Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2181: Jinse's wish!

A woman in a red dress with white hair like snow stepped onto the funeral coffin.

She has a slender figure and a skin like jade, but she wears a veil on her face, which makes her unrecognizable.

But her temperament is too unique, like the supreme empress who looks at the world, and like the ninth heavenly mysterious girl who has made a lot of dust, the whole person exudes a breath of dynamism.

There are so many female cultivators on the burial of the heavenly treasure coffin, but after seeing this woman, they can't help but feel ashamed and feel bad in their hearts.

Red skirt is like blood, white hair is like frost!

The woman's look is very calm, her eyes are clear and mysterious, and she has a kind of transcendental and mysterious atmosphere.

She is naturally the hunter that Ling Xiao is struggling to find!

Jin Se set foot on the funeral coffin, everyone could not help but let a passage open, let her go to the side of the fountain.

And at this moment, Ziyang Emperor's eyes also fell on Jin Se, with a bit of scrutiny and weird meaning.

"It turned out to be her?"

Ziyang Emperor's heart moved.

Jin Se's expression was indifferent, and he walked to the fountain above the burial coffin and stopped.


She exudes a wave of extremely terrifying breath, the fiery light rises, and there is a mysterious scene of the world's birth and death in her eyes.

"I have the Taishang sword, which is the ultimate holy treasure. I have nourishment with my heart, and it contains my natal soul, and I wish the ether to have the sword and change my lost memory!"

Jin Se stared at the spring eyes in front of him, and his voice exploded like a thunder, powerful and powerful.


An ancient sword appeared in her palm, exuding extremely sharp light, and a series of runes intertwined, as if to break the world.

In an instant Taishang Sword was like a streamer, shot into the eyes of the fountain.

"Shang Shangjian?! That is the treasure of Taishang Dao Palace, I know who she is, she is the Holy Lady Jinse of Taishang Dao Palace!"

Someone exclaimed, his eyes full of unbelievable look.

The Taishang sword is also very famous in the Divine Realm, but it is one of the strongest treasures besides the great pole emperors and soldiers, which is equivalent to Fan Tianyin.

So when Jinse sacrificed Taishang sword, everyone immediately recognized her origin.

"Lost memory? The holy daughter of Jinse was going to take too much sword to get some memory, this... is this too silly?"

"Hey, who knows? I am afraid that she has cultivated the way of forgetting emotions before forgetting the memories of the past. Now that she wants to get it back, how can it be so easy?"

"That's a great sword! If you give it to me, it will definitely increase my strength. Even if you are facing a strong man in three realms, you will have the power to fight!"


Everyone was talking in a whisper, with different looks, curious, indifferent, and coveted by the sword.

"It really is you, Jinse? This is interesting now!"

Ziyang Emperor's eyes were indifferent and said to himself.

Everyone is waiting for the reaction of the burial coffin. After all, Taishangjian is the supreme treasure and extremely precious. It should be easy to exchange the Shangyijian for the lost memory.

Everyone even felt sorry for Jinse, Taishangjian was afraid that it would disappear forever from today!


But suddenly, the Quan Yan in front of Jin Se flickered slightly, and the Taishang Sword that she put into it turned into a streamer, and rushed out of it directly.

But Jin Se's expression was indifferent, and his brows were frowned.

Burial Tianbao coffin did not receive her Taishang sword, and naturally her lost memory could not be recovered.

"Huh? What's the matter? Is it that her memory is so precious, even more valuable than the sword?"

Someone said in surprise.

"Who knows! Isn't the Burial Heavenly Coffin an iron rooster? It's always hairless, even if it's unsatisfactory, but the collected treasure can't be returned. How can this Burial Heavenly Coffin return Taishangjian?"

Everyone felt extremely puzzled.

"Buried Heavenly Treasure Coffin, don't you even look down on my Taishang sword? That being the case, then the supreme power of my etheric palace, the secret technique of yin and yang, will change my lost memory!"

Jin Se's expression was still calm, but his brows frowned slightly, and a golden scripture appeared in the palm of his hand, intertwined with the mysterious law of the avenue, so that everyone could not help but be shocked, and his eyes could no longer be moved. .

Yin-Yang mystery is one of the twelve days of merit. The unsuccessful inheritance of the Taishang Taoist palace, now Jin Se even took it out directly to exchange lost memories?

Wasn't she afraid that the instructor of Taishang Palace would trouble her?

"Yin Yang Secret Technique? Good thing!"

The eyes of Emperor Ziyang also showed a scorching heat, and said to himself.

"My lord, do you need us to catch this girl for you?"

The black armor soldier said indifferently after hearing Ziyang's words.

"No need for the time being! I want to see if she can finally change to her memory. I am also curious about her lost memory!"

Emperor Ziyang waved his hand.


The golden page that records the mystery of Yin and Yang also fell into the spring.


This time, Quanyan finally responded.

The entire funeral treasure coffin began to tremble slightly, and the dazzling divine light rose into the sky, emitting a vast and unprecedented breath.

There was a wave of water rippling from that spring's eyes, and a ray of light emerged from it in an instant, and came towards Jin Se's brow.

Just like breaking the earth, in Jinse's eyebrows, the chaotic light exploded and the mysterious scene of the birth and death of the infinite world appeared.

She vaguely saw that in the deepest part of her understanding of the sea, the laws of countless avenues were intertwined, and the chain of order was blocked, as if there was a mysterious world.


The ray of light shining from the celestial treasure, showing nine colors, contains the power of the five origins of five elements, yin and yang, and light and darkness, and it blasted on those chains of order and suddenly blasted that piece of the world. .

"Is that my sealed memory? That's..."

Jin Se’s heart shook slightly. He saw that in the mysterious world, there were countless scenes intertwined, but they were all hidden in the mist, which made her unclear, but in those ~ There is a faint figure.

That figure was also very blurry, but those eyes were warm, bright, and filled with deep affection, as if they could pass through endless time and space, and instantly shot into Jinse's heart.

"Who is he? The breath is familiar, but why can't I remember who he is?"

Jin Se felt that her knowledge of the sea was about to explode, and that figure was extremely vague, but those eyes made her seem to remember something.


But at this moment, she knew that the vast heavenly prestige in the sea permeated, as if touching a certain avenue law, the chain of order gods around the original mysterious world instantly burst into immeasurable light, and the one shot from the coffin A Nine-color Divine Mang broke up directly.

The original vague scene disappeared in an instant!

Before Jin Se had time to retrieve the memory she had lost, she had all disappeared. ()

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