Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2288: Emperor Road Showdown!

The Emperor's Sword exploded with immense amount of sword energy. Each sword energy contained the war spirits of the ancestors of the human race, and was blessed with a vast wish. Under the sword spirit of hundreds of millions of swords, even the saint is mortal.

  Zhao Ritian's body was originally full of scars, and those scars penetrated into the bone marrow, and he was almost to be cut into pieces.

   But he was surrounded by glazed flames, exuding immortal breath fluctuations, and those people's emperor's sword spirits were shattered and turned into majestic life essence, which was integrated into Zhao Ritian's body and rushed out with Zhao Ritian.

   "Immortal glass body? Didn't expect that you even practiced the Emperor's immortal glass body!"

   The emperor's eyes flashed sharply, and said coldly.

   "Emperor, Heavenly Emperor Fist and Human Emperor Sword I have all seen. What about Emperor Seal that day? I really want to see if it is your Emperor Yinqiang or my immortal glass body!"

  Zhao Ritian stared at the emperor and said lightly, the flame around her body made him look immortal and majestic, like a flaming emperor, suppressing all directions.


   His palms were as crystal-clear as jade, exuding glazed light, and a glazed palm print was suddenly suppressed towards the emperor, and the emperor fire spread as if it could burn out everything, and a terrifying extreme divine power broke out.

   "Want to see the Emperor's Seal? As you wish!"

  The eyes of the emperor were indifferent, the breath of horror rose around him, the runes in his palm were bright, and an ancient seal rose from the sky in an instant, revealing an infinite amount of light, illuminating this world.

   The ancient seal on the other side is engraved with the spirits of the heavens below, and the chaotic gods and demons are engraved on the top, surrounded by hundreds of millions of stars. It records the changes of civilization and the vicissitudes of the sea, and contains a kind of eternal and mysterious power fluctuation.

   This is the authority of the heavenly emperor, which represents the supreme power of the heavenly emperor to suppress the heavens, control the life and death of all spirits, and override the heaven and earth. It can almost ignore the power of time and space and become the only eternity among the heavens and the world.

  The Emperor of the Heavens exhibited the Emperor's Seal, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a heaven and earth. The huge ancient seal enveloped the heavenly dome.


   Mars is shining, and Heavenly Emperor's Seal is in full swing. It instantly collided with Liuli Palm Seal, and directly smashed the huge Liuli Palm Seal into pieces.

  The vast emperor's fire was turbulent, and he wanted to burn the Emperor's Seal into ashes, but the Emperor's Seal burst out of immeasurable light, and all methods could not invade. It resisted the turbulent Emperor's Fire, and still came from the sky, suppressing it towards Zhao Ritian.

   "Give me!"

  Zhao Ritian's glazed flame rose around him, lingering around the vast laws of flame, his arms propped up to the sky, and the unparalleled mighty force exploded, and suddenly blasted towards the Emperor Yin.


   The flame burst into flames, and the flames were like dragons, accompanied by a fierce thunder, blooming a boundless divine light, and the surrounding earth and earth were shaking at the same time.

   Zhao Ritian's arms were trembling, and the glazed flame on his body shone to the extreme in an instant, as if he had reached the limit of bearing. It is conceivable how huge the pressure he was under.

   But in the end, he still blocked the suppression of Tiandiyin, and the surging power of the whole body spewed out, directly flying Tiandiyin out.


   Zhao Ritian controlled the sky-filled glaze flames, erupted the power of the immortal glazed body, clenched fists in one hand, cast the Fist of Heavenly Emperor fist, held the sword of Tianhuo in the other hand, and at the same time cast the three great atheistic techniques of the Yan Emperor's Sutra, killing towards the Son of Heaven.

   And the emperor was forced out of the real fire by Zhao Ritian, the vast chaotic light of the whole body rose, the fist of the heavenly emperor swept the Quartet, the emperor's sword suppressed the world, the emperor's seal held the life and death, and the three peerless emperors were also ushered towards Zhao Ritian.


The blazing divine light bloomed, squirting in all directions, the chaotic mists exploded, surging with a wave of terrifying terror, like a volcanic eruption, and like an earth-shattering, incomparably powerful collision, almost to this An ancient battlefield was torn apart.

   "This Zhao Ritian not only received the inheritance of Yan Emperor, but also cultivated the Yan Emperor's classics to such a point? It is unbelievable, he even pushed the Heavenly Son to such a point!"

  Wu Lingwang said with some excitement and some emotion.

"Yan Emperor is the ruler of the ancient fire world. It is countless eras earlier than the Emperor Emperor, but his strength is earth-shattering. It is one of the few ancient emperors who can leave a name in the era. His inheritance is naturally unusual! This The strength of the emperor is nothing more than that. The emperor of the three emperors, he is still not at home!"

  The corpse emperor said coldly and proudly, there was blood in his eyes.

He awakened himself in the Tianbao coffin, and his identity was astonishing. He was probably the heir of a great emperor in ancient times. Although he was reborn with the help of Hua Ziyang’s body, his strength and tremendous horror made him proud. The combat power of the same generation, of course, even Zhao Ritian and Tian Zi were not taken into consideration by him.

   "It seems Lord Tianzi may not be able to win Zhao Ritian, how about letting us help him?"

   The immortal emperor said lightly, but there was a strong killing intention in his eyes. His eyes stayed on Zhao Ritian and Tianzi, and there was a fierce glint.

The demon and human race are dead enemies. If he wants to seize the chosen son, both Zhao Ritian and Tian Zi are the enemies of the undead emperor. He is looking for To remove them both in one fell swoop.

   He said this, also reminding the Witch Spirit King and Heavenly Corpse Emperor, after all, there is one less threat, which is also a good thing for both of them.

   Sure enough, after hearing the words of the undead emperor, the witch spirit king and the heavenly corpse emperor also flashed their eyes, apparently each carrying a ghost.


  The battle between Zhao Ritian and Tian Zi became more and more fierce, disturbing the chaos, breaking the void, and the law of horror's highway intertwined, as if to be able to annihilate everything.

   But the two seemed to be evenly matched, and no one could help anyone.


  Zhao Ritian's blood began to boil, his eyes were gleaming with mysterious light, the whole person's fighting intentions were monstrous, and even a little crazy.

   A wave of extremely terrifying power waves seems to be able to annihilate everything, so that the spirits of the heavens will tremble, and the power of annihilation of countless chaotic gods and demons will diffuse from his body.

   The power of terror erupted, so that Zhao Ritian's strength suddenly began to soar, and his strength instantly increased several times, so that every move and every form of him contained unpredictable Tianwei.


  Tianzi was blown out by Zhao Ritian directly, and the flames of the burning emperor's fist were vertical and horizontal, as if he wanted to turn Tianzi directly into ashes.

  The emperor trembles, his face becomes a little white, but his eyes have become brighter than ever.

   "The power of really is you!"

   The eyes of the emperor are sharp and unmatched, full of monstrous killing intent, and there is an excited, hot and greedy look in his eyes!

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