Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2903: Battle of Fate!

Ling Xiao can feel that Zhao Ritian looks calm on the surface, but his mood is like a turbulent wave, containing complex emotions such as anger and grief. Obviously, there is an unknown grudge between Zhao Ritian and Tianzi.

Although Ling Xiao was curious, he didn't have much. He nodded and said, "Okay! His life is yours!"

"Thank you!"

Zhao Ritian nodded toward Ling Xiao.

"Joke! It's you alone who wants to kill me?"

Tian Zi's eyes were cold and his face looked ugly.

"Emperor Yuan, I haven't seen you for hundreds of millions of years. You are holding the name of the emperor, occupying my flesh and having my life, but you should know that what you owe me will be returned after all!"

Zhao Ritian said faintly, his voice was extremely cold.

"Your physical body? Your fate? Joke! Emperor Hao, I'm the real Son of Heaven Emperor. If I swallow your taboo soul, relying on these wastes, I also want to compete with me for the Son of Heavenly Choice?"

Heavenly Son was angry, his eyes full of unwilling looks.

He did not expect that Zhao Ritian could break the seal of the Wan Emperor's Locking Spirit Destiny Curse, nor did he expect Ling Xiao's combat power to be so terrifying.

However, he still has a chance. Now Ling Xiao has not continued to shoot. If he can kill Zhao Ritian by thunder and swallow Zhao Ritian's forbidden soul, he will be able to die afterwards, and even defeat.

While angering Zhao Ritian with words, he secretly searched for Zhao Ritian's flaws and wanted to win with one blow.

"Emperor Yuan, you were originally the adopted son of my father, the emperor. The emperor treated you as if he were your own, but you were wolf ambition and lack of greed! When the father emperor died in the demon world, you took my blood from the emperor and took my flesh. Fate, also vainly trying to devour my primordial spirit, if it is not for my soul to be immortal, blessed by the Father and Emperor, I am afraid that I would have died in your hands!

Today is the fateful battle between you and me, my blood, my flesh, my bones, my life...I will take it back today! "

Zhao Ritian stared at Tianzi slowly.

"What?! Is Zhao Ritian the real emperor?"

After hearing the conversation between Zhao Ritian and Tian Zi, both Ling Xiao, Wu Ling Wang and the Undead Emperor were stunned.

The news for them came to be explosive and unimaginable.

Who would have thought that the heir who is known as the emperor of the emperor, who owns the emperor inherited by the emperor, is just a fake? And Zhao Ritian is the real son of God?

"No wonder the emperor had to kill Zhao Ritian and then quickly, did not expect Zhao Ritian to have such an amazing identity! But since he is the son of the emperor, how could he fall into the God of War Realm?"

Ling Xiao's heart was shocked and puzzled, and many doubts were solved.

And after hearing the words of Zhao Ritian, he did not expect that the real name of Emperor Yuan, Emperor Yuan, was such a vicious and spicy person.

"Emperor Hao, you're right! Today is the fateful battle between us, but the result is... you live and die!"

In the eyes of the emperor, the killer struck, and he shot instantly.

Just when Zhao Ritian spoke, he had already seen Zhao Ritian's flaw. He believed that as long as he could hit that flaw, Zhao Ritian would definitely die.


The vast chaotic light erupted from the whole body of the emperor. The real body of the emperor was once again completely urged by him. The blood of the emperor all around him seemed to be burning, emitting a golden flame, as if it could burn everything.

Heavenly Emperor Fist, Emperor Sword, and Heavenly Emperor Imprint appeared in front of Emperor Tianzi, and turned into a blazing light beam that penetrated everything, just like the light of the earth, suddenly shot towards Zhao Ritian's eyebrows.

Zhao Ritian's body is occupied by the emperor. Nowadays, Zhao Ritian's only soul is Emperor Hao, and the flesh is only transformed by Zhao Ritian's cultivation.

So Yuanshen is Zhao Ritian's biggest weakness. As long as he can devastate Zhao Ritian's Yuanshen, he can directly devour Zhao Ritian's forbidden soul.

Zhao Ritian's expression was very calm, and there seemed to be a touch of sarcasm in his eyes.


When that bright beam was about to hit Zhao Ritian's eyebrows, suddenly the vast light blew out, and Fan Tianyin exuded a powerful and ancient atmosphere fluctuation, directly blocked in front of Zhao Ritian, and collided with that beam Get up and finally annihilate it completely.

"What?! This is... this is..."

The emperor was shocked, looking at Fan Tianyin in front of Zhao Ritian, as if recognizing something, he could not help shaking.

"Emperor Yuan, you haven't seen it for hundreds of millions of years. You haven't made any breakthroughs for the inheritance and election of the Emperor. This will be your biggest flaw!"

Zhao Ritian said faintly, grabbing the Fan Tianyin in an instant, and the whole body exuded a vast and terrifying atmosphere. Fan Tianyin was like a mountain, and it was suppressed toward the Tianzi.

Fan Tianyin's power fluctuations that broke the sky and destroy the earth, so that the Sifang sky dome was trembling tremendously, the emperor felt scalp numbness, he vaguely saw Fan Tianyin seems to have a very familiar figure.

"This is...Ji Dao Emperor Tiandi Yin?! Impossible! This is simply impossible. Tiandi Yin has already been torn apart and completely disappeared!"

The emperor shivered, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions, and he began to roar.

In the face of Fan Tianyin, he felt a great crisis. The blood of the Tiandi Emperor broke out in an instant, and he wanted to force the Tiandao Emperor Sword to fight against the final battlefield cannot be used The rules of Ji Dao Imperial Soldiers have long been left behind, and now he just wants to live!

"Emperor, deprive!"

Zhao Ritian sneered coldly.


The real body of the emperor behind the emperor shivered violently in an instant, and a chain of order gods above the real body of the emperor shattered, and the breath of the emperor began to weaken at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Jiudao, deprived!"

Zhao Ritian was screaming again, and the extremely emperor soldiers trembling inside the emperor's body suddenly rushed into the sky, flying out of the control of the emperor's body and flying over the head of the emperor's real body.

"Bloodline, deprived!"

With Zhao Ritian's third burst, the blood of the emperor's body surged and began to boil violently. In an instant, it spewed out of the pores of Zhao Ritian's body, just like the vast sea, and the brilliant Jinxia!

"Flew, deprive!"

Zhao Ritian's fourth blast made the prince, who had become a blood man, tremble, and the flesh shattered into a blood mist at the next moment, also leaving him.

"Ah... I'm not willing, I'm not..."

The emperor roared again and again, his eyes full of unbelievable and desperate looks.

He simply couldn't figure out how Zhao Ritian deprived her of blood, and even deprived him of the Heavenly Emperor Sword that he had refined for countless years.

"Life, deprivation!"

Zhao Ritian's last rant, the Quartet's sky was oscillating, roaring like a thunder, containing the supreme Tianwei!

In the void, the only **** left by the emperor was a crisp voice, and there were dense cracks, as if it would be wiped out at any time.

The Son of Heaven suddenly burst into death!

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