Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2896: Zhao Ritian's memory!

Zhao Ritian's body has completely disappeared, leaving only a Yuanshen surrounded by the bright light, with the bright Shenxia, ​​which looks like a mysterious world.

The imprisoned mantra of Zhaoritian Yuanshen and the Divine Emperor Ling Ling who was imprisoned was completely broken. Zhao Ritian felt the Shun of Yuanshen, an unprecedented bondage, as if the baby was in the state of the mother, incomparably warm.

Indistinctly, Zhao Ritian seemed to see the vast and mysterious world of memory hidden deep in his Yuanshen...

Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, cosmic flood.

On the vast and ancient earth, a huge altar shone into the sky. It looks simple and mysterious. It is engraved with various ancient runes. Each rune contains the power of the sea, so that The power of the entire altar was terrifying.

Around the altar, there are many corpses of giant beasts, which are thousands of feet or even thousands of feet in size, there are white and flawless white tigers, there are huge fire dragons that are enveloped in flames, and the body is huge, and there are whole scales and armor, and the wings are like swords. Huge monster bird...

Those giant beasts contain the majestic vitality of life. At this moment, the vast blood poured into the altar and was swallowed up by the altar.

Above the altar, there is an ancient and mysterious statue, that is a middle-aged man, tall, as if able to open the sky and earth, his face is a little vague, a pair of eyes hidden in the eyes overlooking the Eight Wastelands and Liuhe, suppressing the world The invincible momentum of the world.

Just a statue contains the invincible momentum of suppressing everything, and the terror is extremely extreme.

At this moment, there were countless human clan strongmen wearing animal skins around the altar. Their eyes were full of fanatical worship, and they bowed respectfully to the statue.

"Long live the emperor!"

"May Heaven Emperor bless my prosperity!"

"May the Heavenly Emperor live in immortality and live forever, and lead me to kill those devil cubs!"


Sounds rang out, vast and magnificent, thundering and violently swaying in the void, causing the Sifang Sky Dome to tremble at the same time.

Above the huge altar, there is a magnificent heavenly palace, floating above the sea of ​​clouds, just like the eternal sun, blooming endless bright light.

This is the residence of the human race, the emperor of heaven!

"Brother Yuan, how awesome you are! The Emperor Nine Sword taught by the Father Emperor, you have achieved the sixth sword so quickly, unlike me, you can't understand the third sword until now!"

In a garden in the Tiangong, the flowers are in full bloom and striving for beauty. A little boy in pink and jade looks only four or five years old, but it is very beautiful, blinking his big clear eyes, his eyelashes are very long, and his eyes are now Full of worship.

Standing in front of him was a young boy dressed in white, who looked handsome and handsome, took the long sword in his hand, and turned to smile slightly at the little boy.

"Haoer, you are lazy again! Father Emperor, Emperor Nine Sword must enlighten yourself, and I teach you that it will hurt you! You do not practice well, how can you follow in the footsteps of Father Emperor in the future and fight for the heavens?"

Di Yuan touched the little boy's head and smiled indulgently.

"Huh! I don't care. I'm still a little kid. Follow the father and emperor to fight for the world. Brother Yuan is enough! Oops, I'm tired again..."

There was a hint of slyness in the little boy's eyes, and he turned and jumped onto a stone chair, lying on it very comfortably, grabbed a spirit and threw it in his mouth.

"Haoer, you have the blood of the father and emperor, but you are the Son of Heaven and the hope of the future of my human race. Today's cultivation practice has reached the peak of the God King Realm, waiting for you to proclaim the sanctification, I am afraid I am not your opponent! You , Just too naughty!"

Emperor Yuan shook his head helplessly, but his eyes looked at Emperor Hao with a flash of different colors.

"Hee hee, Brother Yuan, the practice is too hard, I don't want to be a god! You have to work hard, the inheritance of the Father Emperor is waiting for you to inherit it, maybe you are the next Yuan Tian Emperor!"

Di Hao grinned, his face full of bright smiles.

"Haoer, I can't take you!"

Diyuan shook his head.

"Brother Yuan, the Demon Clan has been driven out of God Realm by the Father Emperor, and now my human race has become the Lord of the God Realm, why should the Father Emperor chase down those Devil? I hope the Father Emperor can play with me!"

Emperor Hao said boringly.

"Hao'er, although the Demon Race has been driven out of God Realm, the Demon Race has a strong background. It was the master of the era in the ancient times. It can't be underestimated! My human race and Demon Race are dead enemies. If you don't kill the Devil Race, Kill them, and wait for them to regain their vitality, I am afraid that my human race will be in great trouble! The father emperor's move is also to permanently eradicate my human race!"

Di Yuan explained slowly.

"But it's too risky to get into the devil world!"

Di Hao said a little worried.


His voice had just dropped, and the four heavenly vaults were trembling violently. The sun in the void had turned black. The wind was violent and the clouds were roaring. There was blood rain falling from the sky, just like the sky was crying.


Above the huge statue of the Emperor of the Heavens actually split directly from the heart of the eyebrow, and a blood spilled from it, which looked extremely tragic.

"Heaven's blood rain? This is... an emperor fell? What's going on?"

"Not good! The statue of Emperor Tian broke apart, could it be that His Majesty had encountered something unexpected?"

"Impossible! How is this possible? His Majesty the Emperor pushed the heavens and suppressed the invincible, even the Devil Emperor was killed by him. Who can kill him?"

The sounds of terrified horror sounded in Tiangong, and everyone's eyes showed an incredible look.

The entire Tiangong began to boil at this moment. Many strong human races were in turmoil, and some people went out to check the news, wanting to know what happened.

But soon the news came.

Exactly, the news spread by the Demon Race.

The emperor led many followers, personally shot, and chased the demon strong, but encountered an ambush in the demon world.

The five demon emperors in the devil world, the light demon emperor, the heaven demon emperor, the blood prison demon emperor, the primitive demon emperor, and the undead demon emperor, united the five emperors of other races such as witch and ghost races, a total of ten emperors, set up The trap wants to kill the emperor completely.

They laid the Tianluodi net. Not only did the ten great emperors dispatch the ten great pole emperor soldiers, but the Devil Realm also brought out the long-hidden Chaos Treasure Wordless Sky Book, which trapped the Heavenly Emperor in the Demon Realm.

In the end, all the followers of the Emperor died in battle.

Heavenly Emperor is completely mad!

He exploded into a peerless battle, sublimated to the utmost, swept everything, and finally beheaded the Bright Devil Emperor and the Heavenly Demon Emperor, striking the other three Devil Emperors of the Demon Clan, and the five Emperors such as the Wu Clan and the Ghost Clan. All died in the hands of Heavenly Emperor!

End of this chapter

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