Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2245: See you Pangu Tiangang again!

"Who dares to move the dragon and proud of the sky, is the enemy of Pangu Tiangang me!"

A majestic voice exploded in the void, containing a majestic and vast momentum.

Among the few figures in the void, headed by a burly man in animal skin, the breath is unpredictable, the eyes are majestic and mysterious, as if there is a chaotic world.

His face was firm, his eyebrows were thick, his muscles were full of knots, and his bronze skin was filled with an immortal luster, like a cast iron, full of explosive power.

When he appeared in the void, all the heavens and earth were booming, as if the main source of the avenue was ringing in Weng.


Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, revealing a look of extreme surprise.

His burly man wearing animal skin was Pangu Tiangang. Ling Xiao didn't expect Pangu Tiangang to appear here. The elders of the Pangu family took Pangu Tiangang away in order to accept the inheritance. Now Pangu Tiangang appears, presumably It has been completely inherited by Pangu Emperor.

Ling Xiao could feel that Pangu Tiangang's cultivation base had reached the third heaven realm, and there was a vast and terrifying power in his body. It was the power of the blood of the emperor, as if he could tear the sky dome.

And the three figures behind Pangu Tiangang, Ling Xiao also recognized that it was Pan Gufeng, Li Chengyun and Tomb Yuansheng!

It's just that all three of them now have the saint's cultivation base!

"Pangu Tiangang? Are you heir to Pangu Emperor?"

Tian Zi's eyes flashed, looking at the faint way of Pangu Tiangang.

He seemed to be able to perceive the breath on Pangu Tiangang, and instantly discovered the vast blood power of Pangu Tiangang.

"Exactly! You are the Son of the Heavenly Emperor? As the Son of the Heavenly Emperor, don't help the weak, not fight the Demon Race, but here to exclude aliens, deal with the geniuses of the Human Race, if the Heavenly Emperor is resurrected, I am afraid that you will be annoying dead!"

Pangu Tiangang gave Tianzi a cold look.

"How to act in this seat, you don't need you to teach me here! Long Aotian colluded with the Demon Race, I naturally dealt with him for the safety of the human race. I did not expect that you, as the heir of the Pangu Great Emperor, would willingly surrender to Long Aotian? Not afraid to embarrass Pangu Emperor?"

The emperor said faintly, with no change in his appearance.

"I am the son of Pangu Emperor and the disciple of the Temple of War. Long Aotian is the master of my temple. There is nothing wrong with protecting him! Little nonsense, since you insist on dealing with him, I really want to see. How strong is his emperor!"

Pangu Tiangang's eyes flashed sharply, his terrifying breath rose, and he was filled with incomparably powerful fighting intent.


At this moment, there was a dragon chanting sound in the void that shook the sky dome, which contained a majestic and mysterious atmosphere. The terrifying dragon power erupted, causing the four sky domes to violently oscillate.

Several figures came from the sky, and each one exudes an extremely powerful Shengwei.

They were four old men with white hair, dressed in dragon robes, holding dragon halberds, with a very majestic face, and an unpredictable atmosphere all around them, but they were four powerful saints!

In front of them was a little girl with pink carvings and jade carvings. She looked flirty and very cute. Her big eyes were clear and flawless, and there was a pure and pure atmosphere fluctuations all over her.

"Big brother, little one is here to protect you! Which villain are you and me bullying you? I let the four grandpas tear them apart!"

The voice of milk and milk gas sounded, and after seeing Ling Xiao, the little girl's eyes suddenly lighted up, revealing a look of extreme excitement, which directly turned into a streamer and burst into Ling Xiao's arms.

"Long Xiaoxiao? Why are you here?"

Ling Xiao involuntarily hugged the lovely little girl in front of her and stunned slightly.

This little girl was the dragon princess Long Xiaoxiao that Ling Xiao had seen. She didn't expect that she heard Ling Xiao's trouble and rushed over to support it, making Ling Xiao's heart both surprised and moved.

"Hee hee, big brother, are you very happy to see the little one? Of course, my father asked me to come, I didn't sneak out! Are these bad guys bullying you? Let the little one help you out! "

Long Xiaoxiao spit out the cute little tongue, quickly said.

Ling Xiao heard Long Xiaoxiao's words, and then looked at the four helpless dragon clan elders. He suddenly knew that Long Xiaoxiao might have run out again this time, and he couldn't help feeling a laugh.

"Dragon Master, the little princess listens to you being chased by the Demon Race, so she came to stop and want to help you! But now it seems that it is not the Devil people who are dealing with you, but the people within your human race!"

A white elder of the Dragon clan explained that his eyes fell on Tianzi and others, his eyes full of meaning.

"Seniors laughed! But they alone are not my opponents!"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

He can naturally hear the deep meaning in the words of the dragon elders. I am afraid that these dragon elders have also recognized the identity of the emperor and will not easily shoot.

"Big brother, don't worry, Xiao Xiao is so powerful now! If they dare to bully you, I will kill them with one punch!"

Long Xiaoxiao Xianbao seemed to raise his little fist, grinning.


She seemed to be afraid that Ling Xiao didn't believe it. She raised her pink fist and threw a fist towards the distant void, and suddenly a golden dragon claw skyrocketed in the A flying mountain is flying away.

That suspended mountain was magnificent and magnificent, but by the golden dragon claws, the rumbling tremors instantly turned into a piece of powder.

"Little is amazing!"

Ling Xiao was a little secret, he only started to look at Long Xiaoxiao at the moment, and found that Long Xiaoxiao's cultivation behavior had already reached the three heavens, and the power of this blow was already enough to kill the strong three heavens. The person.

Ling Xiao saw that the heavenly arrogance of the eight holy sites such as Yuanchen Shengzi had all changed slightly, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Come on, is this female doll too powerful? Is the dragon princess so perverted?"

Everyone was secretly slurping, eyes full of unbelievable look.

"Who is this Long Aotian? How can there be so many people to help him?"

"Unclear! Pangu Tiangang is the heir of Pangu Great Emperor. Ye Liangchen is also a disciple of the hidden world. Seeking defeat alone is the successor of the League of Legends. It is the genius of the swordsmanship. Princess, where is this Long Aotian so much energy?"

"I'm afraid this battle is hanging! There are so many people helping Long Aotian, I'm afraid Lord Tianzi will have to weigh up!"


There was a lot of discussion, and they were all stunned by the current lineup.

At first, it seemed that Ling Xiao and others were going to be suppressed by the emperor. There was no accident at all, but now it seems that the strength of Ling Xiao's side is not even weaker than that of Tian Zi's side!

Especially Pangu Tiangang, the heir of Pangu Great Emperor, that is the Tiangang Emperor, no matter his status, he is not much weaker than Tianzi!

ps: There is only one more change today, everyone rest early.

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