Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2231: The original emperor of boxing town!


The Black Army was in a tremendous earthquake, and its soul was violent. It only felt that a fatal crisis had hit him. He wanted to retreat as quickly as he wanted.

"You are too weak!"

Ling Xiao's faint voice came into his ears, and then the Black Army saw a boxing seal coming on its face, which seemed to have no momentum, but there was an eternal and immortal wave that directly hit his chest. Above!


The whole of the Black Army exploded in a sudden, his flesh and his primordial spirit were all turned into powder at this moment, as if there was no way to block the power of this punch, and the smoke disappeared in an instant!

Seeing that the Black Army couldn't even support Ling Xiao's fist, the original emperor could not help but narrowed his eyes, and his expression became very dignified.

Although he is also sure to kill the Black Army with one blow, it is absolutely impossible to lift such a small weight as Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao became extremely dangerous in his heart in an instant.

Many of the Devil's strong are also stunned.

Ling Xiao's shot looked light and flirty, without the slightest breath of fireworks, but the Black Army's gray smoke was extinguished instantly, which shocked everyone.

"Is the so-called Mozu, such a weak ants? Really boring! Primitive emperor, don't let so many people die, you take me a punch!"

Ling Xiao said slowly, with a slightly ethereal sigh in his voice.

His words just fell, and suddenly he punched at the primordial prince again.


The void trembles slightly, and Ling Xiao's shot is erratic this time. The fluttering punch is filled with chaos, like the power of the extremely cathodic softness, as if the sky is all the fist of Ling Xiao's fist, from all directions towards the primordial emperor. Suppress.

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

There was a hint of anger in the eyes of the primordial emperor. Ling Xiao's words also inspired the blood and killing intentions in his heart. The primal magic flame around him, the magic light evil and strange, made him look more terrible.


He came up against the sky of Ling Xiao's fist print. The primal magic flame enveloped his fist print. The blazing flame seemed to be able to burn the sky, and suddenly came towards Ling Xiao.

The primal magic flame is a fire without God. Although the primordial emperor has not yet been able to explode its true power, it is also terrifying enough. The void around it is twisting, and the fist marks of Ling Xiao are quickly annihilated. .

In the end, the two fists collided together in the void, instantaneously ignited a terrifying and unparalleled storm of light, and the void was suddenly broken, the endless chaos raging turbulently.

Ling Xiao's expression was extremely calm, and he looked at the primordial emperor with clear and bright eyes.

But the primordial emperor couldn't help but change his face. He felt that Ling Xiao's fist had spread a lot of power, and the more horrified each weight, it seemed that the power of hundreds of times was superimposed in an instant. He felt a tremor in his arm, and he instantly became numb. The whole person soared in the clouds and was blown away by Ling Xiao!

Ling Xiao still stood in the void, Sheng Xue in white, standing barefoot, looking chic and indifferent, showing endless dust between his hands and feet.


The primordial emperor flew a few hundred feet, and his body was full of blood and blood, and finally he stopped his body, but his face was already ugly, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

You know, he met Ling Xiao not long ago. Although he did not really fight, he could feel that Ling Xiao at that time was not too strong, and he still had the chance to win.

And now, he can't even take Ling Xiao's punch, which is an unbearable shame for him!

"What?! I don't have any dazzle? Lord Primordial, was blown away by Long Aotian?"

"Oops! It seems that the rumors are true, this Long Ao is really capable of killing the blood prisoner, not a fluke!"

"If there is no way to kill Long Aotian this time, I am afraid that he will really be a dragon into the sea in the future, and the future is unlimited!"

Many of the Devil's Tianjiao were also frightened by the scene in front of them.

The primordial emperor and the undead emperor are in their hearts, that is the invincible existence, and now the primordial emperor is likely to be defeated in the hands of Long Aotian, which makes them simply unacceptable.


The primordial emperor was completely mad, the flames of the whole body were raging, and the power of the whole body of the violent burst out completely. He shot toward the Xiaoxiao with a palm, and the palm imprint spread vast tens of thousands of miles, covering the sky and covering the sun. They are all shot into powder.

Above his head, a black magic light surged, and three strange flowers of the avenue emerged vaguely, lifting the power of the primordial prince to the extreme.

The horrible breath from his whole body made everyone around him feel the tremor of his heart, and his face became pale, and he could not help but start to retreat.

Ling Xiao's expression is still very calm. Facing the violent primordial emperor, the blood in his palm is shining brightly, and a blood-colored lotus flew out in a flash. It looks crystal-clear, gorgeous, and dazzling. Shooting the primordial prince.


Among the scarlet lotus flowers, there is a terrifying power that destroys the earth and the earth. It suddenly collides with that palm print, and a beam of blood shines out of the scarlet lotus flower, which pierces the palm print of the original emperor ~www. and spread towards the surroundings.

Destroy the Blood Lotus!

This is a supreme mystery obtained by Ling Xiao from the inheritance of the blood demon emperor. It is said that it is a kind of atheism, cultivated to the extreme with the power of extinction and the power of heaven and earth.


The palm print of the primordial prince shattered, and the blood lotus of the world was flying in the void like a **** lightning, and immediately fell on the top of the primordial prince's head, and the next blood was spilled. The light enveloped him, and instantly it seemed like a blood cocoon had formed.

The edge of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, the temperament of his whole body changed greatly, and the breath of the original dust disappeared, and the whole person became violent and overbearing, just like a raging King Kong, full of explosive power.


He punched at the primordial emperor with a punch, the punches were unparalleled, the mighty like an ancient world, there were dragons and screams, there were chaos rising, there were three thousand avenues intertwined, there was thunder and lightning rising, there were endless The sea of ​​blood emerged... The power of this punch was terrifying, as if it were all-encompassing and all-encompassing.

At this moment, the primordial emperor's primal magic flame rose around him, burning the blood around him, and the whole person rushed out of the blood cocoon, just to see Ling Xiao's incomparably overbearing punch.

The appearance of the primordial prince changed, feeling that the power contained in this fist was too domineering, so that he even had a feeling of being unable to contend, he pushed his arms out instantly, the primal magic flame rose, wanting to block Ling Xiao The punch.


The violent shock of the void, the arms of the primordial prince even made a tremendous tremor, and made a crisp sound, the inch inch broke, and then suddenly turned into a powder!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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