Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2266: The 10th time is true!

The compass of the years looks ancient and mysterious, with a bright light, and there is a mysterious line intertwined, as if it contains the mystery of time.

Standing in front of the compass of time, Shi Banfan even felt that he could hear the chanting sounds of the ancient ancestors, he could hear the mysterious mystery of heaven, and he could see the secrets of the years.

The blood around him bloomed, intertwined with seven colors of light, vaguely as if another mysterious and ancient figure appeared behind the extraordinary.

"Long Aotian, I'm afraid you can't think of it! I have refined a drop of blood from the Great Emperor of the Years, and the inheritance of the Great Emperor of the Times will be mine after all! When I refine the compass of the Great Years, I will send you on the road!"

Shi Fanfan said to himself, his voice was indifferent, he looked at Ling Xiao coldly, and the endless colorful blood light gathered in his palm, and then he was drawn towards the compass of the years.


The compass of the years shook slightly, as if a certain force was sensed, and it had a strange resonance with the time, and it began to tremble.

The extraordinary light of Shi Wanfan's whole body blooms, and the true meaning of the nine major times is like nine bright stars floating around his body, converging into a pure and vast force of time origin, rushing towards the compass of the years.

After passing the tests of nine worlds, Shi Bufan also realized the true meaning of the nine major times and wanted to use this to refine the compass of the years.

The compass of years floats in chaos, and contains immense immortality of divinity. Shi Wanfan feels that his control over the compass of years is getting stronger and stronger, and he can't help but reveal a look of extreme surprise and excitement in his eyes.

As long as the time compass is refined, he can become the true inheritor of the time emperor, and then by virtue of the various methods left by the time emperor, even if it is to kill Long Aotian, it will be a breeze.

Shi Fanfan clung to his mind and urged his whole body to begin refining the compass of his time.


At this moment, Ling Xiao also came out of the ninth world, a vicissitudes and deep expression appeared in his eyes.

"The ninth time is true, is time eternal? What a terrible time eternity, I am almost lost in it and cannot extricate myself!"

Ling Xiao said to herself with fear.

When he just experienced the test of the eternal truth of time, he felt the kind of time-solidified, immortal mysterious artistic conception, those strange scenes, and the scenes of countless chaotic wars of gods and demons, which appeared in front of his eyes, making him aware of the time. Real intentions are getting deeper and deeper. In the end, I don’t know how long it takes to fully realize the eternal meaning of time and break out of that world.

"Huh? Why is the extraordinary speed so fast?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and instantly saw the front. Shi Fanfan sat under the years compass and was refining the years compass.

The compass of the years exudes extremely powerful divinity, as if it can destroy everything, there are many worlds around, and the mysterious scene of the reversal of the galaxy emerges.

Before entering the ninth world, Ling Xiao also saw that Shi Wanfan was struggling in the eighth world, but did not expect Shi Fanfan to be faster than his speed. He first came to the years compass before he was beginning to refine the years. The compass imperial soldier.

"Never let him get the compass of years!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and he walked towards the extraordinary time!


Suddenly, there was a mysterious ripple in the void, and Ling Xiao took a thousand steps in one step, but what shocked him was that Shi Fanfan and the compass of the years were still in front of him, as if he had been born with his movement. With hands and feet, Ling Xiao had no way to come to the extraordinary side.

Ling Xiao's heart shook violently, and he faintly felt an unreal atmosphere.

"What's going on? Now that I passed the nine tests and realized the nine real intentions of Time Avenue, I should be able to defeat Shi Fanfan and take back the compass of the years! But why can't I get closer?"

Ling Xiao's brow furrowed, and when she looked at her, she was full of doubts.

Shi Bufan and the compass of the years are in front of Ling Xiao, but he feels like there is no end to space and time, and there is no way to come to the extraordinary.

There was still a chaotic void in front of me, and it seemed as though there was nothing, but Ling Xiao felt something awkward and vaguely unreal.

"Can it be... this is the tenth world?!"

Ling Xiao was shocked, and there was a bright edge in his eyes!

Ling Xiao took a deep breath, and her heart became undone, slowly closing her eyes, and sat down directly on the spot.

There was silence all around.

Chaos haze, and various mysterious scenes emerged, just like the sky and the earth, so that the Sifang Sky Dome was trembling slightly.

But in an instant, calmness was restored again, as if nothing Between this movement, Ling Xiao felt a strange power of time flowing, flowing through every chaotic void .


Ling Xiao felt vaguely that there was a fiery thunder rising around him, and an ancient and mysterious world was opened in the chaos, and Ling Xiao became the heaven of the world, watching the struggle of endless creatures, there was a kind of ants under the heaven. a feeling of.

Time became erratic here, and even Ling Xiao could not tell what was true and what was false.

"This is really the tenth time! Is it true or false?"

Ling Xiao's heart shook, and even a little horrified.

This kind of real meaning of time seems to be beyond the real meaning of the other nine time, but it seems to be everywhere, seemingly true and false, as if virtual and real, making people seem to be able to sink into the long river of time forever. You can’t see where you are before you come.

This is the true and false power of time. It looks illusory, but Ling Xiao feels faintly, perhaps this is the most powerful truth in the Avenue of Time.

Even he was almost confused.

Ling Xiao has now been able to determine. Shi Fanfan is probably lost in the tenth world, lost in the power of time and true and unable to extricate himself. He thinks he has refined the compass of the years, but he is still in the test.


Ling Xiao's expression was calm, without sorrow and joy, as if he was blessed to the soul, he realized the real and false mood of time, and the ancient chaotic void in front of him suddenly shattered.

What appears before Ling Xiao is still the chaotic void, but the difference is that this is the real world.

Chaos is the origin of everything, the ruins of the heavens and the world.

Ling Xiao is still standing on the Hongqiao Bridge, the only difference is that he is already standing on the edge of the Hongqiao Bridge.

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