Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2898: Drain Emperor's Blood and Swallow Yuanshen!

"But... but Father Emperor is so good to you, why do you think so?"

Di Hao looked at Di Yuan's distorted face and was completely stunned.

He suddenly felt that Di Yuan was so strange. Once the brother who loved him seemed to disappear completely, full of distance.

Di Hao did not know why Di Yuan thought so, but he knew that Di Yuan would really not let him go today.

"Good to me? Hey, do you think I will believe it? That old thing is dead, and I will send you to see him today! But rest assured, I will make good use of your blood and body. From today onwards, I am the real emperor!"

Di Yuan's eyes were full of sneer, and he slowly walked towards Di Hao.


A silver knife appeared in the palm of Diyuan, which looked very sharp and bright, and the name of Diyuan was engraved on it. It was the holy treasure that Emperor Tian gave to Diyuan.

I saw Diyuan grabbed the silver knife and slowly came towards Dihao's heart.


I saw the flash of blood, the silver knife fell into Di Hao's chest, and a blood hole appeared, and the golden blood slowly flowed out along the silver knife.

"Brother Yuan, pain..."

Di Hao's small face was extremely pale, and his mouth was whispered, and his eyes were full of disturbing and disturbing colors.

His whole body of cultivation was imprisoned. The silver knife seemed to contain all the power fluctuations that swallowed up, sucking out the blood of Di Hao.

A golden blood pond appeared around Di Hao, containing immense power fluctuations, majestic and mysterious. After seeing the golden blood pond, Di Yuan's eyes became fiery.

This is the blood in the body of Emperor Hao, which contains the blood of the Heavenly Emperor and the ultimate pole of the Heavenly Emperor. It is like a key. Only the Bloodline of the Heavenly Emperor can open the Heavenly Emperor's Sutra, open the Heavenly Emperor's Sword, and master everything left by the Heavenly Emperor.

Emperor Yuan's expression was extremely indifferent, as if Emperor Hao's life and death had not been put in his heart at all, and all his attention was placed on the flowing golden blood.

As Emperor Hao lost too much blood, his face was pale like paper, and his vitality became extremely weak, like a candlelight in the wind, which would be completely extinguished at any time.

"Father Emperor..."

Di Hao murmured in his mouth, as if he had been completely comatose, curled up with a thin body, hugged in a ball, and looked very pitiful.

At this juncture of life and death, perhaps only Heavenly Emperor's kind smile and love can give him a little warmth.

"It's this time!"

Emperor Yuan carefully stared at the changes in Emperor Hao's body, his expression was extremely indifferent, and when the blood in Emperor Hao's body ran dry, his eyes flashed, and he stretched out his hand in the void symbol, a black The rune became a mysterious engulfing vortex, which was suddenly printed on Di Hao's eyebrows.


Emperor Hao’s eyebrows seemed to be split. His vast sea of ​​knowledge was boundless, as if it were a shining starry sky, incomparably mysterious, and Emperor Hao’s primordial body Jinxia was shining brightly, sitting in the sea of ​​knowledge, exuding A wave that does not invade.


Just when that black rune entered Di Hao's eyebrows and wanted to pull Di Hao's Yuanshen out of the sea of ​​knowledge, suddenly the air oscillated.


The blazing divine light sprayed out, and the primordial **** of Emperor Hao radiated an ancient and mysterious light, the breath was vast and unmatched, and an ancient figure emerged.

That figure haunted the endless chaotic light, as if it were the master of all spirits, exuding the invincible momentum of suppressing the heavens, which made people feel terrified.

"The real body of God?"

Di Yuan was shocked, and his eyes showed fear and fiery expression.

The fear is that the breath of the real body of the Heavenly Emperor is too horrible. He feels that just a ray of breath is enough to kill him completely, and there is no bone.

What is hot is that this is the last real body left by the emperor, not only has the inheritance of the emperor of the emperor, but also has all kinds of enlightenment and magical methods of the emperor. If he can refine this real body of the emperor, he can get all the emperor of the emperor. inherited.

Under the protection of Tiandi's true body, Emperor Hao's Yuanshen has a mysterious aura that cannot be invaded by the law, as if no force can harm him.

"Fortunately, I have already prepared! Although the real body of the Tiandi is strong, but you do not have the support of the blood of the Tiandi at this moment, the power of the real body of the Tiandi can't be exerted at all!"

Emperor Yuan sneered with a sneer. The rune was shining in the palm of his hand. There was a black bead in the blink of an eye, exuding a vast magic light, and the breath was terrified. As if it could destroy the Yuanshen, it made people feel the heart at first sight. Tremor.

This is the Soul Orb, but the supreme treasure, which was given to Emperor Yuan by the adult, who can strip away the Yuanshen and fix the fate, which is extremely mysterious.


As Ding Soul Pearl flies up, it turns into a black streamer and falls above Emperor Hao Yuanshen. Emperor Hao's knowledge of the sea oscillates slightly, and Ding Soul Pearl drops down a mysterious rune enchantment, silently. Covered the Emperor Hao's Yuanshen, and Tian Di really seemed to be unable to perceive any dangerous breath at this slowly disappeared again.

"Haoer, let me swallow your primordial spirit! Starting today, you and I will be one, regardless of each other, and I will be the real son of the heavenly emperor, the future source of the heavenly emperor!"

Di Yuan's voice was indifferent and slowly sounded.


Emperor Yuan's body burst out with a blazing blood, his eyebrows bloomed with divine light, and his powerful Yuanshen flew out of the sea of ​​knowledge in an instant, like a **** sun, containing majestic vitality machine.

In his flesh, endless blood spewed out, all of which were integrated into the Yuanyuan God, and the flesh turned into a fly ash at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After swallowing all the essence of the flesh, Diyuan's primal spirit turned into a blood, and flew into Dihao's sea of ​​knowledge instantly.

Emperor Yuan's blood-colored Yuanshen exudes exactly the same breath as Emperor Hao Yuanshen, just like Emperor Hao Yuanshen’s avatar, quietly passing through the realm of Heavenly Emperor’s real body, and then came to Emperor Hao Yuanshen In front of you.

Emperor Yuan's Yuanshen was full of bloodthirsty killing intent. Looking at the Emperor Hao Yuanshen in front of him, it was like excitement and cruelty as if he saw a prey.

"Brother Yuan, why are you doing this? Why?"

Emperor Hao's eyes were full of despair, staring at Emperor Yuan murmured, and then closed his eyes in pain, two lines of tears shed silently.


Emperor Yuan did not answer him, but rushed straight up, tore off one arm of Emperor Hao Yuan God, and threw it into a **** mouth.

The arms were eaten, then the legs, the body, the head...

Emperor Yuan's Yuanshen was extremely indifferent and devoured Emperor Hao's Yuanshen silently. The **** scene made people shudder!

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