Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2235: Big Luo Tuan!


All around the sky oscillated, violently twisted, mountains and rivers shaken, and a blazing divine light enveloped this heaven and earth, as if the endless world of chaos emerged from the endless chaos.

This is a magnificent picture of mountains and rivers, which covers the entire five-element sky, even Ling Xiao and others have no awareness.

A terrifying extreme divinity diffused from the mountain and river scrolls, containing the power wave that crushed all, so that everyone was trembling, and their eyes were full of incredible looks.

This picture turned out to be an extremely imperial soldier!

No wonder the emperor had to be so fearless.

The undead emperor has always been indifferent. When Zhao Ritian killed the Devil's Army in the light of the sky, he was very calm. When Ling Xiao defeated the original emperor, he was very calm, and his eyes always fell on Ling. Xiao's body is like verifying something.

Now that the verification in his heart has come true, he finally decided to shoot!

"I remember Devil Emperor's Ji Dao Emperor's Soldiers, isn't he immortal? Where did he come from?

The old goat looked ugly, and said with some shock.

The immortal demon emperor is the head of the three demon emperors in the demon world, and his strength is heavenly. His immortal emperor soldiers are immortal seals. The legend contains the ultimate mystery of life and death, which was famous in ancient times.

And now the undead emperor brought out a picture, which made her very shocked.

You should know that every piece of imperial imperial soldiers is the supreme treasure for suppressing luck. Once it recovers, it is comparable to a supreme emperor, and its strength is terrifying.

"This is not a simple Ji Dao imperial soldier, this is a Ji Dao imperial soldier that is about to recover, and we are all trapped in the picture now. I'm afraid it is difficult to escape!"

There was a flash of glory among the eyes of the unscrupulous Taoist, and he said slowly.

The Jidao Emperor Soldiers are the most powerful weapons that the Supreme Emperor can use. Most people want to urge the Jidao Emperor Soldiers to pay a great price, and it is difficult to fully exert their power.

The recovered Ji Dao Emperor soldiers represent all the powers that can burst out of the Ji Dao Emperor soldiers. God blocks the killing gods, and the magic blocks the devil, even the strong players of the Holy Path can't compete.

The immortal emperor floats in the void, the whole body glows radiantly, the qi is transpiring, the whole person and this ancient picture scroll are merged into one, as if between the hands and feet, they have the power to destroy the world.

"Long Aotian, just take it! You are really strong, but in the big picture, you can't escape your wings! As the so-called time-conscious person is Junjie, if you surrender to me, maybe I can spare you Life!"

The immortal emperor said lightly.

"Da Luo Tu Juan? It turned out to be Da Luo Tu Juan?"

Feng Qingyang could not help but exclaimed, his eyes full of unbelievable look.

Da Luo Tujuan was a well-known elite soldier in the ancient times. It was rumored that its owner was Da Luo Dao Zu. Da Luo Dao Zu was rumored to be the master of Chaos Zhibao Wushu Tianshu. And the big Luo Tu Juan all disappeared.

Feng Qingyang also knew this supreme treasure, but did not expect it to fall into the hands of the undead emperor.

"Succumb to you? Emperor immortal, could you really think that there is a great emperor soldier, can you do whatever you want?"

Ling Xiao said lightly, his eyes calm and deep, without any trace of fear.

"Yes! I have Da Luo Tu Juan, I can do whatever I want! Even if a holy king is here, my Da Luo Tu Juan can kill it directly! Unless you also have a resurrected Ji Dao soldier!"

There is a hint of taunt in the eyes of the immortal emperor.

He knew that Wu Zi Tian Shu was in Ling Xiao’s hands, but Wu Zi Tian Shu itself was not an attack treasure, and it was extremely damaged at the moment. Even if Ling Xiao sacrificed Wu Zi Tian Shu, there was no way to contend with Da Luotu. volume.

"It's really ignorant and fearless! Do you really think that you are the only one who owns the Great Emperor soldiers? Zhao Ritian, it's yours!"

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, then stepped back slowly.


Behind Ling Xiao, the blazing divine light ascended, as if there was a stream of lightning intertwined, erupting an extremely terrifying breath.

Yan Emperor Ding, floating in the void, burst into immeasurable light in an instant, just like a shining sun to the extreme, containing the power fluctuations from yang to gang.

Zhao Ritian stood up slowly, his body radiating an extremely powerful breath fluctuations, his eyes suddenly opened, like lightning across the sky, shocking the four fields, the momentum was violent.

"Da Luo Tu Juan? I don't know if your Da Luo Tu Juan, can you stop my Yan Di Ding?"

Zhao Ritian smiled coldly.

His cultivation at this moment has been completely restored, and even improved. After all, Ling Xiao gave him part of the blood channel essence of the blood demon emperor, so that his cultivation can be quickly restored, and there is still improvement.

Ling Xiao had just noticed that Zhao Ritian woke up, so he said that.


Zhao Ritian's words just fell, Yan Emperor suddenly burst into endless divine Soared in the void, like a vast mountain, the endless flames rose, let the layers of voids It began to twist.

The space inside the Da Luo Tuju was trembling violently, and there was an extremely unstable atmosphere, as if it would break apart at any time.

"Yan Emperor Ding?! How can you have the ultimate emperor soldiers?"

The undead emperor was shocked, and there was an incredible look in his eyes.

Before Zhao Ritian came under the control of Yan Emperor Ding, the undead Emperor didn't notice the grade of Yan Emperor Ding. He thought it was just a general top-grade holy treasure.

But at this moment, Zhao Ritian urged Emperor Yan Ding with all his strength, and he discovered that this Emperor Yan Ding turned out to be a great soldier!

Moreover, Yan Di Ding has recovered abruptly.

"Joke! Just allow you to have Ji Dao Emperor soldiers, and don't allow others to have Ji Dao Emperor soldiers? See if your big Luotu roll is powerful, or our Yan Emperor is powerful!"

Both the old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist sneered.

Although the appearance of the Da Luo Tu Juan is very strange, they are not afraid of anything. After all, Zhao Ritian is behind them, and Zhao Ritian's Yan Emperor Ding is the ultimate soldier.

Zhao Ritian's breath rose around his body, his body was radiant and unmatched, the power of the sun body exploded completely, and a mysterious resonance formed with Yan Diding.

It was difficult to motivate Yan Di Ding with Zhao Ritian's cultivation as his strength, but he directly burned dozens of sun stars and injected all the energy into Yan Di Ding, forcibly revived Yan Di Ding.


Yan Emperor Ding bursts out with fiery and dazzling light, and suddenly rises in the air, spraying out a fiery flame, and suddenly flew away from the big Luotu scroll!

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