Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2155: Onimato!


Around the primordial prince, it seemed that a huge enchantment had formed, covering him with the darkness.

The primordial emperor did not believe in the dark Lingxiao, so the primitive streamer shed a bright light, both to protect him and the dark Lingxiao, but also to monitor the dark Lingxiao.

The primordial stream exudes mighty divine power, swept across the valley towards the valley, and the mighty momentum fell down, as if it could crush everything.


Huge mountains and rocks exploded, and the impermanent imperial formations imprinted on it also shattered and were broken down by the original streamers and became the most original particles.

Around the primordial princes and dark hills, a bright rain of light bloomed, and they bathed in the rain of light, immortal and mysterious, with a mysterious meaning that would not invade.

"Sure enough, it is a broken imperial array. After a long period of time, his strength has weakened a lot, otherwise it is not so easy to break the array!"

The primordial emperor said slowly, primitive streamers overwhelmed the whole valley, and the powerful emperor formations shattered, as if nothing could stop him.

"Sure enough, it's not a real primitive streamer, is it just an imitation?"

Dark Ling Xiao thought secretly, at this moment he observed the primitive streamers at close range, and finally found the difference between the primitive streamers.

Although this primitive streamer exudes powerful Jidao Emperor Wei, it does not have the spirituality of Jidao Emperor soldiers, strictly speaking, it is just an imitation.

After all, the real primitive streamers are the godless soldiers of the primordial devil emperor, and it is impossible to hand them to the primordial emperor.

However, even the imitation of the original streamer is a godless thing, very powerful, and the imperial imperial arrays are all vulnerable and have shattered.

However, it is determined that this is not a true original streamer, and the plan of Dark Lingxiao can also be implemented!

boom! boom! boom!

When the primordial emperor and dark hill entered the valley, suddenly the earth shook violently, and a black magic vine shot from the depths of the ground, like a sword, traversing toward the primordial emperor and dark hill. Shot.


The eyes of the primordial emperor dimmed. The black magic vine was so strange that he didn't even recognize him, but his power was terrifying. The vine seemed to be able to pierce the sky, and contained a wave of terror that would destroy everything.


The boundary between the primordial emperor and the dark Lingxiao trembles violently, and ripples appear, as if they are about to break apart at any time.

"court death!"

In the eyes of the primordial emperor, the murderous intention flashed, and the primordial stream burst into immeasurable light, and a black primitive magic flame burst into flames, directly covering all the magic vines and starting to burn.

Those magic vines are struggling violently, as if they are spiritual, and even black grease has overflowed from the magic vines, forming a grim grimace pattern, and the eyes are full of resentment.


The magic vines were suddenly burned to ashes by the original magic flame!

"This is... ghost demon vine?! How can there be ghost demon vine here? Ling Xiao, do you dare to lie to me?"

The primordial emperor's eyes were full of shocked expression, his face became extremely ugly, and he suddenly looked at the dark Ling Xiao and said.

Ghost Demon Vine is a very weird plant that uses the corpse of the Demon Xeon as the nourishment and draws the power from evil to Yin to form the ghost devil vine.

Ghost Demon likes to devour the Demon Clan's strongmen, and is extremely revengeful. Usually they are gathered together in groups of Ghost Demon. If someone kills Ghost Demon, it will be endless with the Ghost Devil. Endless ghost vines chase to death.

Isn't this the place where the Devil Emperor fell? How could there be a ghost demon vine?

There was a trace of innocence in Dark Lingxiao's eyes, just said: "Sir Emperor, I can't enter this valley at all, I can't even break the incomplete Emperor Formation! What's more, if I can enter here, I see I’m afraid I’m dead long ago, so I don’t know there will be ghosts and vines here!”

"Huh! It's best if you say everything is true, otherwise I will make you worse than life!"

The primitive emperor said coldly.

"Sir Emperor, don't worry, how could I deceive you? You think there is a ghost demon vine here, that means there must be a corpse of the Demon Xeon, otherwise it will not breed a ghost demon vine! It may be the body of the Devil Emperor, you should quickly look for the inheritance of the Devil Emperor!"

Dark Lingxiao smiled slightly, as if not worried at all.


As soon as the voice of Dark Lingxiao fell, the earth began to tremble violently, the endless magic light surged, and ghosts and vines flew out of the depths of the ground.

Above those ghosts and devil vines were flashing grimace, full of resentment and murderous intention, staring at the primordial emperor as if he wanted to tear him to pieces.

At the same time, a more terrifying breath erupted from the depths of the earth.

The endless mountain rocks exploded, and a thick ghost-like vine like a mountain rose directly from the ground, like a pillar of heaven, with millions of feet long, as if the sky dome was pierced.

A huge grimace appeared on the sky dome, exuding a breath of breath that made the primordial princes tremble.

It was a kind of throbbing in the depths of Yuanshen.

"Kill my people, you... **** it!"

The mouth of that grimace moved slightly, spitting out a few obscure syllables, the mighty and thunderous, terrifying sky!


At the next moment, all the ghosts and devil vines were rioted, and they came directly across the sky, covering the whole world, and entangled the primordial princes.


The enchantment between the primordial emperor and the dark Lingxiao burst into a sudden And at this moment, the dark Lingxiao is a fine flash in the eyes, and the breath of the whole body instantly dissipates into the invisible The whole person's feet shook and went directly deep into the ground, disappearing above the ground.

The Dark Lingxiao quickly performed the sky-covering mystery technique, completely condensed the breath of the whole body, and then turned it into a very ordinary ghost demon vine, honestly hidden deep in the ground.

I felt that the darkness disappeared directly. At this time, even if the primordial emperor was stupid, he instantly understood it. He may have really fallen into a huge trap, and this trap is inseparable from Ling Xiao. relationship.

"Ah... Lingxiao, I must kill you!"

The original emperor shouted, full of anger and unwillingness, and hated Ling Xiao to the extreme in his heart.

He didn't even think that this kid, who seemed to him to be able to crush easily, even dared to set a trap for him!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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