Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2890: The moment of life and death!


The Emperor's Sword Qi contains the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. The sword energy is so fierce that no one can resist it, and instantly covers Zhao Ritian.

puff! puff! puff!

There was blood on Zhao Ritian's body, and there was a blood stain. His blood and flesh were all broken by the sword of the emperor, and only a crystal clear skeleton remained.

Zhao Ritian’s bones were unexpectedly strong, exuding an immortal brilliance, the human sword slashed on his bones, and the sound of gold and iron clashes broke out, and Mars was radiating, but he could not leave a trace. trace.

"Why don't I want to shoot you? Who am I?"

Zhao Ritian knelt in the void, deep in her eye sockets, full of confused and sad looks.

At the moment, there was only the real body of Heavenly Emperor in his eyes. Besides, whether it was the Emperor, the Wuling King and others, he was directly ignored by him.

He seemed to be asking himself, as if he was asking about the true body of the emperor, his voice was sad and tragic, and it made people heard and moved.

"What's going on? Why didn't Zhao Ritian fight back and let the emperor shoot?"

There was a trace of shock in the eyes of the Witch King.

Wuling King, Emperor Celestial Emperor and Undead Emperor all felt extremely shocked at the sudden change that occurred in front of them.

Before, whether it was Zhao Ritian’s taboo or the emperor’s real body, they felt a great threat, but somehow, after seeing the real body of the emperor, Zhao Ritian became a little bit lost and forgot to resist. .

"What is the origin of this Zhao Ritian? Could it be...has he anything to do with Heavenly Emperor?"

Han Mang flashed among the eyes of the emperor's corpse, secretly guessing.

The sight in front of me is too incredible. Rao is the three of them are emperors of Tianjiao, peerless talents, but it is difficult to guess the reason.

The immortal emperor, who was full of murderous eyes, was also hesitant at the moment. He originally wanted to take advantage of the defeat of both Tianzi and Zhao Ritian, and remove them all, but now it seems that it is not a good time. .

Especially after seeing the real body of Tiandi, he didn't think it was a good thing to anger the emperor.

"I want to see how hard your bones are!"

Tianzi said coldly, his eyes were fierce and unmatched, full of monstrous murderous intent.


Heavenly Emperor Yin traverses the sky dome, exuding the ancient atmosphere of suppressing the heavens and the world, rumbling and suppressing Zhao Ritian, under the control of Heavenly Emperor's true body, Heavenly Emperor Yin broke out a peerless peerless edge!

In front of Heavenly Emperor Yin, Zhao Ritian instinctively felt a fatal crisis, extending his arms to resist, but when he saw Heavenly Emperor's true body, only the skeleton's arms froze.

"I can't...I can't do this..."

Zhao Ritian's eyes were full of struggling colors, full of sadness and sadness.


Heavenly Emperor Yin cracked down, bursting out of unmatched divine light fluctuations, and directly blasted on Zhao Ritian’s body. Rao was Zhao Ritian’s bones hard and unmatched, exuding immortal fluctuations, but under Heavenly Emperor Seal, still trembling violently A rune of laws was worn away, and his bones were dimmed at a rate visible to the naked eye.


In the end, Zhao Ritian's arm exploded into powder, and the whole person stumbled back, and the fire of life was much weakened.

"Zhao Ritian, have you really forgotten who you are? Have you forgotten the person who once brought you warmth and glory? You must cheer up, you must cheer up! Counterattack, he will not blame you... …"

The voice of the second uncle exploded in Zhao Ritian's knowledge of the sea, full of worry and anxiety.

But the second uncle also understands that this is the biggest disaster that Zhao Ritian hits, and it is a process that must be experienced. He cannot remind or even reveal any related secrets. Apart from such pale words, he can do nothing.

Everything can only be carried by Zhao Ritian himself!

"Second Uncle, who is your person? What is my relationship with Heavenly Emperor? Why am I not willing to shoot him? Who am I?"

Zhao Ritian's eyes were full of madness and pain, and the whole person seemed extremely violent.


He was surrounded by a chain of gods of order, containing ancient runes, which blocked his Yuanshen and fate, but at this moment, with Zhao Ritian’s madness, it seemed that an unimaginable force broke out in his body, leaving him surrounded Blooming immeasurable light, as if to break the chains of order and God.

"Huh? You are dead!"

The emperor angered in an instant, and there was a fierce murder in his eyes. There was a trace of shock and taboo that could not be concealed, and the shot became more and more fierce.

boom! boom! boom!

The fist of the Heavenly Emperor traverses the sky dome, circling the endless chaotic light, opening up a billion world in the void, containing the power of great destruction!

The Emperor's Sword is in the sky, the sword is as dense as the sea. Every sword light is extremely powerful, it can destroy the world and cut everything.

Heaven Emperor Yin suppressed the heavens, in order to control hundreds of millions of souls, and dominated the supremacy of the reincarnation of the heavens, it contained the power to suppress all the power and the sky.

Under the blessing of the real body of the emperor, the emperor exploded the power of the three peerless emperors, and continually slayed towards Zhao Ritian.


Zhao Ritian's arms turned into powder, his legs became nothingness, his body was pierced by endless sword gas, and then suppressed by Heavenly Emperor Yin, completely broken.

In the end, only one head remained.

At this time, Zhao Ritian's life was like a candlelight in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time. His eyes were full of confusion, sadness, miss and sigh, but there was no trace of resistance.

Facing the overwhelming attack, Zhao Ritian's eyes have been fixed on the real body of the Emperor Tiantian, full of endless nostalgia and nostalgia.

"Did you die like this? Unfortunately, I still don't know who I am...I don't know what I have to do with you...father..."

Zhao Ritian murmured to himself, then closed his eyes slowly.


But when the word "father" was spit out in his mouth, a terrifying force erupted from his primordial spirit, shot from his life, from every particle in his body Rushing out, like a flood that opened the gate, it was a mighty, surging out!

boom! boom! boom!

The chains of order originally wrapped around Zhao Ritian Yuan God and Fate, broke apart in front of this terror force, and a terror force swept away, directly destroying the heavenly emperor from the sky dome Sealed, become a fan!

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