Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2907: The Son of Heaven!

"Should I call you Zhao Ri, or should I call you Di Hao?"

Ling Xiao asked Zhao Ri with some emotion.

At this moment, Zhao Ri makes Ling Xiao see a little bit.

He stood there, with a slender figure and a handsome face, and all his body exuded a dignified and mysterious temperament, and his eyes were as bright and deep as the stars.

Zhao Riming realized his past and present life, and retrieved his emperor's blood, and became a veritable son of the emperor. The strong breath made him even more invincible.

Ling Xiao could not tell for a while, who is Zhao Ri in front of him?

"You still call me Zhao Ri! I was Emperor Hao before Wanshi Reincarnation. I am Zhao Ri in this life. I believe that even if the father emperor is alive, I will definitely not care about this! Zi Dihao or something, too tired, I still I like freedom! So you should be the son of choice. The hope of the human race is on you!"

Zhao Ri smiled slightly, with unprecedented ease and openness in his eyes.

"Zhao Ri, did you give me all the heavy burden? It's too unjust!"

Ling Xiao was a little crying and laughing.

"Ling Xiao, the day is good! Without you, he, as the son of the emperor, naturally has to bear the responsibilities he should bear, but with you, you are more suitable than him!"

The second uncle also ordered fractions and said with great certainty.

"Just because I am the heir to the wordless book?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"Yes, neither!"

The second uncle said profoundly.


Just when Ling Xiao wanted to ask more questions, suddenly the entire chaotic battlefield began to tremble violently, and a vast and mysterious force sputtered thinly, just like a volcanic eruption.

The luck star river above Ling Xiao's head is dazzling and dazzling, and the purple stars are floating up and down, just like the sun blooming endless light and heat.

"Don't resist!"

Ling Xiao passed on the sound to the King of the Witch Spirit, and then the printing of the ink swirled slowly, turning into a bright light, and the King of the Spirit of the Witch was included in the world of the printing.

Although the Second Uncle was once the Emperor Yin's instrumental spirit, and the Fanyin was also a part of the Emperor's Seal, the Second Uncle has now completely detached from the state of the Emperor's Spirit. .

The chaotic light around Lingxiao rose, and the vast luck star stream completely covered Lingxiao, and then slowly disappeared in front of Zhao Ri and the second uncle.

"Second uncle, what is the son of choice?"

Zhao Ri asked with some doubt.

Although he knew the importance of choosing a son, and knew that choosing a son would have supreme opportunities and qualities, he still had some confusion about such a title.

After all, the election meeting will only appear at the end of the era, and the son of election is the most amazing one among the countless arrogant evils of the world.

In the biography, as long as the chosen son does not fall, he is destined to prove himself as the emperor and become the master of the next era!

"The chosen son, that is the lucky one who was chosen by the Tao and blessed by the Tao! As for his chances and fortunes, this is a secret, and no one knows! However, although Ling Xiao became the chosen son, but Then there is a big catastrophe to survive!"

The second uncle said with emotion.

"Are you... a wordless book?"

Zhao Ri was shocked.

"Yes! The wordless book has been exposed, and Ling Xiao has killed so many Emperor Zijiao, the evil spirits of the ancient clan. I am afraid that this time many strong men will be dispatched to **** his wordless book. This is his hit. If he fails, even if he is the chosen son, he will fall."

The second uncle slowly said.

"He saved my life, I want to stay and help him!"

Zhao Ri said seriously.

"Even if you stay, it won't help! Although you have great soldiers, your strength is still too weak, and the effect of staying is minimal! It's better to see someone with me. If he is willing to shoot, maybe he can give Ling Xiao increased the possibility of escape!"

The second uncle shook his head.


Zhao Ri asked curiously.

"You know when you go!"

The second uncle sold a pass and did not tell Zhao Ri directly, but turned into a streamer and re-entered into Zhao Ri's body.

Zhao Ri nodded, and left here according to the instructions of the second uncle.

After Ling Xiao became the son of choice, the chaotic battlefield was naturally opened, the prohibition and enchantment of all parties were opened, and they could leave here directly.


What appeared to Ling Xiao was a turbulent chaotic sea.

Here the chaos is dense, the direction is indistinguishable, there is no concept of time and space, and even the law of the avenue is completely cut off.

"What is this place?"

Ling Xiao looked at the scene in front of her with some doubt.

He was brought here by the Qiyun Galaxy above his head, as if there were no creatures here, the chaotic qi around him could devour all vitality, and countless mysterious energy rays interweave, forming a variety of mysterious scenes, hidden With the power of terrifying terror.

Ling Xiao could feel that if it were not for the protection of the power of luck around him, in this terrifying chaotic sea, he would completely disappear in a moment!


Suddenly, in the chaos in front of Suddenly, a fierce thunder blast exploded and directly penetrated the chaos, dividing the endless chaos into two halves.

The clear air rises, the turbid air sinks to the ground, and the yin and yang are born negatively.

This is the sight of the ground!

Ling Xiao is like a dream back to the beginning of the pioneering land. Before the birth of All Souls, I saw the mysterious scene of chasing the world in chaos.

That kind of scene was extremely shocking to Ling Xiaolai, as if I had experienced it myself, I felt the breath of the original source, and felt the birth of the Dao Law from chaos to calm.

He saw that at the beginning of the opening of the ground, countless Taoist energies were transformed into a powerful chaotic demon with great strength under the birth of vitality.

He saw that the chaotic gods and demons were able to catch the stars and hold the moon, stand on the ground, and have all the power to destroy everything between their hands and feet, but for various reasons, the war between gods and demons broke out.

He also saw that the world gradually evolved and matured, the law of the Dadao was stabilized, all spirits began to emerge, and prospered in this world, and one civilization after another was born.

He even saw that the world multiplied to the extreme, and there were many shocking strongmen, not satisfied with the world's shackles, and began to leave that world, into the chaotic sea, and even exploded again and again. War.

Eventually, the world began to decay, as if it had gone through a reincarnation in spring, summer, autumn and winter, the world collapsed, all spirits fell, and everything returned to chaos.

This is a reincarnation of the world!

Ling Xiao is like a personal experience, looking down on all this with no sadness and joy, experiencing all this, making him seem to have undergone some transformation!

(End of this chapter) Read the latest chapter of "Eternal Emperor Claw Machine Book House" for free for the first time.

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