Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2230: Ling Xiao is out!


Among the endless chaos and chaos, there is an ancient golden chariot with many ancient runes on it, the whole body of Jinxia is shining, exuding the ancient and mysterious atmosphere fluctuations.

Before the golden chariot, there was a golden dragon and a golden phoenix pulling the cart. The dragon and the phoenix were cast like gold, and they looked lifelike, exuding powerful coercion and making people dare not come close.

But the dragon and the phoenix are not living creatures, but puppet magic weapons, and the golden chariot together, making this chariot more and more mysterious.

Behind the golden chariot, there are many strong men standing indifferent, full of powerful fighting intentions, but when looking at the golden chariot, it is full of awe.

This chariot is the Emperor's chariot, and the person sitting on it is the emperor!

In front of the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, there is a huge light curtain, which shows the scene of the battle between Zhao Ritian and the Devil in the five elements.

"Huh, is that Long Aotian going out?"

Someone whispered and saw the figure coming out of the sea of ​​blood.

"Long Aotian's breath is unpredictable, what is his realm now?"

"It's not easy to say! But no matter what state he is in, it is very difficult to fight against the primordial emperor and the undead emperor with his own strength!"

"The legend of Long Aotian has cut the blood prisoner, if Zhao Ritian once again casts the light of the heavens, and cooperates with Long Aotian, it is impossible to fight against the Demon Race!"

"Hey, let's fight! The more intense the fight, the better. When they lose both sides, we will go out to clean up the mess and kill them all!"

Everyone was talking, and all eyes were filled with sneer.

"Master Qi Tian Tian Zi, Wu Ji Sheng Zi don't know the current affairs, rejected your invitation!"

At this moment, a stream of light flew from a distance, turned into a young man wearing a five-color robe, and then respectfully kneeled toward the Emperor's chariot.

This person is the Son of Yuanchen of the Five Elements Tianzong.

"It's okay! Everyone has their own ambitions, and I won't force it. See you next time, and get his Chaos Eucharist!"

A quiet voice rang from the emperor's chariot.

"Yes! Lord Tianzi, it is said that Long Aotian has inherited the blood demon emperor, it seems to be true! When they lose both sides, it is when we shoot!"

Yuanchen Shengzi raised his head and saw Ling Xiao coming out of the sea of ​​blood in the light curtain, and a trace of coldness appeared in his eyes.

"Is the Blood Demon Emperor? It's just a loser! But I am very interested in this Long Aotian. Other people can kill without forgiveness. Long Aotian I want to live!"

The emperor said lightly.


Yuanchen Shengzi bowed to lead the way.


Ling Xiao stepped out from the sea of ​​blood, the breath of her body was extremely pure, her eyes were clear and pure, and the whole person exuded a natural breath of Taoism.

"Ling Xiao, your kid is finally out! This is not a place to stay for a long time, let's leave here and talk!"

The old goat said in shock and joy.

"Leave it to me! Starting today, the demon will be destroyed!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, his voice was extremely calm, and there was a very determined power, as if to state a certain fact.

"Then be careful!"

Both the old goat and the unscrupulous Dao Ren smiled bitterly, and saw the persistence in Ling Xiao's eyes, and they were more relaxed.

In any case, after Ling Xiao went out of the customs, they finally have more core.

"The Demon Race is going to be destroyed? You are such a big tone! Long Aotian, even if you go out of the customs, you can't change any results, you all have to die today!"

The eyes of the primordial emperor were cold, staring at Ling Xiao with a cold voice.

"Prince Emperor? You fled without a fight in the last battle. Are these wastes your support today? Needless to say nonsense, see the real chapter under your hands!"

Ling Xiao said calmly that the whole person became more and more squeezed out of the dust, as if incarnate into a part of Heavenly Dao.

He just stood opposite the many demon strongs, the breath around him was as soft as water, but as unfathomable as the vast sea, and against the many demon strongs, he didn’t even fall in the wind. Let everyone have the illusion of an equal share.

"Want to challenge the original emperor? You are not qualified yet! Long Aotian, I will fight you!"

Before the primordial emperor had spoken, a demon Tianjiao, who was covered in black armor, stood up, his whole body rising, full of evil and ancient power fluctuations.

"Black Army, be careful!"

The original prince nodded with satisfaction.

He was cruel, cunning, and cautious by nature. He didn't want to act rashly before he touched Ling Xiao's details. Otherwise, once he lost to Ling Xiao's hands, the majesty of the original emperor would be greatly damaged.

Nowadays, someone is willing to shoot for him, which is exactly what he wants.

The Black Army is the arrogance of the Black Sky Demon Cultivation. It has reached the three realms of the sky, and has broken the limit once. It is powerful and unmatched. It is suitable for testing the combat power of Ling Xiao.

"Master Primordial Lord, rest assured, I will cut him for you!"

Heijun grinned a The whole body was gleaming with light, grabbing a black magic knife, and slashing towards Lingxiao across the sky.

His figure is very tall, with a height of dozens of feet, and his body is full of explosive power. The huge magic knife in his hand seems to be able to break this side of the sky.


The huge magic knife came across the sky, and the monstrous magic light surged, as if forming an abyss in the void, and Ling Xiao should be swallowed up completely.

"You said that the Black Army can support a few moves under Long Aotian's hands? I heard that this Long Aotian is a powerful person, and even the blood prisoner died in his hands!"

"It's hard to say! I think it's okay to support at least three moves?"

"You are too little to see the Black Army Master! Although he only broke the limit once, but the Dark Sky Demon Sword is unmatched. Even people who have broken the limit twice are difficult to contend! I think he can at least at Long Aotian's Ten moves in your hand!"

"I guess twenty moves!"


Many demon clan strongmen said that their eyes are full of expectation. Although they all know that the Black Army may not be Ling Xiao’s opponent, they are likely to lose, but they also hope that through this battle, Ling Xiao can be seen. Virtual and real.

Ling Xiao stared at the Black Army with a calm and calm look. His crystal-clear fingers clenched his fists, and then a straight fist burst out. It was simple, as if there were no fluctuations in power.


Ling Xiao's light and **** punch came into the air and collided with a huge knife above the void, and suddenly the void was silently annihilated, and a strange sound wave came from Ling Xiao's fist Spreading, spreading towards the Dark Sky Demon Sword.

The huge sword was broken silently, and then the huge magic knife in the hands of the Black Army was also broken.

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