Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2233: Mystery Shows Power!


The eyes of the primordial emperor shrank suddenly. The demon soldier world is a powerful imperial skill in the primitive sutra, which can transform hundreds of millions of demon soldiers that live constantly. In the ancient times, the primitive demon emperor relied on the demon soldier world. I don’t know. How many powerful creatures were killed.

But now, Demon Soldier seems to have lost any effect on Ling Xiao.

"Is the Demon Soldier Realm? Unfortunately, you don't know that the Demon Soldier Realm was originally created in accordance with the Battle of Heaven's Secret Technique. You use the Demon Soldier Realm to deal with me. Could it be that you are really stupid?"

Ling Xiao's faint voice sounded.

He practiced the Battle of the Heavenly Mystery to the Dacheng Realm, and also got a lot of mysterious memories. Those were left by the strong men who practiced the Battle of the Heavenly Secret. He recorded the continuation of the Battle of the Heavenly Secret. Ling Xiao also saw the original In the figure of the demon emperor, the original demon emperor once practiced the magic of war days, and based on the magic of war days as the basis, evolved a powerful magic soldier world.


Ling Xiao's blazing divine light rose around his body, the war was distorted, and the mysterious field formed by the chaotic light fixed all the demon soldiers that exuded fierce anger.

"How about the Battle of Heaven's Secret Technique? It's just a secret technique that has long lost its true meaning. How can it be comparable to my Demon Soldier Realm? Kill me!"

The primordial emperor screamed in a rage, and there was a fierce murder in his eyes, and a blood mist spread out all over his body in an instant, like a black hurricane, which immediately fell on billions of magic soldiers.

The demon world suddenly boiled, broke through the void, broke the mysterious field, and shot towards Lingxiao!

As a heir to the Devil Emperor, he naturally knew that the Demon Soldier Realm was born out of the Warcraft Mystery, but the Heavenly World Hundred and Eighty-eight Mystery, for those powerful and Xeon, except for the twelve days of merit to them In addition to being a bit attractive, other mysteries are equivalent to some powerful holy methods.

In the ancient times, after the Wushu Tianshu was damaged, the 108 secrets of the Ten Thousand Realms, as if they had lost their luster, became ordinary.

So even though it is known that Demon Soldier Realm was born out of Battle Sky Mystery, the original emperor did not take it into his eyes.


The sky full of magic soldiers erupted in a wave of extremely terrifying power, instantly submerged Ling Xiao, the blazing divine light exploded, the sky swayed, and the world and earth were violently shaken, just like the destruction of the world.


Many of the Devil's strong men suddenly changed their faces, and quickly receded towards the back.

The demon soldiers are densely packed, covering a thousand miles of land. Each demon soldier contains the supreme power. Although the center is locked in Ling Xiao, everyone in the edge area has been affected.

The speed of the old goat, Jinse, Wuliangdaoren and Qingyang is also very fast, and instantly entered the range of Yan Emperor Ding.


A series of powerful demon soldiers fell on Yan Di Ding, causing Yan Di Ding to tremble slightly, and then shattered directly after a slight shock.

"What a terrifying demon world! The sage will die without doubt, I am afraid that the great sage must go all out to be able to resist!"

The old goat said solemnly.

"Ling Xiao, he... it must be fine!"

The unscrupulous Taoist said hesitantly, as if comforting others, as if persuading himself.

After all, the primordial emperor’s demon world is the most powerful method in the primordial scriptures. It can be regarded as the primal emperor’s most powerful magical means. They can feel the terrifying power when they are on the periphery. One can imagine the pressure on Ling Xiao.


The Demon Soldier Realm rages on the sky, just like a big world came down, it broke everything, the chaos filled with fog, everything turned into nothingness, and completely disappeared.

When the hundreds of millions of magic soldiers slowly dissipated, there was no breath of life in them.

"Long Aotian was cut off by the original emperor?!"

Many of the powerful demon clan were shocked, and could not help shouting in surprise.

"It must be so! The Demon Soldier Realm is the strongest connotation of the original Devil Emperor. Although the Warrior Mystery is strong, how is it possible to beat the Demon Soldier Realm?

"It's ridiculous that Ling Xiao also said that the Demon Soldier Realm was born out of the Battle of Heaven's Secret Technique, and now it seems to be just a joke!"

"What human race Tianjiao? I don't think he killed the Blood Prisoner at all, but the despicable human race used some shameful means!"

"The primordial emperor is powerful..."

Many of the Devil's strong men laughed heartily, their eyes full of indifference and disdain.

Before, whether it was Zhao Ritian or Ling Xiao, the shot was too terrifying. Zhao Ritian struck the light of the sky and made the Devil's Legion almost wiped out. Ling Xiao punched the arms of the original emperor, making them very incomparable. Suffocated.

Now, finally raised his eyebrows!

"Is it really dead?"

The primordial emperor's heart was relieved, but his brows were slightly frowned, and he always felt something was wrong.


At this moment, a blazing divine light bloomed behind the primordial emperor, and the speed was so fast that it contained vast dignity, as if to destroy this world.

The fierce thunder and light are intertwined and turned into a huge palm print directly down towards the original emperor!

"Long Aotian, did you die?"

The voice of the primordial prince's anger and anguish came from His whole body was boiling with anger, and in the face of this sudden attack, he had to stretch out his arms to resist.


His arms burst into a sudden burst, and the blazing thunder light contained endless power of destruction, as if to resist all evil, and completely enveloped him.

With a huge palmprint falling from the sky, the clouds were smashed, the void was broken, and then it was severely suppressed on the earth!


The earth shook violently, as if it was about to collapse completely. With that palm print as the center, five huge cracks spread towards the surroundings, spreading hundreds of thousands of miles.

When that palm print dissipated, all the people saw that the most central primordial prince was no longer human, his body was bloody, his clothes were smashed into pieces, and the whole person had almost become a pool of meat.

"Of course I haven't died! But you can be proud of your life in the palm of my punishment!"

Ling Xiao's indifferent voice sounded in the void.

The light in the void flashed slightly, and he re-appeared in the void again, still in white, Sheng Xue, without a trace of dust.

"The primordial prince was defeated?"

An idea floated in the hearts of many Mozu strongmen, making them completely stunned.

Such a strong gap makes them unable to accept for a while.

Originally Ling Xiao was already dead in the demon soldier world, how could it suddenly appear, and then defeat the primordial emperor with a palm, and shoot the primordial emperor into flesh?

"The palm of heaven's punishment? The secret technique of heaven's punishment, it seems that the thing is really on him!"

The immortal emperor stared at Ling Xiao with a desperate glance in his eyes!

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