Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2265: 9 great time true meaning!

"Time speeds up!"

There was a strange light in Ling Xiao's eyes, and he whispered to himself, and then stretched out a hand, just as if he had lifted the fog of history, so gently.

Suddenly, the originally accelerated time is getting faster and faster.

At the beginning, Ling Xiao felt a bit jerky, but as his understanding of the power of time became deeper and deeper, he became more and more relaxed in controlling time.

From the initial double time acceleration, to ten times time acceleration, even one hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times... Time is in Ling Xiao's hands, as if to become a kind of doll, at his discretion.

By the end, when Ling Xiao felt that the time of the whole world was under his control, the ancient world suddenly shattered.

Ling Xiao appeared on the Hongqiao again, but had already walked a distance towards the front.

"The compass of nine years represents the true meaning of the origin of nine kinds of time. Could it be that there are nine tests on the Hongqiao?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly in his heart that he didn't stay in the slightest and took another step.


The bright light bloomed again, Ling Xiao appeared in an ancient world.

In this world, all flowers, trees, mountains, lakes, and even all kinds of creatures grow extremely slowly. Here, the time seems to be slowed down to the extreme.

"This is... time to slow down!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

He is like an outsider himself, looking at everything in this world, he has not been affected, so with himself as a reference, it is easy to discover the true meaning of time in this world.

Ling Xiao realized the true meaning of time deceleration, and this world naturally broke open.

The third world is time stillness!

Among the compasses of the years that Ling Xiao obtained, there is also the true meaning of time stillness, so it has no effect on him, and he soon realized the true meaning of time stillness.

The fourth world is the distortion of time, where time and space are distorted, the world is also erratic, the timeline is disorganized, flowers and trees may grow reversely, and various beasts will grow to the full age. Will die suddenly, the world seems to have become chaotic and disorderly.

Because there is no reference, Ling Xiao spent a long time to realize the true meaning of time distortion.

The next world is still not difficult for Ling Xiao.

In the fifth world, time is imprisoned!

The sixth world, time is ruined!

The seventh world, the cycle of time!

The eighth world, back in time!


Unconsciously, Ling Xiao has traversed the eight worlds above the Hongqiao Passage, and seeing the years compass is not far in front of him. It looks mysterious and exudes eternal and immortal breath fluctuations.

As long as he passes the test of the last world again, he can reach the compass of years.

Ling Xiao looked back and found that Shi Fanfan immediately followed him, and was now being tested in the eighth world, while the other four were far behind, both in the fourth and fifth worlds.

"At this time, extraordinary is really very strong! If he also has three years compass, I am afraid that like me, I have to enter the ninth world!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly in his heart that he was a little more curious and surprised when he was extraordinary.

Being able to come to the eighth world for testing at such a rapid rate shows that the extraordinary talents are indeed extremely strong, and they have extremely high attainments and talents in time.

"The true meaning of time going back is very dangerous. I almost lost my heart. I was almost turned into a mortal with no slight cultivation by the power of time. I am afraid that the ninth world will be even more dangerous!"

Ling Xiao said to herself, a sharp edge appeared in her eyes, and walked towards the front.


There is a fierce thunder and ascension, a vast avenue of law is intertwined, there are countless phantoms of gods and deities, and Ling Xiao appears in an ancient and vast world.

In this world, as if it was the beginning of heaven and earth, countless chaotic gods and demons came from the chaos and launched an earth-shattering war. A vast expanse of continents in the chaos was shattered, The stars fell and the blood rain flew, just like asura hell.

Although Ling Xiao was watching all this as an outsider, he still felt the fierce monstrous breath, which caused him to shake slightly.

He can feel that the chaotic gods and demons are extremely terrifying in strength, and they can destroy the stars and sink the continent between their hands and feet, and they can tear the ancient ancient beasts, and the power is fierce.

But here, time seems to turn into eternity. Time lines are intertwined, like order, binding everything. Although the world and the world are sunk and the space is destroyed, time is still moving forward. Go away, converge into a long river of time, and flow to that unknown place.

"Is time eternal?"

Shaking in Ling Xiao's heart, he can feel the eternal meaning of time, as if no creature, any strong man and any force can contend with time, in front of the universe gathered by countless Time is the eternal existence.

Time is order, heaven, everything.

Without time, the existence of space has no meaning, the existence of the world has no meaning, and even the tens of thousands of races and hundreds of millions of souls have lost the meaning of existence.

Time is eternal, as if there is only chaos, and only the ethereal heaven can control the true meaning. Ling Xiao can only be a bystander, and there is no way to understand the real meaning of time eternity.

He sat in this side of the world, just like sitting, and lost any breath fluctuations, hundreds of millions of years have passed in the blink of an eye, he is still like a stone carving.

At this moment, Shi Fanfan also passed the test of the eighth world and saw the figure of Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao stood still at the top of Hongqiao at the moment, but there was only one step away from the compass.

One step away, but it's like a chasm.

"Has Long Aotian actually entered the ninth world? The compass of the years is extraordinary for me, no one can take it away! Even you, Long Aotian, will not work!"

Shi Fang's eyes showed a fierce killing intent, and there was a blazing divine light around him, filled with mysterious blood, and suddenly spread toward the Hongqiao silently.

He stepped out in one step, and the void oscillated in an instant. The endless power of his body was intertwined, and an ancient and vast world emerged vaguely.

But those blood and light intertwined, so that the four heavenly vaults were oscillating, turned into a **** thunder, and suddenly split on the ancient world, and suddenly the ninth world was turned into a powder!

And the vast meaning of time, instantly poured into the body of time extraordinary, time extraordinary step by step, instantly appeared in front of the compass of time.

Looking at the years compass in front of him, Shi extraordinary eyes are full of excitement and fiery look!

(End of this chapter)

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