Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2284: Life and death are all empty!

In the depths of the chaotic battlefield, there is a mountain that looks very ordinary, but the inside is hollowed out, and a powerful space formation is laid out, forming a small world.

  At this moment, in the small world in the abdomen of mountains, there is a fierce battle.


   The fierce and fierce fist print rises like the sun, exuding an endless hot light, and suddenly blasting the sky's sword light into the powder!

  Zhao Ritian and Du Gu stand for the defeat and stand in the sky. The fighting intentions rise between each other. Both of them have exploded to the extreme, and launched a very fierce battle.

Among the crowd of onlookers, there are Pangu Tiangang, Zhou Panlong, Jiangliuer, and some talented strongmen from other worlds. At this moment, everyone is watching the battle between Zhao Ritian and Du Gu seeking defeat, and his face is full of emotion. Color.

   "I didn't expect that Zhao Ritian's strength was so strong, I think that Du Gu Dao Xiong might not be able to defeat him!"

   Pangu Tiangang sighed.

   "I didn't think that after proclaiming himself for so long, the human race has appeared so proud, defeated in his hand, I am convinced to take it orally!"

  Zhou Panlong also smiled bitterly.

  Pangu Tiangang and Zhou Panlong have been defeated in the hands of Zhao Ritian. Rao is the proud of both of them, one is the heir of Pangu Emperor, and the other is the ancient arrogance, but the defeat in Zhao Ritian's hand is also convinced.

  The emperor launched a massacre in the chaotic battlefield. All the genius strongmen he met were all killed in his hands, and the power of luck was taken away.

   Today's emperor, luck is at its peak, the luck above his head has turned purple, and the power of luck has reached the extreme.

   And the final battle of the chaotic battlefield arrives, only the owner of the Purple Fortune is eligible to participate in the final battle.

Zhao Ritian and Pangu Tiangang, Zhou Panlong, Jiang Liu'er and Dugu seeking defeat were also inadvertently encountered, but their luck is mostly silver luck, only Zhao Ritian's gold luck, but it is still worse than the purple luck Far away.

   So they finally made a decision, learn from each other, and then give their luck to the strongest person, it is not hurt.

   But none of them thought that Zhao Ritian was so sturdy. Pangu Tiangang and Zhou Panlong had gone through a fierce battle and eventually lost to Zhao Ritian and lost to him.

In the battle between Dugu and Zhao Ritian, the two of them fought for thousands of rounds, and a result was about to appear. Everyone was staring at Dugu for defeat and Zhao Ritian. They wanted to see who could win this. war.

   "Brother Jiang Dao, who do you think will win this battle?"

   Pangu Tiangang asked Jiang Liuer with a glance.

   "Zhao Ritian!"

   Jiang Liuer smiled indifferently, and did not hesitate to spit out three words.

   "You are so sure? Then who loses and wins compared to Zhao Ritian? Why aren't you ready to go to a battle?"

  Zhou Panlong asked curiously.

The Jiangliuer in front of him, known as the Peerless Heavenly Pride of 90 million years ago, has the qualification to prove his success as an emperor. Although Zhou Panlong is much older than Jiangliu's age, when Zhou Panlong faced Jiangliuer , But vaguely felt that this river is unfathomable, perhaps stronger than him.

   But Jiangliuer has already shown that he will not fight for the son of the natural selection, and will only give his luck to the person who finally wins!

   "Look at it, I am afraid that the result of this battle will appear soon! I had no idea about the Son of Heaven, and I came here this time to find someone!"

   Jiang Liuer said lightly.

"Find someone?"

  Zhou Panlong became more and more curious.


   But at this moment, the terrifying momentum in the void exploded, attracting Zhou Panlong's attention, making Zhou Panlong's eyes instantly fall on Zhao Ritian and Du Gu seeking defeat.

"Zhao Ritian, your strength is indeed very strong! In fact, I haven't beat you for thousands of moves, it is already my defeat! But I still have the last sword, I haven't completely mastered this sword by yourself, you can try Give it a try?"

   Solitude alone looked at Zhao Ritian calmly and said.

   He is a pure sword repairman, and the swordsman is also strong. Sword repair is advancing, and the sword has no regrets. Either the enemy is dead or I die. Therefore, the sword repair is often extremely fierce.

   But when he fought against Zhao Ritian, he found that Zhao Ritian seemed to possess an immortal body and an innocent real body. His swordsmanship could not find any flaws in Zhao Ritian.

   To this extent, he has already lost.

   But Dugu seeks defeat and meets his heart, and finally meets a powerful opponent, so he also decided to use that sword!

   "Duogu Senior still has a trick? Of course, I have to educate me! Although I am Zhao Ritian's wizard, but Duogu Senior is not bad, I really want to see if Dugu Senior can be truly undefeated!"

   Zhao Ritian smiled proudly.

   He has a golden armor, black hair flying, very slender figure, all his body exudes strong and unmatched breath fluctuations, surrounded by flames, like a peerless **** of war, temperament fierce flying, incomparably overbearing and arrogant!

  'S battle with Pangu Tiangang and Zhou Panlong benefited Zhao Ritian a lot, especially the battle against Du Gu's defeat, it also made Zhao Ritian fight the spirit of 120,000 points.

   "Okay! My sword, named Wan Tribulation, life and death are all empty, and there is no comprehension to complete, just a residual move, you are careful!"

   said slowly when he was alone.


An ordinary long sword appeared in his palm, the sword was straight, and the sword was fierce, like the autumn water, reflecting the sentient beings in the world, reflecting the face of Du Gu seeking defeat and Zhao Ritian's next moment, Du Gu Begging for defeat.

   I saw that a long sword fluttered toward Zhao Ritian lightly, the tip of the sword shivered slightly, and a brilliant sword light rose up, intertwined in the void into an intricate, grotesque world.

   It seems that billions of worlds are intertwined with each other, there is new life and disillusionment, there is chaos and nothingness, there is life and death, there is reality and illusion, it makes people seem to sink into it completely.

   Zhao Ritian's expression was a little confused, as if stuck in an endless illusion, he could only watch the sword coming towards his eyebrow, without any idea to resist.

   Jianjian reached Zhao Ritian.

  The tip of the sword pierced into Zhao Ritian's eyebrows.

   There was a trace of blood above the tip of the sword.


But at this moment, Zhao Ritian's fierce divine light rose in the sea of ​​knowledge, his body's blood boiled, the infinite light of the earth flowed, and the flames of the destruction of the world burned, causing him to explode. There is a sense of terror that does not belong to this world.

   The power of taboo broke out!

  Zhao Ritian suddenly stretched out his palm and grabbed the long sword directly. There was a terrifying power fluctuation on his arm. Only a clear voice was heard, and the long sword was directly broken by Zhao Ritian!

  Countless mysterious and illusory worlds shattered, like glazed glass, sprinkled with gleaming light rain, and finally left only the figure of Du Gu seeking defeat and Zhao Ritian.

"you win!"

  'S face was a little pale, but his body was still straight like a sword, and he said slowly to Zhao Ritian.

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