Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2902: His life is mine!

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Ling Xiao's eyes were indifferent, and a terrifying force broke out around him. His arms were suddenly hugged towards the emperor of the corpse, just like an ancient giant bear. He tightened the emperor of the corpse, and only heard a clear voice. When it sounded, the body of the Heavenly Corpse Emperor shattered, and even the power that had just been condensed was dispelled by Ling Xiao.

Under the blessing of Wu Zi Tian Shu, the mystery of swallowing heaven exploded in a wave of extremely terrifying power, and began to devour the blood veins of the emperor's body.

The zombie family **** the blood of the people, especially the strong blood, which has an irresistible attraction for them, but now the majestic blood in the body of the emperor is completely swallowed by Ling Xiao, and the essence of life is lost to most. , Eyes full of terrified look.

"Ah... no..."

Heavenly Corpse Emperor snarled, his eyes full of panic and prayer, hoping Ling Xiao would let him go once.


Ling Xiao's eyes are full of ruthless killing intentions. If it is not the wordless book and the forged jade dish that are completely inspired at the critical moment, the corpse of poison alone makes Ling Xiao extremely intractable.

Since it is already an enemy of life and death, it is naturally impossible to let him go!


Under the mad swallowing of the mystery of the sky, all the vast blood veins of the emperor's body were integrated into Ling Xiao's body, and the whole person turned into a fly ash in the void at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the Yuanshen of the Heavenly Corpse Emperor could not escape, and was completely swallowed and refined by the Heaven Swallowing Mystery!

One of the four great arrogances, the emperor of heaven corpses died in battle!

The Wuling King broke the fist of the Wuzu, and his strength was greatly damaged, and there was no power to fight again.

The immortal emperor has half of his undead blood loss, and his strength can't be saved.

In the blink of an eye, only the Four Heavenly Prides were left with the Son of Heaven and the power of a battle.

"Even my Wandi Locking Spirit Destiny Curse can be suppressed? You really refined the Wordless God Book!"

Tianzi's expression was ugly, staring at Ling Xiao said incredulously.

"You talk too much!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely cold, and the majestic blood of the emperor's body poured into his body, so that his strength skyrocketed, and he almost broke the limit completely, proving the sanctification.

Ling Xiao suppressed the impulse to break through, the whole body's blazing blood surging, and punching towards the Son of Heaven!

The fierce fist print is like a chaotic mountain. The fierce and overbearing atmosphere makes the emperor's face change, and he quickly punches to resist.


Chaos light exploded, and Tianzi was blown out by Ling Xiao directly!

Ling Xiao was shrouded in the blazing Jin Xia, the runes around him rose, the laws were lingering, the eyes were sharp and sharp, and all the powers of suppressing everything were raised!

boom! boom! boom!

He walked towards the emperor, his body was rising, and every step of the sky was shaking. The terrifying momentum swept through the eight wastelands, exuding an invincible charm.

"Ling Xiao, you... **** it!"

Tian Zi's eyes were full of anger and anger, and he was completely mad, and his terrifying chaotic light rose around him, launching an attack towards Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao kicked out, and the sky exploded, and Jin Xia was fiercely eye-catching, just like the golden dragon going to sea, kicking directly on Tian Zi's chest, kicking Tian Zi out again.

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold and turned into a golden lightning. The speed was so fast that he appeared behind Tianzi in an instant, and then directly caught Tianzi's wrist.


The emperor was furious and he had to fight back immediately.

But Ling Xiao grabbed Tian Zi's wrist, and there was a fierce lightning rising in his palm. In a flash, he rushed into Tian Zi's arm and rushed towards him. The secret of Heavenly Punishment broke out, making Tian Zi tremble. The force that had just been condensed spread out again.

Ling Xiao suddenly lifted up the emperor and smashed it towards the earth!

boom! boom! boom!

Ling Xiao's horrible divine power burst like a violent ancient giant bear, that kind of power can tear the sky apart, smashing the Son on the earth, and made a bang.

This is the final battlefield, surrounded by a chain of avenues and **** chains. I don’t know that it is made of some kind of **** gold. It is extremely strong. Even if it is such a fierce battle of the days, there is no trace of it.

The emperor fell to the ground by Ling Xiao, and suddenly his eyes were black, his bones shattered, like it was about to be turned into meat, extremely miserable.

But the essence of life in Tianzi's body was extremely majestic, flowing all over his body, allowing him to recover quickly.

Ling Xiao lifted up the emperor and blasted toward the earth constantly, and soon made the emperor's flesh and blood vague, and he was about to die.

"This... is too miserable!"

The Wuling King and the undead emperor looked at each other, and they all saw the twitching and fear in the corners of their eyes, and even a trace of despair.

They are all hit hard now and no longer have the power to fight again. Although they are healing quickly, they have no way to fight Ling Xiao in a short time, they can only hope that Tianzi can overcome Ling Xiao.

But now it seems that the emperor is already insecure.

In the end, the battlefield is extremely cruel, and all who come here are peerless arrogance. If you want to be a child of the heavenly election, you must defeat everyone and fuse all the power of luck to be blessed by the ancestors of ancestry. Choose a son.

Of course they can admit defeat and give the power of luck to Ling Xiao.

But they had already offended Ling Xiao before, even if they were willing to admit defeat, Ling Xiaoyuan was not willing to accept it or something else.


But at this moment, the blazing light that originally shrouded Zhao Ritian suddenly resembled a volcanic eruption, exuding an endless blood, and a vast and ancient breath erupted from it.

A handsome figure came out of it. The figure was slender, the body glowed, the black hair was flying, and the eyes were as bright as the sun.

He radiated an ancient and majestic atmosphere all over his body, as if he was the Godless King who dominated the life and death of all souls, and dominated the heavens, and he could not help but kneel down.

Zhao Ritian woke up!

The terrifying power erupted in him, as if all the powers of the reincarnation of the world are all integrated, sweeping the four sides of the void, so that everyone was shocked, and his eyes fell on him.

"Zhao Ritian?!"

The Wuling King and the immortal emperor were shocked, and their faces became more and more ugly.

Before Zhao Ritian survived in the hands of the emperor, he was unimaginably hit, and his body was wiped out, but they did not expect Zhao Ritian to restore the peak strength so quickly, and the breath exuded from Zhao Ritian's body made them It's all palpitation.

"Ling Xiao, his's mine!"

Zhao Ritian said calmly to Ling Xiao, his eyes fell on Tianzi's body, and suddenly a shocking sharp edge broke out around him!

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