Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2922: Mysterious Yellow Needle!

"Is this Lingxiao crazy? He actually wants the eight saints to shoot together?"

After everyone heard Ling Xiao's words, they were shocked.

"The Five Heavenly Kings and the Nine Great Kings are well-known. These eight Great Kings shot together. I am afraid that even the legendary Holy King will have a fighting force, Ling Xiao is too big!"

"I think this Ling Xiao is too arrogant. He is so angry that the Eight Great Masters are so deadly!"

"That's not necessarily. Have you forgotten whether there is a wordless book on him?"

Everyone whispered.

The Eight Great Masters couldn't help but get cold eyes, and the murderous intentions of the whole body burst out. Ling Xiao's words were provocative, and they didn't even take them into consideration.

"Ling Xiao, I will take down your bones one by one and let them down!"

Among the eyes of Dongtian Dasheng, the murderous opportunity overflowed, and the whole body exuded a very powerful breath, and took the lead to kill Xiao Ling!


With a palm of his hand, the vast Saint-Way gathered, and a huge palm print appeared on the sky dome, like a mountain, slammed down towards Lingxiao.

"Kill! This Ling Xiao will just go to death, but the wordless book on his body cannot fall into the hands of Emperor Jiuzhong!"

The two heavenly kings were cold and cold, and whispered to the people around them.


Seven of them also broke out of the Xeon's fighting power, and at the same time killed Ling Xiao!

It must be said that the power of the Great Saint is far superior to that of the Saint, and the control of the laws of heaven and earth has reached the level of whatever he wants.

The seven heavenly kings initiates Jinxing Avenue, each offering golden war guns, forming a powerful battle array with each other. The guns were vertical and horizontal in the void, like a golden dragon, and they were heading towards Ling Xiao's whole body.

Moreover, the law of the vast avenue broke out, the runes rose, and between the seven golden war guns, it seemed to constitute a mysterious small world. The flowers, trees, sun, moon, and stars were all transformed by the Jinxing Avenue and interwoven into a heavenly network.


Ling Xiao's eyes showed a tremendous war intent, and an ancient and terrifying sound of dragon chant burst out in his mouth.

Zulong Yin!

The supreme sound attack method in Zulong Mystery is taken from the first sound of the dragon chant when the ancient Zulong opened the earth. It contains the power of the vast laws of heaven and earth at the beginning, pointing directly to the Yuanshen, the power No match.

When Ling Xiao didn't prove the sanctification, the display of Zu Longyin's magical power had exploded. After the sanctification of the flesh at the moment, the Zulongyin was cast in the form of Zulong's body. The horrible sound wave was like a substance, direct Surge toward the Eight Great Saints.

The aftermath alone made the people in the Lingxiao Mountains tremble, cough and blood in their mouths, their faces pale, and their eyes filled with horror.

Even the aftermath of Zulong Yin made some of the weaker half-sages even blast directly into the void, and the soul was completely destroyed!

It can be seen how terrible pressure should be faced when facing Zulong Yin!


After the outburst of Zu Longyin exploded in Ling Xiao, the chaotic light spewed around him, and his blood was rising like a sea of ​​blood. The mysterious chanting sound came out of his body, as if there were hundreds of thousands of mysterious gods worshipping him at the same time. The unprecedented power broke out.

This is the first time that Ling Xiao fleshed out the strongest power after becoming a saint, and a simple punch greeted Dong Tian Da Sheng!

The horrible sound wave of Zulong Yin exploded, and the powerful spiritual power made the East Heaven Sage and the Seven Heavenly Kings feel shocked. They only felt as if an ancient Zulong came flying from the chaos. Devour their primordial spirit.

Although they knew it was just an illusion in the sound wave, and their primordial spirit was extremely powerful and would not suffer any damage, they were still affected to a certain extent, and their shots slowed down a little.


But it was this slowing down that was enough to make Ling Xiao come first, a simple punch on the palm print in the void, and then it instantly turned into a powder.

Ling Xiao came to the sky, cast a secret move technique, and quickly shortened the distance from Dongtian Dasheng, punching directly towards Dongtian Dasheng.

After Ling Xiao's flesh became sanctified, he possessed invincible flesh power. The strength of the flesh alone, not to mention the great saints, even the true Holy King, may not necessarily have the flesh of Ling Xiao.

The sanctification of the flesh, breaking the shackles of the heavens and the earth, and becoming a small world by itself, the power of the heavens and earth is hidden between the hands and feet. This is really its own power, rather than borrowing the power of the world.

This is a qualitative difference!

"Go away!"

Dong Tian Da Sheng's face was gloomy, his palms were pushed horizontally, and the fierce runes rose into one ancient mountain after another, and he continued to suppress toward Ling Xiao.

This is the power of Tuxing Avenue. The Great God of Heaven uses the law of Tuxing Avenue to change at will. The mountains and the real mountains are the same, and they contain extremely terrifying power.

boom! boom! boom!

Ling Xiao punched like a dragon, exploded all the mountains transformed by the laws of the building, and quickly shortened the distance from the East Heaven Great Saint.

Dongtian Dasheng even saw Ling Xiao's cold eyes, making his heart beat violently, and his face became very ugly.

"How can the body be sanctified?"

It’s hard for Dongsheng Dasheng to imagine how Ling Xiao could have such a terrible combat power. After all, God Realm hasn’t seen anyone who has become a saint in the flesh for a long time. Dongtian Dasheng has only been seen in ancient books, and there is no real one. Fighted with those who were sanctified in the flesh.

This confrontation, he immediately discovered the horror of Ling Xiao!

"Ling Xiao, arrogant rest!"

At the same time, the seven heavenly kings were all killed towards Ling Xiao with gold war guns.

The guns spread across the world, exuding the blazing Jinxia, ​​like the wolf smoke through Jiuxiao, which enveloped Lingxiao in all directions.


Ling Xiao banged out with a punch and collided with the Golden War Gun. The sound of gold and iron clashes broke out. The guns broke apart, but it turned into a more chaotic force and poured into Ling Xiao.

boom! boom! boom!

Ling Xiao's speed is so extreme that he constantly collides with the Golden War Gun, but Rao is his **** power and invincible body, but the Golden War Gun are all superb holy treasures, plus the seven Heavenly Kings are extremely powerful~www. There is a tendency to trap Ling Xiao in life and death.


Dong Tian Da Sheng's eyes showed a cold killing intent, waved his sleeves, and suddenly flew out of his sleeves a thin hair like mysterious black needles, densely unknowingly there are thousands of , Enveloped Ling Xiao all over.

"No! Is it Xuanhuang Needle?!"

Xue Wei could not help but exclaimed, his face pale.

Xuanhuang Needle is a set of superb holy treasures, it is made of Xuanhuang mother gas, each blow can burst out the power comparable to saints, but Xuanhuang Needle is invisible and intangible, and it is best at breaking people's holes and cutting people. Yuanshen is an extremely venomous treasure, well-known in the **** realm.

Now that Ling Xiao is trapped by the golden war gun, Ling Xiao has little space to avoid, and the power of the Xuan Huang Needle can just play to the extreme!

Ling Xiao is in danger! ()

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