Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2287: Zhao Ritian VS Tianzi!

Burning Heavenly Emperor Fist!

This is the godless technique in the Yan Emperor's Sutra, which possesses the supreme power of burning the earth and destroying the earth. Zhao Ritian himself has the sun sacred body. After receiving the inheritance of the Yan Emperor, he almost immediately realized the supreme power of the Burning Emperor. Power.

   Between his shots, there is the power of Zhiyang to Gang, the whole body is integrated with the Sun Avenue, and the vast laws of the road are hidden between the hands and feet, and the power is terrifying.

   The flame around him is the sun's emperor fire. Although the power is only one ten thousandth of the real emperor's fire, it also makes Zhao Ritian even more powerful.


   The eyes of Emperor Tianzi's eyes flashed, the chaotic light of the whole body rose, a peculiar fist was rising, and the fist of Heavenly Emperor exploded!

  His comprehension of Heavenly Emperor’s Fist has reached the extreme. At this moment, the Heavenly Emperor’s Fist is displayed, the fist shadow is vertical and horizontal, fierce and overbearing, as if he can suppress the gods and demons and destroy all powerful enemies.


   The collision between Fen Tian Di Quan and Fist of Tian Di broke out almost instantly!

Both Zhao Ritian and Tian Zi are the practice of the heavenly realm, both have the inheritance of the supreme emperor, and have the protection of the heavenly luck, and the shot is like lightning, the fist of the fist and the collision of the fist, which instantly inspired hundreds of millions of divine fluctuations , Which shattered the endless chaotic fog and made the world and earth shake violently.

   Around the crowd, there is a huge chain, which looks like a bronze color, with a mottled mark, just like the chain of order gods, which seals all around.

   This is an extremely mysterious battlefield in the chaotic battlefield. Only the final winner can become the son of the battle!

   Although the combat power of Zhao Ritian and Tianzi is extremely powerful, there is no way to damage the cents of the battlefield. The solidity of the battlefield is beyond everyone's expectation.


   Zhao Ritian collided with the emperor's fist seal. The terror wave caused both of them to fly back, but the speed of the two of them was so fast that they collided between heaven and earth like lightning, and collided quickly.

   Their shots were incredibly fierce, and the moves pointed directly at each other's key points. The fist of Tiandi Emperor and the fist of Heavenly Emperor broke out to the extreme. The terrible fluctuations made the people watching around the battle dignified.

   They did not expect that Tianzi and Zhao Ritian were so fierce when they shot!


The sky's flames rise, forming a fiery sea of ​​fire in the void, which contains countless ancient fierce beasts such as the Fire Phoenix, the Three-legged Golden Crow, the Fire Unicorn, the Fire Dragon, etc., rushing out from it, it looks lifelike and exudes a fierce fierce power , Coming towards the fight of the emperor.

The emperor's eyes flashed sharply, and the fist of the Heavenly Emperor flew in the sky, as if a bright Tianzhu traversed the nine days. In an instant, the sky of fire was exploded, and the fist marks were suppressed like mountains, suppressing those ancient fierce. The beasts are all shattered.

   "Zhao Ritian, you are not my opponent at all, do you still want to resist?"

  Tianzi's voice vibrated like thunder, exuding endless majestic fluctuations, as if the voice directly penetrated into Zhao Ritian's Yuanshen.

   "How do you know if you don't try it? You are not ashamed, today I will defeat you, the so-called son of God!"

  Zhao Ritian's eyes were on the rise of war, and the flames around him became fierce.


  The blazing flame of light in his palm stretched across the sky, and the endless flame condensed into an ancient sword of flame. The runes above were interwoven, and they looked fierce, as if they could cut everything.


  Zhao Ritian drank a loud voice, and instantly the ancient flame of fire was vertical and horizontal, and the mighty skyrocketed tens of thousands of times. It seemed to separate the heaven and earth, and the sword light was unparalleled, locking the emperor from all directions.

   Skyfire Glass Sword!

   A great supreme sword technique in the Yan Emperor's Sutra, this sword's incomparable horror, it was almost to the extreme, and even the emperor didn't react, it appeared above his head.


   The burst of Mars, the fierce divine light intertwined, an ancient sword also appeared in the palm of the emperor, holding the sky fire glazed sword of Zhao Ritian, the endless sword spirit rose, intertwined with each other and finally annihilated.

   "Yan Emperor's Skyfire Liuli Sword? But so! You can also taste the power of the Human Sword!"

   Emperor Tian smiled coldly.


He rose from the sky, drove Zhao Ritian back, and suddenly stood up in the sky, standing above the nine days, the endless chaotic light rose, the sword lingered around his body, and a mysterious figure appeared around him. Like the ancestors of the human race, the strong men in the **** battle of the heavens and the world, led the human race to advance in the blue thread of the road, and gave a bright and beautiful future for the human race.

Each sword spirit resembles the war spirit of an ancestor of the human race, the fighting spirit rises, the breath is terrible, the dense sword air is intertwined, there are hundreds of millions of Dao, that fierce breath makes Zhao Ritian and everyone His face could not help changing.


  Tianzi violently drank, and the sky's sword qi suddenly fell towards Zhao Ritian, and the mighty like a torrent, instantly drowned Zhao Ritian completely!

Every sword spirit is an endless war spirit. This sword is the sword of luck of the human race. It is the peerless sword that the human emperor rules the human race. It contains the wishes of the powerful human races from ancient times to the present. The great power on it is terrifying!

"Emperor Sword! One of Heavenly Emperor's three peerless emperor arts, rumored to be the most mysterious emperor art, practiced to the extreme, and even able to summon the emperor's true which is also the emperor's real body, was Blessed the willingness of many strong human race! It seems that Zhao Ritian is dead!"

  Wu Lingwang said slowly, there was a dignified color in his eyes.

   In the face of the Emperor Sword, he also felt an incomparably huge threat, especially the billions of swordsmanship of this recruiting Emperor Sword. He felt that even he might be difficult to resolve.

   "Is this the legendary human sword? The power is not bad!"

  Heavenly Emperor also snorted coldly.

   The undead Emperor is staring at the shot of the emperor with a strange look in his eyes, like fear, and greed and fiery.


  Mantian's sword spirit contained the power to destroy everything, drowning Zhao Ritian completely.

  Everyone thought that in the face of this terrifying power, I am afraid that even if Zhao Ritian can resist, I am afraid that he will be injured with immense weight.


But at this moment, the endless sword qi thundered and tremored, and suddenly exploded in a sudden, like a huge wave in the sea rising up, the sword light rose unmatched, containing the endless hot flame power .

  Zhao Ritian holds Tianhuo Liuli sword, the flame around him flows like glaze, and contains endless runes, leaving him with an immortal breath.

  Emperor Sword left dense wounds on Zhao Ritian's body, but at the moment it quickly disappeared. Zhao Ritian's body was flawless and looked very mysterious, rushing directly out of the endless sword spirit of the Emperor Sword!


   The eyes of the emperor could not help but condensate!

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