Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2264: Years compass!


The ancient temple stands in the chaotic void, surrounded by the power of chaotic time, surrounded by a dazzling divine light, which looks mysterious and ancient.

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, he could feel the vast power of time in the temple, as if it was the starting point of all time, and also the place where time has come back, it seems Incomparably mysterious.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

At this moment, an extremely powerful attraction suddenly came out of that temple. Ling Xiao, Shi Fanfan and the other four felt a supernatural power, and directly inhaled them all into the temple.

Ling Xiao and others did not resist. They did not feel any threat. They all knew that the compass of the years had played a role. I am afraid that several of them would already have the qualification to be passed on.

After all, the compass of nine years is scattered in the heavens, and the emperor of the years has left a place of inheritance here, I am afraid it is to find a successor.

And they, as well as the dead Son of Yuanchen, are considered candidates.


The bright light exploded in front of Ling Xiao's eyes. He appeared in an ancient and mysterious space, surrounded by chaos and fog, and the sky was dark. Here, time seemed to become a disordered state, and everything became nothing. Meaning.

Shi Fanfan and the other four also appeared not far away, looking at Ling Xiao's eyes full of vigilance.

Under the strong pressure of Ling Xiao, the five of them stood on the same front, and kept opposite to Ling Xiao to guard against Ling Xiao's shot.

In fact, the combat power that Ling Xiao has just erupted is too terrifying. Yuanchen Shengzi's strength is not much different from them, but he can't stop Ling Xiao's punch, and he is directly killed.

If Ling Xiao shoots them, I am afraid that even if the five of them are together, it will be difficult to resist.

Ling Xiao's mouth showed a faint smile, a cold flash in his eyes, wondering if he wanted to shoot now, and directly kill all the five extraordinary people.

The atmosphere became a little more dignified, as if a war would break out at any time.


At this moment, the bright light in the distance flickered, faintly like a bright star, exuding a majestic and ancient atmosphere fluctuation.

"Huh? That's... years of compass?"

Ling Xiao's eyes shook, and he was immediately attracted.

He found that the thing that looked like a star floated in the center of the temple. The glow of the light was dazzling and dazzling. It turned out to be an ancient compass with a mysterious line intertwined with it, which contained the power of time.

Looking closely, it seems as if those lines are connected to the heavens and the world through the void, and can control the time origin of the heavens and the world.

In addition, Ling Xiao felt a powerful Jidi Emperor from it. Although it has not recovered, it also made people feel terrified and felt extremely palpitated.

"This is the great soldier of the great emperor of the years, is the compass of the years?!"

Shi Fanfan exclaimed, and suddenly his eyes showed a very greedy look.

The previous nine-year compasses were nothing more than imitations of the divine emperor soldiers. Although they were considered good holy treasures, they were far worse than the real compasses.

The mission of those nine-year compasses was to choose the inheritors and then bring them to the place where the great emperors inherited.

The other four people's breathing also became extremely rapid, one after another with fierce eyes, eager to rush up now and grab the compass of the years.


The compasses of the years were brilliant, and six bright divine rainbows were shot out instantly, just like the Hongqiao, they were traversed across the sky, paved in front of the six people such as Ling Xiao and Shi Ban.

The six Hongqiao channels are distinct and do not interfere with each other, but they contain a vast and powerful time force.

At the same time, Ling Xiao, Shi Bufan and the six others were also separated from each other by the power of time, as if they were shrouded in a layer of enchantment, and the slight tremor of the void, although they could see each other, they were like It is through endless time and space.

"Is this the test of years compass?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with brilliance, and the time compass was the emperor's soldier of the time emperor. It can be said that with the time compass, you can get the complete inheritance of the time emperor.

The six Hongqiao channels in front of me are probably the tests set by the compass of the years. Only after passing the test to the compass of the years will we be qualified to be recognized by the compass of the years.


Ling Xiao made a decisive decision without any hesitation, and walked directly to the Hongqiao Passage.

After Ling Xiao set foot on the Hongqiao Passage, the sky suddenly oscillated and the scene in front of him changed. He appeared in an ancient world.

The flowers, trees, mountains, rivers, lakes, and even all living creatures in front of me are changing in a strange state.

A grass that grows quickly and then falls off Finally turned into a seed buried in the ground, and then re-extracted new shoots, rapid growth.

A little white rabbit grows fur at a rate visible to the naked eye from the beginning of birth, and then becomes strong and radiant, and finally reproduces the offspring, giving birth to heirs, gradually toward old, and eventually dies.

The river went from full to dry, from dry to full again...

Cangshan ranges from the spring with hundreds of flowers blooming, to the passionate and lush summer, to the autumn with fallen leaves, and finally to the snow-covered, dead winter...

The reincarnation of the four seasons, the reincarnation of life and death, are being staged all the time.

Ling Xiao stood above this ancient world, just like the God of Creation, not sad nor happy, quietly observing all these changes.

"Is this...time speeding up?"

With a slight movement in Ling Xiao's heart, he could feel that this is not a real world, but the evolution of the power of time, but it is like a real world. Everything seems so real and within reach.

The powerful flow of time flows like a mysterious line, intertwined around Ling Xiao, so that he can clearly feel the power of time.

Time in this world is accelerated infinitely, ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times... so the mysterious scene of instant reincarnation will appear before his eyes.

Ling Xiao's expression is calm, not sad or unhappy, floating in the void, carefully feeling the change of time, as if everything in this world is related to him, but it is under his control.

That kind of feeling is so wonderful that Ling Xiao gradually realized the essence of time and the power of time.

After all, Ling Xiao had obtained the menstrual period and the compass of time that represented time acceleration before. He also had some insights into time acceleration. The world in front of him is not too difficult for him to test.

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