Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2223: Dangerous approach!


There was a huge earthquake in the world, and the clouds were turbulent, as if thousands of horses and horses were coming, the monstrous momentum instantly broke the peace of the five elements and came to this peaceful sea of ​​clouds.

It was a group of powerful Demon clan wearing black armor and riding a black unicorn, one by one breath, full of anger, all covered in darkness, only exposed a pair of cruel and bloodthirsty eyes.

They seemed like a torrent of black torrents from the distance, their steps were uniform, they were silent, and they had a very repressive breath that filled their hearts.


A black armor knight headed waved his hand, and all of them stopped and stood still.

"By order of the primordial emperor and the undead emperor, my devil corps is the striker. According to the report, Long Aotian is hiding in this five-element sky. I hope you can find the dragon before the arrival of the two emperors. With the whereabouts of Aotian, the emperor will not be stingy with rewards!"

The black armor knight headed the eyes coldly, glanced at everyone and said.


Many black armor knights shouted in unison, the sound shook the sky.

"Now, in groups of five, look for Long Aotian's whereabouts separately!"

With the order of the black armor knight leader, the magical army immediately began to spread like a torrent, and five people rushed in a group in all directions.


They were all radiating a monstrous magic light, holding a huge war gun, rushing through the five elements of the sky, the guns swept the four sides, in search of whether there was a void enchantment, and methodically advanced in all directions, wanting to find Ling Xiao, etc. The whereabouts of people.

"They are coming!"

When the Devil's Legion came to Wuxingtian, the old goat, unscrupulous Taoist and Feng Qingyang discovered their tracks.

"They didn't intend to cover their breath, so they arrogantly broke in and thought we were soft persimmons? But tens of thousands of Mozu strongmen were dispatched at once, which is really a big deal!"

The old goat sneered, and was shocked in his heart.

These black armor knights not only have half-holy cultivation practices, but also have tens of thousands of people. They are connected with each other in a battle. The breath is terrible. Each one is a battle-hardened generation, and its strength is extremely powerful.

Even if it is a saint, he dare not face up to the edge of the Ten Thousand Demon Legions!

"The primordial emperor and the undead disciples didn't show up, I'm afraid that the Devil's Legion is only their first force! This time it seems that the devil of the devil is crazy, this is the rhythm of not swearing to kill us!"

The unscrupulous Taoist also said slowly.

"Let's wait! Jin Se has already placed the Taiyin yin and yang array. With the strength of these devil, it is impossible to find our whereabouts! At this time we must not reveal our position!"

The old goat glanced at Jin Se, who was still practicing healing, and said coldly.

"It can only be so! At this moment, it is not appropriate to play the grass and startle the snake!"

Wuliangdao nodded and said.

There are tens of thousands of strong troops in the vanguard. The momentum of the Devil's Legion also caused great pressure to the old goats and unscrupulous Taoists.

However, they have confidence in the Taiyang Yinyang formation under Jinsebu, and the Devil's Army should not be able to find it for a while.


The Devil's Legion began to hunt down Ling Xiao's whereabouts throughout the five elements. This calm and peaceful sea of ​​clouds became turbulent, and the floating mountains among them were bombarded by the Devil's Legion. They have checked the void.

They acted incomparably violently, and went everywhere like a locust crossing the border, not letting off any traces of it.

The violent tremor of the void, even part of the void, was directly broken, and the endless void turbulent flow raged in all directions.

It took three days for the Devil's Legion to turn over the entire five-element sky, but unfortunately nothing was found.

"Report... Eastern has nothing!"

"Report... nothing in the West!"

"Report... nothing in the south!"


Black armor fighters from all directions kept coming and said to the leader of the most central Devil's Legion.

"That Long Aotian is really deep enough to hide! Wuxingtian has been blocked by us, I'm sure he is still in Wuxingtian! Let me continue to check, even if it is digging three feet, Long Aotian Get me back!"

The leader of the Devil's Legion said with a very ugly face.

Although the Devil's Legion is the first force, it is also the most reliant force of the primordial princes. They searched here for three days, but found nothing. It is difficult to make a difference to the two princes.


Many black armor knights were scattered one after another, heading in all directions again, preparing for a second investigation.


At this moment, the blazing divine light rose in the void, the sky was shaking, and a group of breathing and terrifying figures fell from above nine days and fell into this sea of ​​clouds.

Headed by two heroic young men, one wearing a black robe and the other wearing a white robe, both of which are gigantic, exuding majestic and ancient atmosphere fluctuations.

"See two princes!"

After seeing the two young men, the leader of the Devil's Army couldn't help but be shocked and hurried forward to salute.

"Don't be rude! Didn't you find Long Aotian's trail in these three days? He's really hidden!"

The original emperor said There was a cold flash in his eyes.

He wore a black robe, slender and muscular, with long black hair scattered behind his head. His face was extremely handsome. His eyes were deep and indifferent. He had a kind of majestic power.

Standing next to him is an immortal emperor in a white robe. He looks handsome and handsome, with long white hair flying in the wind, handsome and elegant, with a faint smile in the corner of his mouth, his eyes are vicissitudes and deep, as if hidden in a vast expanse world.

The breath of both of them is extremely terrifying, without the slightest cover, just like two bright and hot suns, exuding a vast and powerful breath fluctuation.

Behind them, there are a group of strong men with different appearances, old and young, men and women, all are unruly and unpredictable.

Among them, there are powerful demon races and strong races of other races. They all followed the two great emperors to prepare to slay Ling Xiao and share Ling Xiao's no inheritance.

"Sovereign Emperor, is incompetent!"

The leader of the Devil's Legion smiled bitterly.

"It's not that you are incompetent, but Long Aotian is too cunning! I have noticed that the Blood Prison Emperor died here, and Long Aotian should not have gone yet. The inheritance of the Blood Demon Emperor is not so easy to refine!"

The primal prince sneered.

"Since he doesn't want to come out, then force him to come out! Dare to kill the blood prisoner, so hiding his head and showing his tail is not his style!"

The immortal emperor spoke slowly, his voice calm but calm, and it sounded very weird, as if containing the breath of endless years.

PS: The fifth is over, everyone rests early.

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