Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2166: Battle of the heart!

Neither Ling Xiao nor Dao Wuxie are ontologies.

This is in the realm of the heart, the battle between Ling Xiao's mental power split and Dao Wuxie's mental power split, but it is the confrontation between the two against the comprehension of mind and Dao. Although quietly silent, it is extremely dangerous.

Ling Xiao has a hidden insight into the secrets of the Yin-Yang realm. The Yin-Yang realm exists between the real and the false, but it is a world transformed by the mental power. It is extremely mysterious.

Otherwise, he would not be able to sense the existence of Yin-Yang Realm by virtue of the Heart Realm and Taixu Runshi.

Therefore, the confrontation between Ling Xiao and Dao Wuxie depends on who has a better attainment on the heart and Dao, and whoever can take the lead.

Although Ling Xiao rarely practiced Taixu Emperor's Fist, his understanding of Taixu Emperor's Fist has become deeper and deeper in recent years. On the surface, it seems to be an invincible form of fist. Can explode the strongest power.

Ling Xiao now uses his mental powers to perform Taixu Emperor Boxing. There is a thunder between his shots. The whole body emits an endless blazing divine light and kills Dao Wuxie.


The huge golden hammer falling in the void is like a majestic mountain, containing majestic momentum fluctuations, almost sweeping through the sky, hammering the world, and letting Dao Wuxie change his face slightly.

"you wanna die!"

Dao Wuxie's eyes are filled with murderous opportunities, and the whole body is filled with infinite light and infinite darkness, and when he opens his mouth, he suddenly shoots a fairy sword circling the black and white light, which is like a horse training.


Void concussion, immortal sword and that golden hammer collided, and in a flash of billions of light!


The sword's spirit was as turbulent as the sea, and it exploded suddenly, surrounded by bright sword lights, as if forming a field of fairy swords, and at the same time intertwined with the evil magic light, we must bury all vitality!

"Star picker!"

Ling Xiao was like a dragon, screamed loudly, and rushed out of the endless sword light, and a huge palm probed across the sky, covering the sky, covering the sky dome, to direct the stars above the sky dome. pick up.


The light of the swords all over the sky was taken by Ling Xiao as a powder, and at the same time he was captured towards Dao Wuxie.


Dao Wuxie shouted loudly, and that fairy sword rose up into the sky, swelled up in the void, turned into a gigantic, and fell down towards the palm of Ling Xiao.

The immortal sword is extremely fierce, interwoven with black and white divine light, exuding eternal waves, as if it can turn everything into powder.

Ling Xiao's palm was suddenly annihilated, and even Ling Xiao's body was directly split in half!


Dao Wuxie's eyes flickered, the blazing divine light around him felt a danger behind him, and he flew towards the front with great determination.

He instantly noticed that it was only a residual image of Ling Xiao who was slashed by his sword.


At the next moment, Ling Xiao appeared in the void again, appeared behind Dao Wuxie, and a mysterious sound wave rumbled around him, causing the Sifang Sky Vault to oscillate.

"Void Shock!"

Ling Xiao drank a cold voice, and suddenly the violent shock of the void, intertwined with vast power, turned everything into powder.

Although Dao Wuxie had dodged quickly, the mysterious field descended, still making him tremble with a spit of blood.

The Void Shock is the force that Ling Xiao evokes to Heaven's Dao, urges the most original force, completely destroys all vitality, and is extremely overbearing.

Dao Wuxie didn't even think that he was wounded so quickly, his eyes suddenly showed a look of shock and anger.

"You... **** it!"

Dao Wuxie said coldly, and his eyes were covered with blood, and a blazing divine light bloomed around him. At the same time, a magical light surged and his power began to skyrocket.


He was like a black lightning, and the speed was so fast that he grabbed directly at Ling Xiao's chest. His fingers were extremely thin, but extremely fierce.


Ling Xiaoyi was not afraid, and urged the power of Taixu Confucianism to fight against Dao Wuxie.


The void oscillates, and the Yin and Yang realms begin to shed light and dark power, just like a chaotic storm, leaving only the most original particles, annihilating everything.

Ling Xiao and Dao Wuxie formed two dazzling light clusters, which collided fiercely in the void, and each blow exploded with supreme power that destroyed the world, causing the Yin and Yang realms to tremble slightly.

However, above the Yin-Yang realm, there is a fragment of a synthetic jade dish, which seals the Yin-Yang realm and sheds the light of the extremely mysterious avenue.

Ling Xiao's Taixu Fujing has stayed at the peak of the fifth floor for a long time, but has never found an opportunity to break through to the sixth floor.

The sixth level of sanctification, that is the true heart sanctification!

Dao Wuxie, like Ling Xiao, is also a person who stepped into the realm of the heart, coupled with his incomparable strength, for a time it turned out to be comparable to the battle of Ling Xiao, regardless of victory or defeat.

Ling Xiao's expression was still calm, but Dao Wuxie's heart was shocked incomparably. He didn't even think that Ling Xiao's attainments above his heart were so strong. After all, this is his home court, but he couldn't help it. Ling Xiao, indicating that Ling Xiao's attainments above the heart, must be above him.

Dao Wuxie's heart was slightly anxious.

"This son must die!"

Dao Wuxie's heart was full of killing intentions, and he felt the strong threat from Ling Xiao to him more and more.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

He was surrounded by black and white divine light, and the devil's spirit was surging, and suddenly came to the sky. A sound of clanking sounded, the sword light was vertical and horizontal, and the law of the road was interwoven, like a sword net directly towards Ling. Xiao Xiao shrouded.


At the same With the urging of Dao Wuxie, the fragments of the forged jade dish above the Yin-Yang realm tremored tremendously, and in an instant infinite amount of light bloomed, like a bright sun, towards Ling Xiao suppressed it!

There is a very mysterious atmosphere fluctuation in the jade dish, which is more transcendent than Ji Dao Di Wei, as if it contains the origin and end of all life, so that people can't give birth to any idea of ​​counterbalance.

"Sure enough, it's the treasure of chaos!"

The glory of Ling Xiao's eyes was superb, and the fragments of the forged jade dish in his sea of ​​knowledge also flew out in an instant, like a bright and flawless moon, crashing with the sun!

In the endless blazing divine light, a huge sword net fell overwhelmingly. When Ling Xiao tried to break through that sword net, unexpected things happened.

That piece of sword light instantly turned into a colorful chain of order, just like a giant python, the speed was so extreme that it directly wrapped around Ling Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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