Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2285: 4 great arrogance!

Life and death are all empty. It is a kind of sword trick realized by the solitary seek for defeat on the basis of the Avenue of Destruction and the Avenue of Life. It is not complete, and it is still in the stage of exploration.

   The power of this type of remnant move is terrifying, weeping ghosts and gods, the kind of horror power just now can tear almost everything and destroy all creatures.

   But it was finally broken by Zhao Ritian's taboo!

   The look of being alone is very calm, and he conceded directly.

   "Duogu Senior, if you really fight, I am definitely not your opponent! And I can feel that your sword skills are not complete, and if it is completely complete, it will certainly be able to explode ten times and one hundred times!"

   Zhao Ritian also said with some emotion.

   This move is a terrifying horror of life and death. If Zhao Ritian finally urged the taboo power, it would be extremely difficult to break the life and death of life.

  Zhao Ritian won very lucky and won very hard!

   "I look forward to that day too!"

   smiled slightly when he was alone.

   He can feel that when he thoroughly understands that the lives and deaths of all the robberies are empty, it is when he proves his sanctification, and he is also looking forward to the power of this type of sword move.

   "Do you disobey? If you are dissatisfied, don't hesitate to enlighten me!"

  Zhao Ritian's eyes fell on the people below and smiled proudly.

   "We are convinced! Master Zhao Ritian, we are willing to give you the power of luck!"

   Everyone's eyes were full of awe, and said quickly.

   Speaking, mostly because they heard the news of the massacre of the emperor, they had to flee here to escape. Now that Zhao Ritian can protect their lives, they are naturally willing to give up their luck.

   "Very good! You made a right choice!"

   Zhao Ritian smiled faintly.


  The top of Zhao Ritian's head was originally golden luck. It looked like a bright sun, and the light was dazzling. At the moment, everyone abandoned the power of luck and began to be swallowed by the golden luck above Zhao Ritian's head.

  Zhao Ritian's head was full of aura, mist, and the power of luck was intertwined, containing immense and ancient power fluctuations.

   "Zhao Ritian, we have given you the power of luck!"

  Zhou Panlong, Pangu Tiangang, and Dugu for their defeats all gave up their luck and gave it to Zhao Ritian.

  Zhao Ritian won the power of luck with his own strength, and they naturally had no opinion.

   Even the power of luck above Jiang Liu'er's head was given to Zhao Ritian.


   Zhao Ritian's luck rose above his head. After absorbing and refining so much luck, the golden luck began to turn purple, exuding peaceful and majestic breath fluctuations.

   The purple luck is like a purple sun, the light is dazzling, and a purple magic rainbow rises in the sky instantly, making the entire chaotic battlefield start to shake.

   "The final battle, start!"

  At the same time, an ancient and mysterious voice resounded throughout the chaotic battlefield, so that everyone could not help but feel awkward.


  Zhao Ritian was enveloped by the sky of purple aura, and instantly disappeared into the void, appearing in an unknown and mysterious area.

   This is the final battle of the chaotic battlefield!


   Just as Zhao Ritian appeared on the final battlefield, there were several powerful purple qi above his head. His luck around him was as high as a burning flame, leaving them all covered with a mysterious atmosphere.

   Tianzi has a golden chain mail, a white cloak flying in the wind, he is slender and vigorous, black hair flying, his face is extremely handsome, his eyes are full of indifferent look, the whole person has a glance of the world!

   His power of luck is the most powerful, the purple divine light rises, so that his whole person is enveloped by the purple Ruiqi, and between his hands and feet, the emptiness of the Quartet is violently oscillating.

   "The final battle? Only the seat of the Son of Heaven is worthy!"

   The indifferent voice sounded, said a mysterious young figure.

   That figure is a young man with a slender and magnificent figure, with wings on his back, fangs on his mouth, and fangs with golden light, like cast gold, and his eyes are full of arrogant and overbearing looks.

   He stood in the void, exuding an immortal wave around him, ancient and terrifying.

  If Ling Xiao is here, you can surely recognize that this young man with fangs is the corpse emperor he has ever met!

   "The final battle, my witch spirit king is the ultimate winner!"

A muffled noise came, and the blazing purple divine light dazzled from it. From there was a burly man dressed in animal skin, holding a stone rod, and covered in muscles. He looked very wild, black hair scattered and unruly, eyes It was full of aggressive light, and the breath was extremely strong!

The Wuling King is the strongest of the younger generation of the Wu people. The strength of the Wu people is not weaker than that of the human race and the demon race. Although the behavior is very low-key on weekdays, the heritage of the Wu people cannot be underestimated. At this last step, everyone was not surprised.

  When Zhao Ritian discovered the emperor, the emperor of the corpse and the king of witch spirit, all three of them also discovered Zhao Ritian.

   "It's you? Where is Long Aotian?"

   After seeing Zhao Ritian, Tianzi shook slightly and his eyes instantly became sharp and Just like a blade, he passed Zhao Ritian's body as if he wanted to see him through.

   "Unexpectedly, the son of the emperor Tiandi would also engage in murderous and predatory activities, and **** the power of luck from others. Is this the dignity of the son of the Tiandi? Even if the sky is not here, you will die!"

   Zhao Ritian smiled proudly, his eyes showed a very powerful fighting intention.

"What is Long Aotian? I heard that Long Aotian's real name is Ling Xiao, but he is the holder of Wordless Heavenly Book! If he is acquainted, he will obediently hand over Wordless Heavenly Book, otherwise you will not be able to take the anger of the emperor's anger. !"

   Heavenly Corpse Emperor revealed extremely sharp fangs, and his eyes were also full of cruel and bloodthirsty light, staring at Zhao Ritian dyingly.

   "Is the Wordless Book finally born? I am really interested in this guy named Ling Xiao!"

  Wu Lingwang's eyes also showed a lot of interest.

   Sure enough, as the mysterious figure said, he not only told Wu Xiaoshengzi that Ling Xiao had a wordless book, but even told many arrogant and powerful people in the entire chaotic battlefield.

   Today, although the emperor, the emperor of the corpse, and the king of the witch spirit are interested in the son of heaven, they are more interested in Ling Xiao's wordless book of heaven.

   If you can get a complete wordless book, I am afraid it is more precious than the Son of Heaven, and it will make you crazy!

   "Just because the three of you dare to covet the wordless book? Really do not know life and death! Come and let you grandpa Zhao Ritian teach you how to be a man!"

   Zhao Ritian smiled proudly, facing the three great arrogant men in front of him, without the slightest fear, it was still infinite arrogance and publicity!

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