Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2909: Good luck!

Ling Xiaopan sat in the sea of ​​chaos, watching the chaos in front of him open up the world, the world was born and died, and twelve circles of mysterious aura surrounded him, making him seem to be detached from everything, not dust.

Chaos, destiny, cause and effect, reincarnation...

The Twelve Great Celestial Mysteries seem to constitute everything in the universe, the cornerstone of the heavens and the world. Under such a state, Ling Xiao's comprehension of the Twelve Great Celestial Mysteries is also rapidly advancing.


A series of chaotic thunders emerged around Ling Xiao, densely intertwined, and raging like a thunder dragon, containing extremely amazing spiritual fluctuations, covering him all over.

At the same time, as Ling Xiao breathed and breathed, the chaos around him surged into a chaotic energy, which began to refine his flesh and spirit.

Those chaotic energies contain the law of the endless chaos, even if the sages dare not directly swallow this energy, otherwise they will directly explode and die.

Only when he touched the strongest without God Realm, he dared to refine the energy of chaos, so that he could cross the sea of ​​chaos with his body.

But now, under the blessing of the Twelve Heavenly Skills, under the protection of the vast ancestry of ancestry, Ling Xiao began to get the chaotic energy tempered, slowly moving towards a very strange State transition.

His flesh and blood are crystal clear, and the chaotic air flows in it, letting it exude an ancient and immortal wave.

His bones were originally shining with golden glow like gold casting, but at the moment he was covered with a layer of chaos and turned into dark gold, vaguely as if a rune emerged, making his bones stronger and stronger.

The biggest change is Ling Xiao's Yuanshen, which looks crystal clear and flawless, just like a Buddha disk sitting in the sea starry sky.

However, with the influx of chaotic energy, Ling Xiao's Yuanshen could not withstand a blow, and instantly broke like a mirror, exploding into a bright rain of light.

The chaotic energy is magnificent and vast, and contains the power of destruction and rebirth. After the Xiaoshen's Yuanshen broke, it quickly recovered as before.

Every time a chaotic energy pours in, Ling Xiao’s primordial spirit must be broken once, and the kind of soul-stirring pain, even the sage, may be tortured crazy.

Ling Xiao is extremely calm, as if Yuanshen is not his own, calmly watching Yuanshen breaking, watching Yuanshen rebirth, watching Chaos energy refining, seeing that the flaws disappeared a little bit, becoming Really flawless.

In the end, Ling Xiao's Yuanshen was filled with gray luster, turned into a physical entity, and turned into a real entity, but the power contained therein was more than ten times and hundreds of times before?

This is the deepest level of refining, and it is also a great nature and opportunity.

Although Ling Xiao didn't know where this was, he could vaguely feel that it was the place where the heavens originated, the birthplace of heaven, and the origins of Sanqian Avenue gathered here to form the heaven.

This place was originally a place where no one could enter. Even the great man of the Great Emperor level would be rejected by Heavenly Dao, and he would not be able to glimpse this sacred situation.

However, Ling Xiao was blessed by the Ten Thousand Races in the natural election conference, became the son of the natural election, and finally entered here.

Ling Xiao could feel that the vast air luck galaxy above him, as his body transformed, quietly merged into his body, into his flesh, bones, spirit and even his heart.

This is Wanzu Qiyun, and it can also be called Tiandao Qiyun. Wanqi Qiyun gathers in one person's body, and it is now completely part of Ling Xiao's body, blending with him.

Ling Xiao felt warm and incomparably comfortable, as if all the shackles were broken, all the shackles disappeared, and the whole person was unrestrained, feeling a feeling of freedom and joy.

Ling Xiao even felt that his affinity for the avenue has become extremely high, and he can easily perceive the mystery of the law of the avenue.

"With the blessings of Heavenly Dao Qiyun today, even if I enter the worlds of all heavens and ancestors, I am afraid that they will not be rejected and suppressed by Dadao as they are in God Realm!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of enlightenment, secretly thinking.

Among the heavens and the worlds, there are strong ethnic occupations. In addition to the great laws of each side of the world, there is also a family of oppressive suppression.

It's like that if the Demon Clan enters the Divine Realm, it will be suppressed by the Human Race luck of the Divine Realm, and the strength that can be exerted is greatly reduced, and the stronger the strength, the more obvious.

Therefore, although the demon coveted the **** realm, it rarely sent the strongest to enter the **** realm, and even preferred to directly seduce the human race, giving the demon bloodline and disturbing the situation.

However, Ling Xiao was blessed by the Heavenly Dao Qiyun. From then on, even if he entered the worlds of the heavens, he would not be suppressed.

This is the most direct benefit of Tian Dao Qi Yun. As for other mysteries, Ling Xiao also needs to explore it himself.


As Chao Energy's refining of Ling Xiao, the bright light immediately radiated above the top of Ling Xiao's head. The three avenue fairy flowers floated out, looking crystal-clear and translucent, radiating and lingering fairy light.

In the Daxian Fairy Flower, there are three villains sitting, with a face similar to Ling Xiao, the most central is true, the left side exudes a vicissitudes of time, and the right side is filled with a future fluctuation It is the three respects of heaven, earth and people.

At this moment, Ling Xiao is completely consummated in the realm of the half-sacred, and can at any time be able to preach the sanctification!

"My physical body is very strong, and the Zulong Mystery has even broken through the body of the Zulong, but because I have no blood of the Zulong in my body, it is not a real Zulong body. It seems that I am very close to the sanctification of the body. But it is still a world apart! But today’s opportunity has a silver lining. Perhaps I can use this chaotic energy to sanctify myself in one fell swoop!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a sharp edge, thinking secretly.

Ling Xiao Now, the flesh, primordial spirit, law and mental power have all reached the state of and among these four is still the strongest in the flesh, he has always had an ambition and wants to achieve the emptiness The realms of the Four Saints in ancient and modern times!

Then, let's start with the sanctification of the flesh!


Ling Xiao radiated a radiant light around him, he began to urge the wordless book and the mystery of swallowing the sky, taking the initiative to devour the vast chaotic energy around him and integrate it into the flesh and blood!

A ray of chaotic energy enters Ling Xiao's body, like a blade, raging in his body, the pain is like a thousand knives, making people feel uncomfortable.

But Ling Xiao's eyes were filled with a firm and crazy look, quietly waiting for the final transformation of the flesh!

PS: Mu Yu had a fever in the past two days, 40 degrees. This time I was a little sick. I didn’t touch my computer or mobile phone, and I couldn’t update it. The two days of groggy days were better until today. Please leave. Please forgive me, this is the second change, Mu Yu continues to write, there should be two more changes. ()

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