Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2179: Funeral coffin

Emperor ruins.

A huge lake is as rough as the ocean, with big waves, and a bright light is sprayed from the center of the lake.

Above the lake is an ancient vast mountain, exuding an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

It's just that the extraordinary shape of that vast mountain looks like a coffin, horizontal and vertical, like a knife and axe, with a strange pattern on it, which contains vast fluctuations in laws.

At this moment, many figures appeared on the Shenshan Mountain, and all of them were full of anticipation and excitement.

"The funeral coffin finally opened! I heard that as long as you pay the corresponding price, the funeral coffin can satisfy all your wishes!"

"That's right! This time I'm going to take 800,000 years old for a supreme gift!"

"Shouyuan of 800,000 years? You are crazy, 800,000 years of Shouyuan are exhausted, I am afraid you will not have a few years of Shouyuan!"

"Humph! If you are unsuccessful, you will become a benevolent person. Instead of living your whole life, it is better to bet on a game!"

"Xiongtai is so courageous, and I am just like you this time. I am going to take one of my lifelong treasures in exchange for the opportunity to enter the three heavens!"

"I'm going to exchange for a super sacred treasure, which can make me leapfrog challenge and kill all sides!"

"I hope that the funeral coffin can cure my trauma and stubborn illness, so that I can stagnate hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation practice to break through!"

"I want to prove sanctification!"


Above the magnificent God Mountain, the figures were talking to each other, their eyes glowing very intensely, looking at the fountain in the center of the God Mountain.

The immortal mountain is the burial coffin!

On the celestial treasure coffin, there are all major races, including human race, demon race, demon race, witch race, etc., but even if there is even a big hatred, everyone here is extremely honest and dare not have The slightest change, waiting honestly.

There is a fountain in the center of the funeral coffin, the mysterious mist, the crystal clear and the mysterious fragrance.

At this moment, a young boy in black robe, looks very strong, with a six-turn half-sacred practice, standing in the spring eyes with a serious look, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, as if to say something.


The voice of the black robe boy just fell, the spring eyes in front of him burst into a dazzling light, and the mysterious runes permeated, just like the door of the space was opened, a divine light rushed out of the spring eyes and fell instantly In the palm of the black robe boy.

It's a panacea, with seven colors of aura, looking very mysterious.

"It turned out to be a seven-turn holy pill? This kid is really a great character!"

Suddenly, the eyes of everyone around fell on the body of the black-robed boy, each with different looks, and many eyes were full of greed and fiery colors.

The young man in black robe seemed to perceive something, his face showed a very nervous look, glanced around, and then gritted his teeth, directly swallowing the seven-turned Saint Pill into his abdomen.


His whole body was thundering with thunder and light, and a powerful robbery burst out, and the black robe boy chose to swallow the Holy Pill in the burial coffin, and then crossed Nirvana and broke through the cultivation practice!

"This kid is quite smart. You should know that although the burial of the Tianbao coffin can't be done, but there are many people outside the burial of the Tianbao coffin!"

Someone glanced at the black robe boy and said something unexpectedly.

"Hey, it's just a seven-turn saint, what's so strange?"

Others expressed disdain.

"The burial of the Tianbao coffin, the younger Yang Ziliang, is willing to seek a great decree from the emperor with a life of 500,000 years to help me kill the enemy!"

After the boy in black robe, a young man covered with blood was full of anger, holding a broken sword, breathless and terrifying, and bowed down directly in front of the buried coffin.

He has a nine-turn half-saint cultivation practice, but at this moment the look is extremely painful, like grabbing the last life-saving straw.


That spring eye was the gateway to the burial of the heavenly treasure. At this moment, a vast swallowing force exploded from the spring eye, instantly enveloping the blood-stained young man, and began to extract the vitality of his body!

The young man's face became pale at a rate visible to the naked eye, the breath around him became extremely weak, and the majestic vitality was swallowed by the buried Tianbao coffin.

The young man suffered the ultimate pain, but he still clenched his teeth and insisted that the hatred made him sober. At this moment, he wanted to repay the sea of ​​blood and revenge!

With the disappearance of Shou Yuan in the body, the young man's eyes also showed a look of expectation, but suddenly he shuddered, and his eyes showed a terrified look.

"No... no! My hatred hasn't been reported yet, I can't die..."

The young man shouted, it was a fear that came from deep in his heart. He felt that the vitality in his body was drawn by the Tianbao coffin, and 500,000 years of Shouyuan was drained in an instant, but the Tianbao coffin was actually Without stopping, he is still drawing his Shouyuan.


The young man was struggling violently, but it seemed to have no effect. Soon his hair turned white, and his skin was covered with wrinkles. The whole person seemed to have entered the twilight years, and in the end he could not bear such horror. Suddenly exploded.

Everyone was horrified, and his eyes were full of terror.

Didn’t that young man take Shouyuan for 500,000 years in exchange for the decree of the emperor? Why did you die so easily?

"Hey... Burial Tianbao coffin must be exchanged in equivalent price. Although I don’t want to admit it, his 500,000-year-old life yuan also exchanged for the Great Emperor’s decree! If there is no equivalent exchange, Burial Tianbao coffin will always draw his life yuan, Until it's enough for the Great Decree! So, you have to be careful..."

An old-faced old man looked at the disappearing direction of the young man and said with emotion.

"Equivalent exchange?"

These four words splashed like cold water on everyone's body, so that they could not help but be excited, and the original heat dissipated some.

The weirdness of the funeral coffin began to appear. The blood-stained young man had not been transferred to the Great Emperor’s Decree, so he was directly drained from Shouyuan and suffocated to death.


After the young man died, the spring eyes were dazzlingly bright, and an emperor's dharma flew out of it in an instant, and he wanted to fly away.

Although the young man died, the equivalent of the burial coffin was exchanged, and the divine decree belonging to him naturally appeared.

Everyone couldn't help getting their eyes lighted up, some were eager to try, and some even rose directly into the sky and grabbed toward that great imperial law.

This great emperor's law was a thing without a master, and naturally caused a scramble for everyone!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early. ()

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