Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2908: The world shakes!

When Ling Xiao became the son of the heavenly choice and entered the unknown land, the ancient chaotic land has also undergone dramatic changes!


Throughout the chaotic ancient land, the Nine-color Shenxia was covered with sky domes, and the chaotic mists were scattered, and the blossoming and colorful fairy flowers sprinkled down. Dense and dense, like a golden sea, extremely holy.


Diyin Jinlian!

This is a celestial phenomenon that appears only when a powerful person breaks through. At the moment, such a scene appears in the ancient chaotic land, so that everyone can't help but be shocked.

"The Son of Heaven appears? Who is it?"

The appearance of such a celestial phenomenon in ancient chaotic places is impossible even if someone proves to be holy, and there is only one result, that is, the Son of the Chosen!

After the final battlefield appeared, only 108 strong arrogant men who had obtained the ancient seal could enter the final battlefield to compete for the title of the Son of Heaven.

Now, the vision of heaven shows that the true son of heaven has appeared!

The whole chaotic ancient land began to boil, and everyone's eyes were full of expectant looks, all waiting for the appearance of the Son of Heaven.

According to legend, the Son of Heaven is the arrogant son of an era who can lead a race to become the master of the era, creating a brilliant and great era!

This is true of the Devil Lord countless years ago, as is the Heavenly Emperor of this era!

And who will be the son of the natural selection this time?

"I saw someone coming out of the final battlefield, he said...he said...the son of Heaven is Ling Xiao!"

A very powerful news came out, revealing the true identity of the Son of Heaven!

"Ling Xiao? Who is Ling Xiao?"

"This name is so strange! I thought this time the son of Heavenly Choice was Heavenly Son, or several Emperors of the Devil Realm, how could it be this Lingxiao?"

"Unclear, what is the origin of Ling Xiao?"

Everyone was in a lot of discussions, and a look of great doubt appeared in their eyes.

"Lingxiao is Long Aotian in the Temple of War. His real name is Ling Xiao, but his pseudonym has become Long Aotian! This time he is the son of Heavenly Choice!"

Finally, the Tianjiao strongman who came out of the final battlefield spoke and broke Ling Xiao's identity in one word!

"And, don't you know yet? Ling Xiao changed his name to Long Aotian because he was afraid of exposing his identity. This name is a taboo! He flew up from the world, and he has a body A treasure, a chaotic treasure that almost caused a war between the human race and the demon race millions of years ago!"

"You could say it was..."

"Yes! It's a wordless book!"


Everyone took a deep breath and was completely stunned.

What is the treasure of Wu Zi Tian Shu? One of the top ten chaotic treasures in the legend. At the beginning of the era, the death of the Heavenly Emperor was related to the Wordless Heavenly Book. It was originally under the control of the Devil, but it somehow fell into the Red Dragon a million years ago. In the hands of the God of War, there was a war.

Therefore, everyone can say that the name of the wordless book is ridiculous.

They didn't expect Ling Xiao to have such a big origin, not only became the son of the natural selection this time, but also possessed such chaotic treasures as Wushu Tianshu!

"This Ling Xiao is only afraid of danger! He is a human race, not only has become a son of Heaven's Choice, but also possesses such chaotic treasures as the Wordless Heaven Book, I am afraid that the Devil Realm will never let him go!"

The strong of the human race began to worry.

The entire chaotic ancient place was completely boiled by these two news. Everyone was pregnant with ghosts, some wanted to send messages to the outside, some wanted to trace Ling Xiao’s whereabouts, and some people who wanted to protect Ling Xiao’s human race For a time, the current was turbulent, and there was a tendency to storm.


At the same time, the passage of the ancient chaotic land to the heavens and the world is also opened, and the people who are still in the ancient chaotic land at this moment are sent out of the ancient chaotic land directly by an irresistible force.

The children of the natural election have already appeared, which means that this time the general election meeting is over. The remaining people are naturally repelled by the ancient chaos and all are sent out.

And what happened in the ancient chaotic land also spread throughout the world.

Demon world.

"What?! All three great emperors fell? How could this... be possible?"

In the depths of the magic world, there are dozens of powerful and unmatched figures, the breath is as vast as the sea, and it is unpredictable. Everyone seems to be the incarnation of the avenue, and the surrounding voids are shaking violently.

Their cultivation practices are all terrifying horrors, the weakest is also the super power of the Holy King Realm, every move reveals the mysterious Dao Yun.

This is the most central place of the Demon Realm. Ten elders from the Demon Realm, the various emperors, and the strongest form the Presbyterian Church, which will dominate the entire Demon Realm!

At this moment, after hearing the news from the ancient chaos, they were shocked!

"Magic world... it's about to change! The blood prisoner, the primordial and the undead all fall into the ancient chaotic Although now the three devil emperors are closed in the depths of the chaotic sea, But once they learn of this news, we will be implicated! We must catch the culprit and avenge them!"

A cold voice came, and the eyes like blood moon were full of cruel and terrified look.

"Ling Xiao! I didn't expect that our long-tracing Wordless Heavenly Book was in the hands of this son? He was the murderer who killed the three great emperors again.

"The most important thing is that this Lingxiao has become the son of the heavenly election! Have you forgotten the heavenly emperor? In the next era, you must not let such a peculiar character appear in the family, you must kill it in the bud!"

"Yes! This son is the enemy of life and death in my demon world, whether it is because of the wordless book or the son of heaven, he must die!"

"But how to chase Ling Xiao?"

"Huh! Now, the ancient land of Chaos has gradually closed. Although that Lingxiao is still in the ancient land of Chaos, according to the records I saw in ancient books, the Son of Heaven will return directly to his world, which is God Realm. !As long as we lay the heavenly nets in God Realm and closely monitor the void channel between the ancient chaotic land and God Realm, we will definitely find the whereabouts of Ling Xiao!"

"This time, start the secret sons of God Realm, and send out several holy kings at the same time, one light and one dark, you must kill this Ling Xiao completely and bring back the Wordless Book!"



"no problem!"


Many powerful figures intertwined with each other, and finally reached a consensus.

They are all masters of the Demon Realm today, and they were originally cheating on each other and fighting each other, but because of the fall of the three great emperors and the emergence of Ling Xiao, they were very quickly united together and reached an unanimous opinion.

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