Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2162: Killing father!

"Caiyi, I am very satisfied with your initiative to dedicate yourself! But you should know that you and Caidie are mysterious bodies of Xuanjia. I can't let you go. As long as you have all been made up, I will not only be able to do it in one fell swoop. Break through to heaven, and even use the cultivation of heaven as a testimony to the invincible saint! By then, the arrogance of the heavens and the world will be stepped on my feet, hahaha..."

That figure burst out with an extremely arrogant laughter, and the voice was full of jokes.

Cai Yi's face instantly became extremely pale.

"Dao Wuxie, you... you are shameless! You said, as long as I promised you, you will let go of the butterfly, you are not talking, I... I will not let you go even if I am a ghost!"

Cai Yi's eyes were full of despair.


A blue and dark dagger appeared in her palm, stab directly at her eyebrows, the speed was extremely extreme, extremely fierce.

Even Ling Xiao was a little touched. She didn't expect Caiyi to be so decisive. She would rather commit suicide than be humiliated by this figure.


However, when the blue dagger was close to Caiyi's eyebrow, it could not move instantly. A colorful lightning was wrapped around Caiyi's arm, which made her numb and the dagger fell down instantly.

"Uhhhh... It's horrible venomous spirit? Didn't expect your temperament to be so fierce? No one has called me Dao Wuxie for many years? But do you think you died before me?"

As soon as the figure beckoned, the blue and dark dagger fell into his palm.


The chaotic air diffused, and the figure slowly came out of the chaotic mist, revealing the true appearance, so Ling Xiao couldn't help but shrink.

It was a young man with a terrible and terrible face. Half of his face was black and black, filled with magic energy, and the other half of his face was completely gone. Only black bones were left. He was wearing a black and white robe. The breath is half holy, half magical, and extremely evil.

As if the holy way and the devil way formed a wonderful balance on him!

"Dao Wuxie... Could it be that he is also a Dao clan? But it seems that he has fallen into the Devil's Dao!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly, guessing the origin of Tao Wuxie.

Caiyi and Caidie were really siblings. This time Caiyi came to dedicate her life and wanted to beg Dao Wuxie to let her sister go, but was rejected by Dao Wuxie.

As for the Xuanjia holy body, Ling Xiao has also heard that it is a most yin to pure physique, and it is also the best double-cultivation holy body. If the woman who can take the Xuanjia holy body, not only can get the Xuanjia holy body The original strength of the body, and it will be greatly increased, directly breaking through the bottleneck.

No wonder Dao Wuxie is unwilling to let go of the colorful clothes and colorful butterflies. The Xuanjia Holy Body is hard to find forever, even those saints will have evil thoughts.

"Dao Wuxie, you must not die! Dao Zun Lord Hero I, how could you give birth to such a bastard? Betray the Dao Clan, surrender to the Demon Clan, and cruelly kill my Dao Clan people, you are not worthy of Dao Zun's son! "

Cai Yi scolded, and his eyes were full of despair.

"Dao Zun's son? Is this Dao Wuxie really a Taoist person?"

With a move in Ling Xiao's heart, he finally knew the origin of this innocence.

Dao Zun is the guardian of the Dao clan. Although Ling Xiao did not see it with his own eyes, according to the description of Wuliang Dao, Dao Zun is an upright hero, which makes Ling Xiao heart-broken.

But Dao Zun's son is like this, which makes Ling Xiao feel incredible.

"Don't mention that old thing to me!"

After hearing these two words of Dao Zun, Dao Wuxie's face changed, his eyes showed endless anger and killing intentions, and he said with a cold voice: "That old thing is stubborn and stubborn! They all say that tiger poison does not Shizi, he has to kill me because of a little thing! Even his family can't protect him. A hypocrite like him is also a guardian of the Dao clan?"

Dao Wuxie almost roared with some hoarseness.

"Dao Wuxie, you still have a face to say Lord Master? If you weren't secretly practicing magic skills, if you weren't a disciple of the Dao Clan, if it wasn't for you, would Master Dao shoot you? Do you blindly resent, But I don’t even know how much Dao Zun secretly paid for you! You are a beast that is not as good as a pig!"

Cai Yiyi's words scolded, her face flushed, and Master Dao Zun has always been regarded as an idol by her. At this moment, Dao Wuxie cursed Master Dao Zun, making her both angry and sad.

Master Dao Zun I, but he had a mean and shameless son!

"I'm not as good as a pig or a dog? I'm a beast? Hahaha... I'm afraid you don't know? The whereabouts of that old thing was what I told the primordial prince, he didn't take me as his son, and I don't have this kind of father, I To let him die, only if he dies, I can become the real master of the Dao Holy City!"

Dao Wuxie roared, his face uncommonly distorted and twisted, his eyes full of vicious looks.

"What?! Master Dao Zun's whereabouts, did you reveal it to the original emperor?"

Cai Yi's face instantly lost any **** color ~ ~ His eyes were full of incredible looks.

Master Dao Zun is Dao Wuxie's father. She never thought that Dao Wuxie turned out to be the culprit that caused Dao Zun to die!

The news shocked her so much that she couldn't believe it.

"Beast! Damn it!"

Ling Xiao is about to be blown up, and his heart is full of monstrous murderous intention!

This Dao Wuxie not only fell into the Devil's Dao, but also made his father's evil deeds. It was simply sensational. For such a sinful and evil thing, Ling Xiao could not wait to kill Dao Wuxie immediately.

But the last trace of reason still stopped him, Ling Xiao still had more important things to do, killing Dao Wuxie was not in a hurry, but in Dao Xiao's heart, Dao Wuxie had already been sentenced to death!

"That old thing should be killed! It's just a pity that Wu Liang's **** didn't die, and it also required me to spend some means to **** the Dao seal from his hands! By then, I'm the true guardian of the Dao, really King! Caiyi, it is your pleasure to be dedicated to me!"

Dao Wuxie grinned. He raised his hand, and suddenly a colorful light rose up in his palm, entwining the color clothes all over, so that the color clothes had no resistance at all.

Cai Yi only has the cultivation practice of the nine-turned half-sage. In front of Dao Wuxie, just like a child, he can only let Dao Wuxie be at his mercy!

"Dao Wuxie, you must not die! I won't let you go if I'm a ghost!"

Cai Yi said angrily, his eyes full of despair.

Now it seems that I am afraid that she can no longer escape Dao Wuxie's devil's claws, but unfortunately she has not been able to save her sister Cai Die!

Cai Yi closed her eyes in despair, and two lines of tears fell silently!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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