Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2234: Undead Emperor!

The undead emperor didn't shoot, but no one dared to question his strength. On the contrary, among the many powerful demon clan, although headed by the three demon emperors, everyone recognized that the undead emperor was the strongest.

Even primitive emperors and blood prison emperors are not as good as immortal emperors.

Therefore, many powerful demon clan faintly headed by the undead emperor, and most of them obeyed the command of the undead emperor.

The immortal emperor seems to be verifying something, his eyes have been on Ling Xiao's body, and there is a strange wave.

"This **** Ling Xiao, really scared me! I thought he was going to die in the hands of the primordial emperor!"

The old goat let out a sigh of relief and scolded.

Although they are full of confidence in Ling Xiao, this time Ling Xiao faced the heirs of the original Devil Emperor and cultivated the peerless evils of the original scripture and other godless scriptures.

The strong fight, the life and death are only instant, so until the last moment, no one knows who can laugh to the end.

"Although the primordial prince is strong, I am afraid it is not as good as the undead prince! The primordial prince was defeated in Ling Xiao's hands, I am afraid that the undead prince will be shot!"

Wuliang Taoist said slowly, there was a trace of dignity in the gaze to the undead emperor.

"Immortal Emperor? This guy doesn't look like a demon at all, but like the pride of our human race!"

Feng Qingyang said slowly.

The immortal emperor has a white robe, slender figure, looks handsome and elegant, all around the body exudes a breath of dust, like a handsome young man in the turbid world, has his own unrestrained temperament.

His breath is unfathomable, but there is no trace of evil and fierceness of the Devil, and it looks extremely pure and natural, with a heavenly breath.

"That's because his cultivation practice is too much for you, the third heaven is perfect, and the whole person can at any time be able to preach the sanctification and be in harmony with the avenue. Such a character is a human being and a demon. It has no meaning anymore. He can completely Change by heart!"

Jin Se, who had been silent, said suddenly.

"Sister Jinse, your remarks made my heart hurt!"

Feng Qingyang smiled bitterly.

He is also a very proud person. At this age, he has reached the three heavens, and he can reach the second limit at any time and break through to the ground. Even in the ancient chaos, it can be regarded as a arrogant devil, but he and the devil Compared with the three great emperors of the tribe, it is naturally much inferior.

Although he did not want to admit it, he had to say that he did not see the cultivation behavior of the undead emperor, which made him feel very frustrated.


The primordial emperor photographed by Ling Xiao in the depths of the earth began to struggle violently, flesh and blood squirmed, and the horrible magic light surged, as if he would regain his body.

Although he was hit hard by Ling Xiao, his flesh was extremely powerful, possessing the blood of the emperor, capable of rebirth, and extremely powerful vitality.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine awn, and an ancient rune and ancient characters rose in the palm of his hand, which transformed the vast and unmatched Heaven Swallowing World, and there was a fierce fire swallowing away. To thoroughly refine the flesh and blood of the original emperor!

Having already killed the Blood Prison Emperor, Ling Xiao has some experience in **** this kind of emperor with countless cards.

As long as they can smash their flesh and destroy their powerful vitality, without giving them any chance of recovery, they can use the Sky Swallowing Mystery to completely swallow it.

Seeing that Ling Xiao was going to completely refine the primordial emperor, I only heard a bland voice in the void.



That sound was like a magnificent celestial prestige, containing powerful and unparalleled sonic supernatural powers, and was instantly blocked in front of Ling Xiao, like a sonic waterfall, intertwined with a mysterious rune.

The fire that swallowed the sky collided with that sonic waterfall, and the runes shattered in a flash, and the rune exploded. The fire that swallowed the sky engulfed all the power, burning the sound wave, and then turned into nothingness.

But taking advantage of the effort, the primordial prince also recovered his body instantly, and suddenly appeared in the sky, appearing above the void.

"Long Aotian, I want you to die!!!"

The voice of the primordial emperor contained monstrous anger and murderous intentions, and Ling Xiao was locked to death. At the same time, the primitive streamer in his palm exuded a strong breath, and the black light was surging, as if to be moving towards Ling Xiao cracked down.

"You finally shot!"

Ling Xiao didn't even look at the original prince again, but his eyes fell on the undead prince.

The sound of "Enough" just now was issued by the undead emperor. The sound alone can cause the heaven and earth to oscillate, and the law of the void roared, showing the power of the undead emperor!

Ling Xiao's eyes had an extremely powerful war intention, staring at the immortal emperor, he could feel that this was a rival.

"It's all over! Original, let me leave the rest, I will leave you his life!"

The immortal emperor said lightly, his voice very calm.

"Okay! I want him to die without burial!"

The primordial emperor said with a somber look, Ling Xiao's disregard for him even stimulated the anger and killing intention in his heart, which was a great humiliation for him.

However, Ling Xiao did not mean to humiliate him, but Ling Xiao no longer regarded him as an Ling Xiao's eyes at the moment, only the undead emperor.

"The undead emperor, the devil dominates the son of the immortal demon emperor. It is said that the undead demon emperor is the oldest devil emperor in the demon world. I am curious why the heir of the undead demon emperor is still only a half-holy cultivation practice? Can you kill me?"

Ling Xiao said with interest, as if he knew the immortal emperor extremely well.

"Long Aotian, I know your strength is strong! And you also have a certain dependence, but you have to understand that no genius that has grown up will be nothing once it falls! Today I am going to kill you, and no one can save you. !"

The immortal emperor said affirmatively, his expression was calm but calm, and his voice fell in the ears of everyone. There was no slight arrogance, as if he had only strong self-confidence.

"Really? Then I really want to see, how did you kill me!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, and there was a strong war in his eyes.


The undead emperor slowly raised an arm, palms of five hearts to the sky, the sky vacillated in an instant, the sky and the earth roared, the surrounding space was violently twisted, and a terrible breath came from all directions, as if The laws of Heaven and Dao disappeared in an instant, and became a chaotic state.

"Because... here is my home field! Here, I am the creator God, who lives with me, who lives against me... dies!"

The undead emperor's arm slammed his fist suddenly, the void roared in an instant, the thunder was fiercely dazzling, and the surrounding void suddenly shattered.

A faint and magnificent picture of mountains and rivers appeared in the vague surrounding!

At the moment, Ling Xiao and others are all in the scroll!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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