Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2900: Invincible!


The blazing divine light exploded above the sky dome, and the vast laws of the sky rose like a boiling ocean, and the tremendous waves rose up, with terrifying momentum.

The four figures flew out directly, one by one full of blood and blood, eyes full of incredible look.

In the dazzling divine light in the center, it is like a rising sun rising, the sky is standing in the sky, the breath is slender, the black hair is flying, and the eye-catching peerless edge is exuded from the eyes!

Behind him, there are twelve bright rings of floating floats, like twelve small worlds, intertwined with each other once, spraying a thin ray of light, mysterious and unpredictable, so that Ling Xiao has a kind of wave that cannot be violated.

"How could he... be so strong?"

Wu Ling Wang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his arms could not help but tremble, his whole body was straight, his blood was full, and his body was almost cracked.

His peerless Wuzu body was so vulnerable in front of Ling Xiao!

The emperor, the undead emperor, the king of witch spirit and the emperor of the corpse joined forces against Ling Xiao, and now there is a tendency to be completely suppressed by Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's attack is like a storm, and the power is endless. Even when facing their four great arrogances at the same time, even the slightest fall.

"His body... that's the breath of Twelve Days Gong Mi, he actually got Twelve Days Gong Mi?!"

There was an incredible look in the eyes of the emperor.

"The wordless book is really on him!"

The undead Emperor's eyes also showed a hot and fearful look.

Ling Xiao's power is far beyond the imagination of the four of them. This battle is extremely fierce and difficult. The four Tianjiao have erupted their peerless combat power, but they still can't defeat Ling Xiao.

Just after this blow, the twelve divine rings behind Ling Xiao were like twelve small worlds, spraying endless Cabernet Sauvignon, containing the power to devour all, and almost swallowing all four of them into nothingness.

"Ling Xiao, you **** it!"

The emperor stared at Ling Xiao, without concealing the fierce murderous intention among his pupils.

The stronger Ling Xiao is, the more he wants to kill Ling Xiao completely. If he can get the wordless book on Ling Xiao's body, he will devour Zhao Ritian's forbidden soul, and take the power of the chosen son of heaven, with his countless years of accumulation , Must be able to reach the pinnacle of the Holy Path very quickly, and hope to have a glimpse of the Godless Realm.

"Want the wordless book on me, then see if you have this life!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were very indifferent, and the blazing light around him rose, and he punched in the air to suppress the four people.

The Wushu Tianshu shines in Ling Xiao’s knowledge of the sea, and the mystery of the Twelve Heavenly Skill Mysteries flows in his knowledge of the sea. Powerless!

"Kill! It's either he died today or we live! Everyone should stop holding hands and kill him!"

The undead emperor roared and rushed towards Ling Xiao first.


His whole body of blood rose, the vast and majestic life vitality broke out, and the ancient rune rose in his palm, which instantly turned into a peerless sword, and fell down toward Lingxiao.

The sword is vast and energetic, and contains an endless artistic conception. It seems that in order to cast this sword, the undead emperor burned his life. The whole person exploded directly into the void, turned into a blood mist, and attached to the knife Above the awn, let the sword awn turn into blood.

The **** knife light seems to break through this chaos, containing the power to make everyone's scalp numb!

"This is... the unstoppable trick of Undead Sky Sword?! Ling Xiao, you take me a punch!"

The Wuling King was shocked, and recognized the undead prince's trick of turning the sword into his body. The blood of horror was boiling all over the body, as if the power from the ancient flood period awakened!


The Wuling King emerged an ancient pattern, intertwined into a mysterious totem, that is an ancient figure, as if coming from the chaos, singing in the sky, creating an ancient Wu civilization .

He punched at Ling Xiao with a punch, and the mysterious totem of his body radiated light, converging into a vast and mysterious force, and merged into this punch.

Wuzu Fist!

This fist contains the civilization and luck of the Wu people, and the inheritance of the Wu ancestors. It seems that it is going to penetrate the years and the rivers, and go through nine days and ten places!

This is the ultimate strength, and it's a life-and-death battle!

Ling Xiao's gaze also became a little dignified, he could feel the undefeated power of the undead emperor and the Wuling King. Under this blow, if Ling Xiao did not die, they would not have the power to fight again.

This is an unreserved blow!

"You fight, then fight!"

Ling Xiao's eyes are ascending in war, and the fiery edge is like a sword field. He urged the power of the wordless book to the extreme, and at the same time, the power of twelve days of merit, turned into a terrifying fist print, horizontal. fall!


The chaotic light of the sky exploded, like a stormy wave in the endless sea, the scary fist of Ling Xiao directly collided with the undead sky The blood was fierce to the extreme, the undead sky knife In the fierce tremor, he broke his fist and left a deep blood mark on the back of Ling Xiao's hand.

But Ling Xiao's punch was still too strong. Eventually, the **** immortal sword was wiped out, and the blood in the void disappeared without a trace!

At the same time, Ling Xiao's fist was unrelenting, and he collided with the Wuzu King's fist!

It's like a collision between time and space in ancient and modern times. It's a confrontation between the power of individual and the power of civilization. The kind of fluctuation seems to wipe out everything. With Ling Xiao and the King of Witch Spirit as the center, a vast vacuum was formed in an instant.


There was a muffled noise in the void, and both Ling Xiao and Wu Ling Wang retreated at the same time!


There was a sudden spit of blood in the mouth of the King of the Witch Spirit, his arms exploded in a sudden, and the whole person shivered violently and fell directly from the sky.

Although he broke the strongest power of Wuzu's fist, he still couldn't bear such terrifying power, his arm exploded directly, the whole body's strength was evacuated, and no longer had the power to fight!

"What a powerful punch!"

Ling Xiao's mouth also overflowed with a trace of blood, and his eyes showed a shocking look.

Wu people are worthy of being the best races in physical training!

But at this moment, the emperor of the corpse moved!

He seemed to have accumulated power in the dark before. There were black grievances all over his body. The fangs in his mouth and the wings behind him all turned into the color of red gold, exuding a power to destroy everything.


He was like a golden lightning, and the speed was almost extreme. The wings behind him turned into a golden blade and suddenly cut towards Ling Xiao's neck!

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