Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2243: 7 great arrogance!

The emperor walked down from the chariot of the emperor of heaven, holding the sword of emperor of heaven, and locked Ling Xiao and others, and his whole body was full of killing intentions, and he completely moved his heart.

Heavenly Emperor Sword's peerless edge burst out, like a complete recovery, Jidao Emperor Wei exploded in the void, causing Yan Emperor Ding to tremble violently.

Ling Xiao stared at Tian Zi and Tian Dao Emperor Sword, and his thoughts turned at a rapid speed.

The highest level of cultivation of Tianzi is nothing more than heaven. It is impossible for Tiandao Emperor Sword to recover completely. It must have used some kind of secret method to stimulate the power of Tiandao Emperor Sword and restore it.

This is a great crisis. To overcome this crisis, the first thing to do is to block the Heavenly Dao Emperor Sword, and to offset the Heavenly Dao Emperor Sword's recovery.

Otherwise, once the enchantment of Yan Emperor Ding is broken, under the attack of Heavenly Emperor Sword, Ling Xiao and others will be completely transformed into fly ash, without the slightest escape.


Emperor Tianzi came with the sword of Emperor Tiandao, and every step of it would make the void roar, the Quartet quake trembles, and the haze of chaos rises from his feet and diffuses in the void.

His eyes were indifferent and locked up Ling Xiao and others.

To be precise, Zhao Ritian was locked up.

That fierce killing intention was not concealed in the slightest, as if Zhao Ritian had to be slapped a thousand times or 10,000 times before he gave up!

Heavenly Emperor Sword radiates a dazzling light, like a meteor coming out of the sky, gorgeous, but contains the power of terror, people feel the threat of death.


Amidst Ling Xiao's eyes, his eyes flashed, and he shouted.

He rises in the sky, the gleaming light of the whole body is sprayed out, his arms are pushed out horizontally, and in the vast chaotic light, a bright round moon rises in the sky, looks bright and flawless, and contains mysterious and unpredictable The power fluctuates.

The original power of the avenue between heaven and earth all swarmed at this moment, and it poured into the full moon, making it more and more bright, more and more mysterious, and swirling in the void Get up, blocked in front of Heavenly Dao Emperor Sword.

A vast force broke out in the void!


Heavenly Emperor Sword came into the sky and instantly collided with the full moon, and the fiery light in the void exploded like a storm sweeping around.

Hundreds of millions of gods rose up into the sky, containing the power of the road, and then annihilated.

That horrible explosion was like a world open, giving birth to an ancient world, and a huge vacuum appeared in the void.


That round moon seemed to stick to the Heavenly Emperor Sword, and the two collided on the void, and there was a bit of stalemate. The Heavenly Emperor Sword burst out of the peerless edge. The full moon was annihilated.

"This is...made jade dish?!"

Emperor Tian's eyes startled, a little surprised.

He recognized it in an instant, and that bright round moon was the chaotic treasure in the biography, the jade dish of fortune!

In Ling Xiao's hand, there was a fragment of a jade dish of destruction, and after devouring the blood demon emperor, he obtained a fragment from the blood demon emperor. support.

Ling Xiao didn't even want to use the artificial jade dish, but the Heavenly Emperor Sword was too powerful to control the heavens and the heavens, and only the synthetic jade dish that also controlled the origin of the Zhutian Avenue could compete with it.

Ling Xiao's face was slightly pale, and he sacrificed his forged jade dish, which caused great loss to his Yuanshen. Although protected by the forged jade dish, Ling Xiao was able to deal with Heavenly Emperor Sword every time. Feeling that kind of peerless peerless swordmand, his Yuanshen still suffered some injuries.

boom! boom! boom!

The crafted jade dish and the Heavenly Dao Emperor Sword collided in the void, and the recovered Heavenly Dao Emperor Sword couldn’t help this chaotic treasure, and finally the recovery power was exhausted little by little. The sharp edge also slowly dissipated.

"Unexpectedly, you still have a jade dish in your hand? It seems that I really underestimated you! You gave me another reason to have to kill you!"

The emperor's eyes were filled with cold mountains, staring at Ling Xiao slowly.

"Want to kill me? Then don't talk so much nonsense, see the real chapter under your hand!"

Although Ling Xiao's face was a little pale, her fighting spirit rose in her eyes, and there was no trace of fear.

His horrible breath rose around him, as if he could obliterate the void, and the whole person was straight like a sword, full of powerful fighting intent, and the emperor had long been disgruntled towards him, and their grievances had begun before the ancient chaos.

"If you want to fight against Lord Tianzi, you are not qualified! I will fight you!"

An indifferent voice sounded in the void, and a tall, burly young man with Fang Tianhua halberd slowly walked out from behind Tianzi.

He was wearing a black unicorn war armor, holding Fang Tianhua halberd, looking heroic and energetic, with an unfathomable breath, a handsome and cold face, and a breath of destruction in his eyes.

He exudes a sense of silence from all over fighting intent is powerful and unmatched, and he has nothing to fight against Ling Xiao.

"Is it the Saint Son of the Heavenly Sovereign who has shot?"

Someone exclaimed.

The first arrogance of Tianzong, the strong man who broke the two limits at any time, can break the third limit at any time, step into the heavens, and stand up now!

"Yes! Long Aotian, you have no respect for the emperor of the emperor, you just don't respect the emperor, you are the traitor of my human race!

Another figure came out. It was a young man in a white robe. His eyes were silver. He held a scepter. His breath was mysterious, and there was a fluctuation of the years.

"Time is extraordinary?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered and found that this turned out to be an acquaintance of his, and the extraordinary genius who once met in the Space-Time Academy.

However, he found that although the person in front of him was exactly the same as Shi Fanfan, the breath was a little different, as if it were all-encompassing and contained a wave of extremely terrifying power.

"Hey, two brothers, let me hand this over. Wouldn't it be better for me to wipe his neck directly?"

A murky voice sounded, seemingly erratic, making it impossible to figure out where it was.

But Ling Xiao vaguely saw that it was an arbitrarily black shadow, hidden in the void, as if it was blended with the heavens and the earth, and most people could not find it.

The powerhouse of the light-dark Tianzong!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several figures rushed out at the same time, one by one, the breath was unfathomable, and the indifferent light flashed in the eyes, surrounding Ling Xiao in the center.

A white robe monk, a scholar holding a folding fan, a young man in black robe, and a son of Yuanchen wearing a five-color robe!

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