Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2244: Solitary defeat and Ye Liangchen!

The arrogant strongmen of the Ten Thousand Buddha Temple, the Temple of Destiny, the Celestial Sect, and the five holy sites of the Five Elements and the Tianzong are also shot.

In addition to the emperor, there are a total of seven arrogant and powerful individuals. Everyone has the ground to cultivate their behavior. Their breath is extremely powerful, and they lock Ling Xiao up and are ready to shoot at any time.

"Do you jerks want to bully less? Really think we're afraid you won't succeed?"

The old goat suddenly became angry, the fierce light flashing in his eyes.

"Fight to fight, do you really think we are determined?"

The unscrupulous Taoist also sneered.

"Come here, let your grandfather Zhao Ritian kill you one by one! Really thought you would be able to sit back and relax with the thigh in your arms?"

Zhao Ritian was also angry, regardless of his still healing, and a powerful breath wave erupted directly.

Although Jinse and Qingyang are nothing, but the eyes are cold and the killing intentions are all over the body, and they are ready for war.

Although they faced the emperor, they felt great pressure, but they also inspired the fighting spirit in their hearts. They were ready to fight against the water and spare no effort!

"I don't know if I want to die! Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

The killing intent of the emperor's eyes permeated, the light flashed in the palm of his hand, and the Heavenly Emperor Sword flew back from the void, and fell into his palm.

He was standing in the sky with the Emperor Heavenly Sword held in his hand, and his sword spirit rose around him. A peerless sword spirit locked Ling Xiao and others.

The seven heavenly arrogances are even colder, full of ridicule, and the attitude and posture of Ling Xiao and others are determined.


At this moment, there was suddenly a fierce sword rising in the void, tens of thousands of miles in might, containing the breath of life and death, the sword was extremely pure.

"Father, dare you fight?"

The light but calm voice sounded in the void, as if a thunder burst, causing everyone to raise their heads.

In the void, a young man in a black robe came from the sky, and the whole body was purely sword-like, with an extremely sharp edge, as if it could break everything.

Especially that pair of eyes, like the peerless sword of the sheath, fiery!

"It's him?!"

Both the old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist were shocked, with a look of surprise in their eyes.

"Who is coming?"

Tian Zi's eyes narrowed, staring at the young man in black robe lightly, he could feel that although the young man in black robe only had the ground to practice, he exuded an atmosphere that made him feel powerful and threatening.

"Lonely for defeat!"

The young man in black robe said lightly.

Alone for defeat, here it is!

Ling Xiao's mouth showed a smile, and when that sword of life and death traversed the sky, he knew that he was alone.

I did not expect that at such a moment, Dugu will seek help and will come to help, so that Ling Xiao's heart also gave birth to a trace of warmth.

"Lonely for defeat? What a arrogant name! Are you saving the dragon and proud of the sky? Don't be self-restrained! Since it's here, die with him!"

The emperor said indifferently.

"Tianzi, are you afraid of being struck by lightning if you act so hard?"

Suddenly, another voice sounded in the void, with a hint of taunting waves.


A figure came quickly from a distance, and instantly appeared in front of Ling Xiao and others. His face was full of arrogant and arrogant looks, standing with his hands down, his nostrils facing the sky, it was even more arrogant than Zhao Ritian.

But, he looks too ugly, so ugly that there is no way to describe it with words!

"Ye Liangchen?"

A trace of weirdness appeared in Ling Xiao's eyes. Ye Liangchen didn't say goodbye before. Ling Xiao didn't expect this guy to come to the ancient chaotic ground. At this moment, Ling Xiao was in danger and came to help.

"Who is this guy? Even if it looks so ugly, it's crazy than me?"

Zhao Ritian was immediately attracted by Ye Liangchen, facing the old goat.

"Cough... I don't know! But after listening to Ling Xiao, this guy is named Ye Liangchen, who has the doom of holy doctrine, and can say what he can do? It is a disaster that can bring misfortune to others. You are far from him. a little!"

The old goat coughed softly.

"Disaster Star? What do you say? I am Zhao Ritian, a son of luck. Where would I be afraid of him?"

Zhao Ritian's eyes showed a look of disbelief, a smug smile.


But his voice just fell, he only heard the thunder roaring in the void, the lightning was in the air, and suddenly there was a huge black thunder, containing the power of destruction, straight down towards the emperor, Zhao Ritian was terrified. jump.


Tian Zi's brow furrowed. This thunder came inexplicably. He didn't feel anyone attacking him. It seemed that the thunder that had fallen naturally fell on his head.


When his sleeve waved, the thunder light was instantly absorbed into his sleeve, dissolved and invisible.

But Zhao Ritian and Lao Goat looked at each other, they suddenly thought of the sentence when Ye Liangchen just came, really directly fulfilled by the thunder?

Do not know if it was an illusion, Zhao Ritian saw Ye Liangchen smiled at him, and suddenly felt a little cold in the back.

This doom body is so weird!

"You guys who bow down and kneel It's okay to surrender to the emperor, dare to bully my elder brother? Are you afraid to go out and be killed by thunder and walk and burn to death?"

Ye Liangchen arrogantly sneered at the seven heavenly arrogances such as the Son of Death.


Suddenly, there was thunder roaring in the void again, and a series of thunderlights directly fell towards the seven heavenly arrogances, and even a flame diffused out of the void, directly enveloping the seven of them.

These seven heavenly arrogances are naturally not as powerful as the emperor’s hands to suppress all the power. They were suddenly caught by the thunder and flames. After a lot of effort, the thunder and flames were broken. Embarrassed.

The emperor was completely shocked and looked at Ye Liangchen in disbelief.

If the first time was a coincidence, what about this second time?

Tianzi didn't even think that Ye Liangchen's bastard's broken mouth had such great power. It was just a way of saying things. Could it be that he was Tiandao's son?

"Brother, rest assured, I have Ye Liangchen here today, and no one can hurt you! Even if this is the same, do you want me to kill this **** for you?"

Ye Liangchen fell from the void, hugged Ling Xiao's shoulder very intimately, a look of arrogance and dry clouds, looked very arrogant.

"You guy, haven't seen you for so long, your mouth is getting stronger and stronger!"

Ling Xiao was a little crying and laughing, but her mouth was full of smiles. She nodded toward seeking solitude in Dugu. It was good to see these old people again.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

But at this moment, there were several broken sounds in the void, and several powerful figures appeared on the void!

ps: Fourth, everyone rest early.

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