Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2183: Scary black armor!


Jin Se's face was cold, the blazing sword around him rose, and the Taishang sword appeared in his palm instantly, then buzzed and took her up.

Jinse can feel that the strength of the eight black armor fighters are extremely terrifying, and they also know how to cooperate with each other, as if they have some kind of joint battle array.

If besieged by them, I am afraid that this battle will be very difficult.


The eight black armored soldiers all screamed at the same time. The murderous fierceness in their eyes, the stomping of their feet, the earth thundered and trembled. They were like eight black stars rising from the sky, not slower than Jinse.


Eight black armor fighters rose into the air and punched at the same time, locking the most central Jin Se.

Jinse felt a sigh of breath coming. The eight black armored warriors seemed to be the unstoppable strongest on the battlefield. They were not only powerful, but also possessed extremely powerful fighting instincts. Being able to disturb people's minds and minds makes people feel irresistible.


Jin Se’s expression remained unchanged, and Taishang Jianpao spread out in front of her in an instant, and a sword light emerged, split into eight Taishang swords, and shot towards the eight black armor soldiers.

The Taishang sword is unmatched, but it is the top treasure. It can destroy everything, not to mention that it contains the vast Taishang sword meaning, as if it is the origin of all swordsmanship.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng...

The Taishang sword collided with the black armor warrior, and the unmatched light radiated in an instant. The black armor of the black armor warrior instantly showed countless sword marks, like a spider web, as if it would be broken at any time.

However, the black armor fighters seemed to be unconscious, and the whole body was full of vitality. After fighting against the Taishang sword, they still killed the Jinse at a faster rate.

At the same time, the black armor soldiers were filled with black lifelessness, and a series of runes were intertwined, so that the black armor of their bodies recovered as fast as they could with the naked eye, and all the dense cracks had disappeared.


Jin Se was shot with a sword, and there was a sword light under her feet, which made her figure become a bit illusory. She took one step, as if a sword light penetrated the sky, he would rush out of the black armor soldiers.

"Too much swordfight? It seems I still underestimated you!"

Hua Ziyang in the void showed a look of surprise in his eyes.

Taishang Jianbu is the atheism of Taishang Dao Palace. Legend has it that Taishang Jianbu is cultivated to the extreme, and can be transformed into a supreme kendo. It can move the sky in an instant, and it is invisible and quality. There is no way to lock and capture. .

Today, the Eight Great Black Armored Warriors have not yet formed a siege. Once the Jinse ether is moved away from the sword step, the Eight Great Black Armored Warriors' advantages will be difficult to play.


Among the eyes of Hua Ziyang, there was a purple lightning rise, which instantly turned into a purple chain of order gods, which came across the sky, broke the void, and shot towards the phantom Jinse.

That purple chain of order gods was shining brightly, pervading Ruiqi, containing the power of the avenue, fierce and unmatched, so that Jin Se couldn't help but change his face slightly, holding the sword of the upper hand and striking into the air.


The Taishang sword burst into immeasurable light and collided with the purple chain of order gods, and finally the fierce swordmans shattered it completely.

But because of this, Jin Se's speed was also a bit slow, and was caught up by the eight black armor soldiers, directly covering the center.


The eight black armoured warriors were so full of spirits, like eight black suns, which instantly appeared on the sky dome. They had a mysterious connection with each other, and the power was connected to form a mysterious enchantment, which made Jinse escape all possibilities. Are cut off.


Jin Se gave Hua Ziyang a cold look.

If it weren't for Hua Ziyang's block, she had already broken away from the encirclement of the eight black armored soldiers at that time, and then she would break each other, and it would be much easier.

But now, the black armor fighters have formed an enclosure, and the strength of the battle array has completely exploded. She wants to rush out, and even defeat the black armor fighters, it is not so easy.

"This Hua Ziyang is too shameless! It is already shameless to beat a woman under eight men. He even shot himself?"

Everyone is a man who does not care about Ziyang, and he slanders in his heart, but no one dares to export to support Jinse.


In the black sun, the breath of the Eight Great Black Armor Warriors became extremely horrible. They shot fiercely and mercilessly, and the fists were overwhelmed by the fist prints, so that Jinse had no room for evasion.

Jin Se's expression became dignified, and Taishang Sword burst into a fierce sword light, illuminating the surrounding darkness, and collided with that fist, breaking the fist marks, and bursting into a fierce wave of divine light.

Each of these eight black armored warriors is not afraid of death, and often uses life-changing styles of play. Rather, he would be poked in a few holes by Jin Se, and also hit Jin Se.

By all means, the eight of them formed a powerful battle boundary between each other, trapping Jinse in it, making Jinse's fierce swordsmanship and body skills unable to be deployed, it seemed very passive.

Over the sky, the fierce war broke out, and the terrifying momentum made everyone below feel the trembling of their hearts.

It's just that people with clear eyes can see that Jinse has fallen into the downwind, and he has already got a few punches on his body, and his breath is slightly disordered.

"These black armoured warriors are not afraid of death, nor are they afraid of the annihilation of the buried celestial coffin, then there is only one possibility! They...have already died!"

There was a sharp flash in Jin Se's eyes, and an idea appeared in his heart.

Burial coffins wipe out all the creatures who dare to work here, and if the black armor warriors are dead, then the coffins do not have any effect on their eradication.

This is what Jinse This can also explain why the black armor warriors are so fierce and fearless to death, even after the sword in the body, they can still kill Jinse desperately, and physically 'S injuries healed instantly.

"Just don't know, are they puppets made by Hua Ziyang, or the legendary zombie family?"

Jin Se thought secretly.

Although she fell into the downwind, she was still struggling to resist, while observing the details of the eight black armor soldiers, looking for opportunities to fight back.

The legendary zombie family is not in the five elements and does not belong to any spiritual group, but its strength is extremely scary, especially the strongest among them, even if the body is broken, it can be reborn with blood, which is simply undead Body.

This is very similar to the eight black warriors in front of you.


Suddenly, the eight black armor fighters in front of him rushed toward Jinse at the same time, and then there was a roaring roar in the air. ()

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