Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2195: 5 lines of spirit

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Ding Dong!

At this moment, a strange sound wave came in front of it. It sounded like a piano sound, as if it was melodious like a mountain and flowing water, and it was like a dust-free song that could pierce the void and penetrate the soul directly.

The haze slowly spread out, and the laughter of the young woman came, as if entering a new world. Ling Xiao and Jin Se saw the front, there were a group of women in feather coats dancing gracefully, all tall, skin Like jade, face is absolutely beautiful.

In front of the group of women, there are five party notes, filled with exotic fruits, delicious food, and five figures sitting behind the notes, enjoying the dance in front of them with relish.

An old man in a red robe, a young man in a white robe, a woman in a green dress, an old woman in a black robe, and a middle-aged man in a yellow robe.

The five figures are very different in breath, but they are in harmony with each other as if they can be fused together, showing a different balance and beauty.

"It's a pleasure to have a guest from afar? The two friends are destined to meet each other. It's better to come and talk, can you?"

After seeing Ling Xiao and Jin Se, the old man in red robe couldn't help but smile boldly.

"Good handsome Xiao Langjun, this little sister is also born with a beautiful national fragrance, making her so jealous!"

The woman in the female skirt also smiled charmingly, but the breath of her whole body was extremely pure and contained a breath of life.

The old women in black robe and the middle-aged man in yellow robe also smiled and greeted Ling Xiao and Jin Se. Only the young boy in white robe appeared a little cold, and his whole body was extremely sharp.

"Thanks a few seniors, since that is the case, then the younger generations are welcome!"

Ling Xiao and Jin Se glanced at each other, then smiled slightly.

His appearance was calm, but his heart was a little shaken. The five figures in front of him revealed the fluctuation of the breath of the five elements, but Ling Xiao could not see their cultivation behavior at all, indicating that their cultivation behavior was far better than Ling Xiao. .

At least five saints, even the great saint!

After Ling Xiao finished speaking, he sat down with Jin Se under which five people, and seemed very casual, without any restraint, and began to relish the singing and dancing in front of his heart.

Soon, the singing and dancing were over, and the pretty women's lights flashed all around, slowly disappearing into the clouds.

"Little friends are informal and generous, and the old man likes you very much! I don't know why the little friends are here in these five elements?"

The old man in red robe smiled slightly at Ling Xiao.

"Lao Zhang, I came here naturally to find the Five Elements Yuanling. I don't know what you found?"

Ling Xiao's eyes turned and said with a smile.

Ling Xiao can feel that the cultivation of the five figures in front of him is unfathomable, but the spirit of the five elements flows, and he may know the whereabouts of the five elements.

"Five Elements Yuanling? That's not something anyone can get. There are no Five Elements Yuanling here. Go back!"

Suddenly the white-robed teenager suddenly sneered.

"Yes! Friends, the Wuxing Yuanling is the treasure of Wuxingtian. As the guardians of this place, it is impossible for us five to let others take the Wuxing Yuanling away! This is not where you should come, you still Let's go back!"

The green skirt woman's look also became cold.

"Little friend, let's go!"

Several other people smiled bitterly.

Ling Xiao could feel that as soon as he mentioned the Five Elements Yuanling, the attitudes of these five people suddenly changed, and even a few of them even became hostile.

"Ling Xiao, you don't need to talk nonsense with them, because they are the Five Elements Yuan Ling!"

Jin Jin's eyes flashed, and said coldly.

"They are the Five Elements Yuan Ling?"

Ling Xiao was also stunned for a moment, because he felt that the five people in front of him were five living creatures with blood and flesh. How could it be the Five Elements Yuan Ling?

"Yes! Wuxing Yuanling is scheming and good at change. The five people in front of him are nothing more than Wuxing Yuanling's changes!"

Jin Se stared at the five people in front of him and said that the whole body was full of sword energy, and suddenly became sharp and unmatched, as if it could wipe out everything.


In Jinse's eyes, a fierce sword light was shot in an instant, and the sky fell towards the five people, containing invincible power.


The violent tremor of the void in front of him, the chaotic light exploded, the five figures disappeared in front of Ling Xiao and Jin Se in an instant.

In a flash, all the silhouettes, rare fruits, and rules disappeared, leaving only a barren valley.

In the void, there was a erratic laughter.

"Hahaha... I didn't think of it! You can even see the identity of this doll? But when you come to the five elements of this column, you can't escape it, just grab it!"

As the laughter sounded, the violent shock in the void, the five elements of divine light diffused, and the chaotic fog opened up in an instant, a mysterious and ancient world enveloped Ling Xiao and Jinse.


Surrounded by whistling winds of five elements, runes rose, the chains of order intertwined, containing endless killings, and came to Lingxiao and Jinse overwhelmingly.

"Five Elements Qiankun Great Array? Still careless, did not expect these five elements Yuan Ling so cunning!"

Ling Xiao secretly said in his heart that these five elements of Yuan Ling were indeed very strange, and the figure turned out to be so real that even he concealed it.

If it wasn't for Jin Se's discovery, I'm afraid he is still being kept in the valley.

However, this so-called five-element Qiankun formation was not taken into account by Ling Xiao. Although the power of the five elements is extremely strong, he has several ways to break through.


Without waiting for Ling Xiao to do anything, he saw the sword rising in Jinse's eyes, and only heard a clear voice ringing, Jinse pulled his sword up, and his whole body exhaled infinite sword energy, and the vast Yinyang sword broke out Opening, the ancient sword in her hand rose directly into the sky.


The runes and chains of order descending towards her broke apart, and the two qi and yin qi turned into a dazzling sword light, as if they could separate this side of the world, and suddenly slashed on the sky dome.


The sky dome was broken An endless stream of emptiness was sprayed out, and a huge crack with a length of one million miles emerged. The original strong and unparalleled five-element Qiankun array was even vulnerable in the hands of Jinse.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Ling Xiao and Jin Se rose up from the sky, directly rushing out of the five elements of the universe!

"This is... Yin-Yang secret surgery?! Damn, how could you possibly be Yin-Yang secret surgery?"

A violently corrupted voice came, which contained a shock wave.

Both Ling Xiao and Jin Se raised their heads coincidentally, and saw a sun shining with five colors floating in the void, a faintly ugly face emerged faintly, their eyes widened. With Ling Xiao and Jin Se!

"This thing is the Five Elements Yuan Ling?"

An idea appeared in Ling Xiao's heart, and his expression became a little weird!

:. :

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