold world!

"Lao Goat, I didn't expect that you guys would even cry nose? Hey, Lao Tzu is really good!"

Bai Longma laughed when he saw the old goat and Ling Xiao coming together.

The old goat suddenly slanted his eyes and paced. He looked at Bailongma with some bad intentions and said: "Aren't you itchy? You haven't beaten you for more than ten years, you still look like a beating!"

"Cut! Old goat, it's you? Come here, let your brother Ma teach you how to be a man!"

Bai Longma smiled proudly, very swelled.

He awakened the blood of the Dragon and Tianma races in his body, and his strength also reached the pinnacle of the nine-turn half-sage. In addition, Ling Xiao taught him to move the secret technique and the secret technique of the ancestral dragon, which made his combat power extremely frightening.

Although he can't see the practice of the old goat, but since the old goat is similar to his practice, plus he has a very fast speed, he has naturally stood in an invincible position, so he dare to be so bashful.

After all, was miserable when he was bullied by the old goat when he was in the lower realm. He felt a sigh of relief and wanted to be ashamed!

"Teach me to be a man? Very good!"

The old goat grinned, exposing his white teeth, and then kicked the white horse towards the white dragon with a hoof!

Ling Xiao looked at Bai Longma's eyes with a trace of sympathy. This guy was too ridiculous. He didn't know that the old goat's cultivation practice was far superior to him, even Ling Xiao was stronger.

"Ling Xiao, don't look down on the horse! Today I will teach this guy, who is the boss!"

Bai Longma also felt Ling Xiao's eyes, and immediately felt underestimated, could not help but snorted coldly, and greeted the old goat with a hoof!


There was a mysterious ripple in the Void Shock, and the screams of the White Dragon Horse resounded through the Void in the next moment!


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