Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2897: Envious of fire!

Under World War I, seven emperors were killed and three emperors were seriously injured!

Although this extremely glorious record was enough to shock the worlds and make all the souls tremble, the emperor fell.

One of the two emperor soldiers of the Heavenly Emperor, the Heavenly Emperor Seal was destroyed, and the Heavenly Emperor's sword was severely damaged.

God Realm feels, the sky is crying and wailing, and the blood rain is falling!

And this news came to God Realm, everyone in the human race is unbelievable, countless people are grief-stricken, and even cry and fainted, the whole God Realm is covered with a layer of sadness.

Heavenly Emperor is the most shocking and brilliant character of the human race in recent years. Before the emergence of the Heavenly Emperor, the human race was extremely miserable, but it was the darkest day. Not as good.

It was the emergence of the Heavenly Emperor that led the human race to rise step by step, drove the demon out of the **** realm, and led the human race to strength and glory. Now the human race has become the master of the **** realm, and the strong people in the human race are endless. Many people are Ambitious, want to follow the emperor and conquer the heavens.

But now, the news of the fall of the Heavenly Emperor has come. How can all the human race not grieve?

Heavenly Emperor enjoys an extremely high prestige among the human race. His death is like the human race losing the beacon of guidance. For a time, God Realm fell into a state of chaos.

In Tiangong, Diyuan and Dihao were completely shocked by the news.

"Father Emperor!!!"

Emperor Hao shouted, his small face became extremely pale, tears could not stop falling in his clear eyes, his eyes were filled with terrified expression, and people could not help but feel compassionate after seeing it. .

He was only five years old. Although he was still young, he inherited Heavenly Emperor's peerless blood and supreme talent. He knew him much earlier than ordinary people and naturally understood the meaning of Heavenly Emperor's fall.

When he thought that he would never see his father again, he was very sad, and he felt a huge panic and loneliness in his heart, as if he was the only one left in this vast world.

"Father Emperor..."

Emperor Yuan was also shocked and took a deep breath. His eyes showed a very complicated look.

Although he was just an orphan picked up by Heavenly Emperor, and although he was only the adopted son of Heavenly Emperor, Heavenly Emperor treated him as if he were his own, and he always taught carefully that it would be impossible if he was not sad.

But the death of Heavenly Emperor also relieved him.

At least, that plan can be implemented!

"Brother Yuan, I don't believe that the Father Emperor will die! The Father Emperor is invincible and invincible. No one can kill him! I'm going to the Father Emperor, I'm going to the Father Emperor!"

Di Hao gripped Di Yuan's arm tightly, and then turned and left as soon as he gritted his teeth.


But at this moment, Di Hao felt a heavy blow on his back, and couldn't help but faint in front of his eyes, and fainted directly.

When Emperor Hao woke up to see the sea, he found himself tied to a cold stone pillar, and it was extremely dim all around. This was a secret room, with only the fluorite on top of his head.


Di Hao's small face turned white, and cold sweat came out of his forehead. He saw a chain of chains actually pass through his collarbone, exuding the bone cold, and tied him to the stone pillar, covering him all over. Xiu Wei was imprisoned so that he could not move at all.


A crisp sword sounded, and the darkness in front of Emperor Hao slowly dissipated. A figure dressed in white, holding an ancient sword in his hand, his eyes were full of incredibly hot look.

"Brother Yuan..."

Di Hao was stunned. The boy in white in front of him was Di Yuan!

"Dihao! Do you recognize this sword?"

Emperor Yuan slowly turned around, his face incomparably indifferent, no longer the smiles and spoils of the past, and some were just a high-profile gesture.

"This is... Father Emperor's Heavenly Emperor Sword? How could it be in your hands?"

Di Hao shook his body, his eyes full of incredible looks.

According to the news that came back, after the Emperor's fall, the Emperor's Seal was destroyed and torn apart. The Emperor's Sword was also severely traumatized, but it has disappeared. I don't know who it fell into.

Now, seeing Heavenly Emperor Emperor sword appear in the hands of Emperor Yuan, Emperor Hao is unbelievable.

"Why? Because this is the sword pool of the Heavenly Emperor Sword. The Heavenly Path Emperor's Sword is the Jidao Emperor's Soldier. Even if this battle is extremely damaged and even the spirits are annihilated, it will still return to the sword sword pool. Do you understand?"

Emperor Yuan said lightly.

"Yangjianchi? Brother Yuan, what do you want to do? Why should I be tied up?"

Di Hao shuddered slightly in his heart, looking at Di Yuan and asked.

"Because, you have the complete inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor Jing, and only your Heavenly Emperor's bloodline can open the Heavenly Emperor's Classic and nourish the Heavenly Emperor Sword! Hao'er, give me your Heavenly Emperor's bloodline, okay?"

Diyuan smiled slightly.

But his smile looked extremely cold in Di Hao, and even the voice contained chilling fluctuations in his voice ~ ~ Di Hao's heart slowly sank.

"Do you want to kill me?"

Di Hao's voice trembled.

"No no no... Exactly, I want to seize you! Hao'er, if you and I got your flesh, you got the blood of the Heavenly Emperor, you got the Heavenly Emperor Sutra, and you got the Heavenly Emperor Sword, then I am Didn't it become the real emperor?"

Di Yuan said with a smile, but the content of the words made Di Hao tremble.

"Why? Brother Yuan, why are you doing this to me? You want the God Emperor's Classic and the Heavenly Emperor Sword I can give you, why do you have to kill me?"

Di Hao stared at Di Yuan Road incredulously, his eyes full of anger and sadness, his small face paled, and his body shivered, as if he would faint at any time.

Heavenly Emperor fell into the Demon Realm. He has not yet come out of this bad news. His brother, Yuan, who has always been very close and beloved, wanted to kill him and seize his blood.

"Why? Why are you? Why should you be the son of Heavenly Emperor, you should be respected by thousands of people, and why should I be bullied by countless people?"

"Why are you born with the blood of Heavenly Emperor, cultivated for a thousand miles a day, and you can easily reach the dream state I dreamed of without effort?"

"Why did that old thing pass the Heavenly Emperor's Sutra to you, but kept silent on me! Do you know my efforts? Do you know what kind of hardship I have eaten to get his approval? You don't know anything, you You don’t understand anything, but you get everything!"

Emperor Yuan's eyes were full of jealousy and anger. Like a complete explosion, he walked towards Emperor Hao step by step. His eyes were filled with blood, and even had a trace of madness, and even a trace of black. Magic light!

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