Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2899: What happened now!

At the moment when Di Yuan's Yuanshen was completely devoured by Di Yuan, the Quartet was vacillated with a vast and powerful breath from Di Yuan!

Emperor Yuan's Yuanshen completely occupied Emperor Hao's flesh, replacing Emperor Hao's Yuanshen and entering Master Yuanshen to know the sea!


At the same time, a strong feeling flooded into my heart, Emperor Yuan’s Yuanshen shone, and the real body of Emperor Tian emerged from behind him, lingering around the endless chaotic light, like his guardian, he Guarded in it.

The golden blood pool at the foot of Di Hao, as Di Hao's blazing Jinxia bloomed around him, spewed out in an instant and turned into a golden blood mist, pouring into his pores.

Since then, Diyuan has completely replaced Dihao!

Or, Diyuan has been the real son of God since then, Dihao!


But before waiting for Emperor Yuan to breathe a sigh of relief, his Yuanshen suddenly tremored violently, and the Heavenly Emperor’s true body began to tremble, as if there was some kind of repulsion with his Yuanshen, and he would leave his Yuan at any time God, drift away.

"What?! Damn it!"

Emperor Yuan’s face instantly became very ugly, and his eyes were full of unbelievable expressions. He didn’t know why Tiandi’s real body changed like this. According to his plan, Tiandi’s real body should regard his Yuanshen as Emperor Hao. The Yuanshen is right, how could this happen?


The trembling of Tiandi’s real body became stronger and stronger, and the terrifying breath was like a volcanic eruption, which made Diyuan feel the scalp tingling and his heart was shaking.

"Emperor Emperor Feng Tian Ban! Seal me! Seal! Seal!"

Emperor Yuan's eyes suddenly showed a look of incomparable flesh pain, and a jade-colored ancient rune appeared in his palm, containing mysterious and unpredictable power fluctuations, which suddenly bloomed into a rune, shining like Light rain is general, all integrated into the real body of God.

The real body of Heavenly Emperor seemed to be sealed by some kind of terrifying power, and finally merged with the Yuanshen of Emperor Yuan.

This emperor's ban on heaven is that Emperor Yuan got a supreme opportunity, but one of his most powerful cards, but now he has to use it to seal the true body of Emperor Tian.

After all, Tiandi's true body contains the Tiandi's unsuccessful inheritance. He can't just watch Tiandi's real body disappear.

"What the **** is going on? It stands to reason that I forced out the blood of Emperor Hao's Heavenly Emperor. At the moment when he was on the verge of life and death, he swallowed his Yuanshen and replaced it. It should be able to completely integrate the true body of Heavenly Emperor! Could it be..."

Di Yuan's brows were tight, and some could not understand the reason.


But at this moment, the void gave a slight shock, and a phantom shadow slowly emerged, his eyes full of sadness and sadness.

"Emperor Yuan, from today on, you and I will die!"

It was a childish voice, full of sadness, which made Di Yuan feel incomparably familiar, and could not help raising his head suddenly.

"Di Hao?! You... how could you still be alive?"

Emperor Yuan shuddered, and his eyes showed incredible horror.

In front of him, the shadow of Wu Ruo was Di Hao. At the moment, it seemed to be a combination of real and illusory, like the soul's most original source, staring at Di Yuan with great sadness.

Behind Di Hao, a mysterious vortex slowly emerged, intangible and intangible, containing the waves of reincarnation, as if Di Hao would be involved at any time.

"I know! It is the old thing that blesses you with the power of taboo, and your soul has become a taboo soul! Damn, your soul is mine, come to me!"

Emperor Yuan seemed to think of something, and he couldn't help but be shocked. His eyes showed an expression of anger and corruption, and he reached out and wanted to grab the soul of Emperor Hao.

"Diyuan, I will be back!"

Emperor Hao looked at Emperor Yuan deeply. His eyes contained sadness, anger, firmness and calmness. Nine-color Shenxia was radiated all over his body. In a flash, he turned into a stream of light and rushed into reincarnation.

"Give me back! Your soul can only belong to me! Wan Emperor's Locking Destiny Curse, lock me!"

Emperor Yuanyuan shouted angrily.


There was an unmatched light in his palm, a chain of gods of order traversing the void, the law of the Avenue came, containing immortal fluctuations, and the horizontal air entangled towards the soul of Emperor Hao in an instant. Lock the soul of Di Hao back!

But in that vast reincarnation, a great force that devoured everything suddenly erupted, directly swallowing Di Hao's soul into it, and disappeared completely!

"Damn! Taboo Soul, I must get Taboo Soul! Di Yuan, you can't run away!"

Diyuan's angry voice rang through the entire chamber, making the void tumbling.

"Is this...reincarnation? Father Emperor, I will see you soon!"

Emperor Hao's forbidden soul was drawn into the vortex of Seeing countless strange scenes, in the end the whole person became a little confused, the body began to be transparent, and then burst into an explosion It became a rain of light and looked dazzling.

In the bright light, Emperor Hao's gaze missed reluctantly, and became eternal during the reincarnation!


It's like having an extremely long dream.

The characters in the dream are so real, and the ancient world is as if it has been experienced, and it is extremely unforgettable.

Tide-like memories flooded, and all the past events and old things came to mind.

Even after the reincarnation of eternity, even after endless suffering, the most precious memory is still retained!

When Zhao Ritian slowly opened his eyes, he realized that the tears had overflowed his eyes and ran silently.

"It turned out that my real name was Emperor Hao, Son of Heaven Emperor!"

Zhao Ritian murmured to himself, slowly stood up from the bright light, the vast chaotic light surging around him turned into a majestic vitality, and he reunited his body for him.

"It turns out that I died in the hands of my good brother, Diyuan!"

Zhao Ritian erupted around him with extremely powerful breath fluctuations, especially his eyebrows, as if radiating a divine light like the Shenyang, making the Sifang Sky Dome rumbling.

"It turns out that my body is at Diyuan! So many years have passed, the glorious era of the Nine Emperors of the human race has passed, and I still met you! This is the fateful battle, Diyuan, today I want to get back what I used to be all!"

Zhao Ritian's eyes gradually became firm and calm, and there was a divine light in his eyes, just like the sword that pierced the blue sky, exuding an incomparable sharp edge!

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