Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2164: 2 instrument dust array!

Ling Xiao can feel that this great formation contains the power of terrifying terror. In front of this power, even if it is a saint, I am afraid that it will be annihilated instantly.

Cai Yi was bound by the chain of colorful order gods, floating in the haze of chaos, his face was extremely pale, his eyes were full of despair, and his whole body exuded a temperament that I saw.

Her look was dull, and all hope was lost. Staying here is simply better than death. She only hates her strength is too weak, there is no way to change the fate of their brother and sister.

"Sister, I'm sorry I'm sorry..."

Cai Yi was extremely sad.

But suddenly, a voice suddenly passed into her sea of ​​knowledge.

"Girl in color clothes, are you familiar with Liangyi's dust formation?"

Cai Yi was shocked, and there was a strange expression in her eyes, and she was a little excited in her heart, but she still held back the excitement and asked in her heart, "You... who are you?"

"Girl in color clothes, I am a friend of the new guardian Wu Liang, you can call me Ling Xiao! You can rest assured, I will definitely rescue you out! The most important thing for us now is to break through the two instruments of dust, At that time, Wu Liang will be able to take charge of the Taoist clan, and completely kill Dao Wuxie!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

He did not act rashly, nor did he show up, but transmitted the voice to Caiyi, hoping to get some information from Caiyi.

"Ling Xiao? You can hide my perception of Dao Wuxie and you can see that your strength is indeed very strong! But it's useless, here is inside the two instruments of dust, and even a saint can't escape here. Go out, here is a world, a law, and there are no evils to sit in, we cannot escape!"

The light in Cai Yi's eyes was slightly dim, and he smiled bitterly.

"Girl in colorful clothes, don't be discouraged! Tell me about the situation of Liangyi's big dust, let me try it!"

Ling Xiao said patiently.

"Okay! The Liangyi Dust Formation is my Taoist supremacy. Rumors contain the Taoist ancestors' unprecedented power and mystery! If you can penetrate the Liangyi Dust Formation, you can even borrow This proves the way to become an emperor!

I don't know much about Liangyi's micro-dust array, but I only know that the two instruments' micro-dust array is transformed by Yin-Yang Taiji, and Yin-Yang Taiji is the Tao, which is the heavens and the world, and the endless creatures... In the large formation, a grain of sand may contain a world, a star may bury an ancient civilization, a grass may be able to destroy the worlds, everything is possible here! "

Cai Yi said some things she had learned about Liangyi Weichen.

"Since Liangyi's large dust array is so miraculous, do you know how Dao Wuxie sealed Liangyi's large dust array?"

Ling Xiao asked curiously.

"Dao Wuxie has sealed the big dust of Liangyi?"

Cai Yi was shocked.

"Yes! Maybe you don't know yet, Dao Wuxie didn't have the power of Liangyi's micro-dust array at all, he just lied to you! Without the Taoist seal, he couldn't control the two instruments' micro-dust array. Strength, but he used some means to seal the large array of two instruments of dust, resulting in Wu Liang holding the Taoist seal, it is impossible to control the large array of two instruments of dust!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

"It turns out! If that's the case, then maybe we really have a chance!"

Cai Yi's eyes lit up, and hope appeared again in her heart.

"what chance?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"The Liangyi Weichen array is the ultimate secret of my Dao clan. Don’t say innocence, even if Master Dao Zun holds the Taoist seal, it is impossible to control the Liangyi Weichen array. Power, so you don’t have to be so careful, you can directly show up, and Dao Wuxie can’t find you!

But I have heard that the core of Liangyi's micro-dust array is Yin-Yang Realm. Dao Wuxie can seal Liangyi's micro-dust array. It must be what he has done in Yin-Yang Realm, as long as he finds Yin-Yang Realm, Breaking the seal, we can go out! "

Cai Yi told Ling Xiao what she knew.

"Where is Yin-Yang Realm?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"I don't know! The Yin-Yang Realm is the core of the two instruments of dust, maybe in a star, or in a grass, or it may be this vast starry sky, no one knows Its specific orientation!"

Cai Yi said.


At this moment, the light flashed in the void, Ling Xiao appeared in the void, and smiled at Cai Yi slightly: "With the direction, it will be much easier! As for the Yin and Yang world, I will try to be able to Can't find it!"

"You are Ling Xiao?"

Cai Yi gave Ling Xiao a glance, Ling Xiao was dressed in white, Sheng Xue, and her black hair was flying. All over her body exuded a masculine atmosphere, which was completely different from the elegant elegance of the men of the Dao clan. But she suddenly realized that she didn't wear any clothes on her body, and she couldn't help but blush.

"Cough... Girl in color clothes, please wait here for a while, and wait for me to find the Yin-Yang world, then take you out of here!"

Ling Xiao touched his nose and thought of the way he had seen colored clothes before without clothes, and he was also a little embarrassed in his heart, although the colored clothes in front of him were bound by the colorful chain of order, and it looked like he was wearing one. Layers of colorful clothes, but Ling Xiao quickly turned around.

"Thank you, Mr. Ling Xiao!"

Cai Yi said a little shyly.

"Um... that... I'll go first, and the girl in colorful clothes takes care!"

Ling Xiao turned around and didn't stay for a moment, instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the void.

"Master Lingxiao, I hope you can succeed!"

Cai Yi sighed softly, as if thinking of something, her cheek flushed.


Ling Xiao flew towards the vast starry sky in the Cai Yi said that Wu Xie could not find him, he still performed the occultation technique, covering his breath.

Although I don't know where the Yin-Yang world is, according to Ling Xiao's observation, this large array of two instruments of dust is two vast and mysterious worlds.

Infinite light, infinite darkness.

Since it is a yin and yang world, it is likely to be hidden in a place where light and darkness are intertwined.

"The two instruments are very dusty. According to the description of Cai Yi, that is the power of light and darkness, the power of yin and yang, and the power of life and death. It is the power of all right and evil between heaven and earth. Knowing that my life secrets and death secrets can detect the Yin-Yang world?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

As soon as his thoughts moved, he immediately performed the secrets of life and death. The whole body exudes vitality and is full of rich death. At the same time, he flew towards the light and dark junction in front, little by little. Check around, want to find traces of Yin and Yang Realm!

(End of this chapter)

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