Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2289: Fateful enemy!

Zhao Ritian once again exploded with taboo power!

The forbidden power, like from the deepest part of his body, from the fate and the soul, was a kind of innate power, containing the supreme power, only when Zhao Ritian was most critical or was completely irritated. Will burst out completely!

   The power of taboo can make Zhao Ritian's strength soar, his combat power greatly increased, and he can even challenge and kill powerful enemies. That kind of power seems to come from the gift of heaven, so talents with this power will be taboo.

  How exactly did the taboo body come from?

  Tianzi saw the forbidden power exploded on Zhao Ritian, like some kind of guess in his heart was verified, and his whole body began to tremble with excitement.

   Even if he was kicked back by Zhao Ritian, and even suffered some injuries, he didn't realize it.

   "Blood of the Heavenly Emperor...... Calling the real body of heaven and earth! Let's break out!"

  Tianzi vomited softly.


  He was a thunder masterpiece all over, chaotic thunder and light, and an ancient and terrifying breath.

   The blood in his body seemed to be awakened by some kind of ancient power, and began to boil like a big river, and the vast blood rushed up into the sky, and suddenly formed a very mysterious figure behind him.

It was a figure standing on the top of the chaos, standing on the top of the hand, overlooking the galaxy. Although the face looked a little vague, but the eyes were extremely wise, vicissitudes, bright and deep, containing the compassion of the compassionate people and another sweeping eight. Famine, suppress the majesty and domineering of the heavens!

   that figure contained invincible luck, and the vast power of heaven and earth poured into the body of Tianzi, so that his breath began to rise sharply.

   At the moment of seeing that figure, whether it was the King of the Witch Spirit, the Emperor of the Heavenly Corpse or the Undead Emperor, he could not help but tremble, and his eyes showed a look of awe.

   "This is... the real body of the Heavenly Emperor?! Sure enough, he is the son of the Heavenly Emperor and can summon the true body of the Heavenly Emperor. This kind of real body imprinted in the Heavenly Way can only be done by the Heavenly Emperor!"

   The Soul King was trembling, and his eyes were full of shock, fear and envy.

   "Is Emperor Tianzhen real? It turns out...this is his most powerful support!"

  The undead emperor murmured to himself, and the murderousness among his pupils became more intense.

   "Is this the emperor of the human race? He actually...he actually reached such a level?!"

  The corpse emperor was originally arrogant and disdainful, but after seeing the real body of the emperor, he couldn't help but shake his body, his eyes showed an incredible look.

   Suddenly discovered that the emperor of this human race, Xiu Wei, had reached the forbidden realm of legend, even stronger than his father emperor.

   But how is this possible?

  Since so many eras, no one should ever be able to reach that level!


  By the blessing of the real body of the emperor, the whole body exudes a vast divine power. There are unpredictable heavenly powers between his hands and feet. The laws of the road are lingering, and the chaotic light rises, making him look dignified, ancient and mysterious.

"this is……"

   Zhao Ritian was shocked, and when he saw the real body of the Emperor, he looked as if stunned, his expression became confused.

   Suddenly felt that the real body of the Heavenly Emperor was both familiar and unfamiliar. As if he had seen it before, it seemed that the figure was so warm that it gave him a little attachment.

  Tianzi's eyes were very indifferent. One punch blasted towards Zhao Ritian, and the terrifying fist of the Heavenly Emperor broke out. How much more powerful than before?

   The terrifying fist print is filled with chaotic light, containing unparalleled divine power, and came directly to Zhao Ritian. Zhao Ritian's expression was trance, and there was no resistance, so let this punch hit him!


Although Zhao Ritian's immortal glazed body was sturdy and unmatched, at the moment he was hit by the fist of the Heavenly Emperor, and he was suddenly subjected to a devastating blow. A rune was broken, and his immortal glazed body also appeared a crack. The whole person Suddenly retreated.


   Zhao Ritian shuddered, and a spit of blood spurted from his mouth!

   "Who... who are you? Who am I?"

  Zhao Ritian's expression became more and more trance, and Tian Di, who was staring behind Tian Zi, shouted.

He only felt pain in his heart, but somehow, when he saw the Emperor of Heaven appearing and saw the Son attacking him, he instinctively did not want to fight back, but instead his expression became more and more trance, like there are countless scenes, countless Fragments and countless meetings flashed in the sea.


  Zhao Ritian's consciousness was shocked, and the Yuanshen was trembling violently. A circle of mysterious chains appeared around him, as if Zhao Ritian's Yuanshen was completely imprisoned, so that he could not get rid of that imprisonment at all.

   "Zhao Ritian, hurry up to counterattack, if you don't counterattack before you think of the past, you will die in the hands of the emperor! Counterattack, hurry up to counterattack!"

   The uncle's extremely anxious voice sounded in Zhao Ritian's heart.

   "What happened in the past? Second man, who am I?"

   asked Zhao Ritian in his heart.

"I can't say it, and I can't say it! This is your destiny, you have to think of yourself, and the emperor is also your destiny enemy, you must commit suicide by yourself! Remember, counterattack, don't stop! "

   The voice of the second uncle sounded like thunder, urging urgently.

   "Counter! Counterattack! But why am I reluctant to counterattack..."

  Zhao Ritian trembles and raises his arms, but after his eyes touch the real body of the Emperor, he unconsciously let go.

  Zhao Ritian's eyes were even became red, and two lines of blood and tears slowly shed, but he was still instinctively unwilling to fight back!


   It was at this time that Tianzi punched on Zhao Ritian's chest again.

  Zhao Ritian's immortal glazed body was completely broken, and a blaze of flame was exploded. The ribs on his chest were broken, and the whole person flew out, and a big gulp of blood spouted out of his mouth!

   "Who am I? Who am I?"

   Zhao Ritian roared upward in the sky, like a crazy man, his long hair began to dance wildly, blood and tears flowed in his eyes, and his eyes were filled with a confused and sad look!


A chain of gods of order appeared out of thin air, wrapped around Zhao Ritian's body, as if wrapped around him, wrapped in his Yuanshen, wrapped in his life, and sealed everything about him Dead, let him never be born!

  Zhao Ritian was covered with blood, and the whole person exploded with extremely violent power, but there was no way to get rid of the blockade of the **** chain of order.

"Go to hell!"

   The murderer of the emperor's eyes struck, the emperor's sword contained a monstrous sword, and he fell towards Zhao Ritian!

  At the same time, all the excitement in Tianzi's heart began to go crazy, as long as he killed Zhao Ritian, as long as he swallowed that taboo Yuanshen, he could be completely satisfied!

   When the time comes, let alone sweep the same generation and become the son of a new heavenly election. Even if Qingyun goes straight, it is not difficult to prove to be an emperor!

  Zhao Ritian, must die!

   This is the enemy of destiny and the battle of destiny!

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