Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2923: Blackwater Black Snake!

The seven golden war guns are like pillars of heaven, sealed off around Xiaoxiao, intertwined with fiery Jinxia, ​​and a rune rises, forming a lore of lore.

The Seven Heavenly Kings saw that Ling Xiao was in a haunt and possessed the speed to move the heavens, so he directly placed the strongest seven-killing gun formation and trapped Ling Xiao in the big formation.

The East Heaven Sage is even more insidious, directly offering a set of Xuan Huang needles, directly coming to Ling Xiao's vital point.

Under the joint of the Eight Great Saints, Tianluodi was laid down and wanted a complete lore!


A bright Jinxia storm suddenly broke out around Ling Xiao. He punched like a dragon, and suddenly tens of thousands of fist marks were exploded, and the surrounding guns were shattered, sweeping out a vacuum field.

At the same time, the seven colors of Shenxia were shot out of Ling Xiao's eyes, which turned into a bright and vast light, and suddenly went in all directions.

It is like a sun bursting out, containing the power of the five elements of Yin and Yang, as if it can instantly decompose everything and destroy everything.

Colorful sky light!

The supreme supernatural power formed by the fusion of the five elements mystery and the yin-yang mystery, shines at this moment!

Jingle bells!

After the invisible and indefinite black needles flew to Lingxiao, they suddenly hit the colorful sky like a block of five-element barrier, and a crisp voice broke out. The exceptions are all blocked by the colorful skylight!


The colorful sky was turbulent, like the waves rushing and the sky falling apart. Enveloping the Xuanhuang needle in it, the power of the Yin and Yang five elements flowed and began to decompose the power of the Xuanhuang needle.

The Xuanhuang needle trembles violently, and a rune begins to break apart. Seeing that the Xuanhuang needle is about to be decomposed into the most original Xuanhuang mother gas.


Dong Tian Da Sheng's complexion changed, his expression was extremely ugly, and he wanted to take back all the Xuan Huang needles as soon as his heart moved.

"Since the sacrifice is out, let's all stay!"

Ling Xiao's indifferent voice sounded, and in an instant a terrible engulfing force erupted around him. An ancient world emerged vaguely behind him. The universe opened up, the world was destroyed, and he could devour everything.

This is the heaven that swallowed the heavens, but it was the scene that Ling Xiao practiced the secret technique of swallowing the heavens to the state of perfection.

As soon as the mysterious technique of swallowing the sky came out, the colorful sky seemed to get some kind of blessing. Many of the black needles enveloped in it were quickly decomposed, and then turned into black mother gas and directly swallowed by Ling Xiao!

In the end, most of the Xuanhuang needles were swallowed by Ling Xiao, and only a small part was taken back by the East Tiansheng, but it was also extremely damaged.

"Her son, I will kill you!"

The killing of Dong Tian Da Sheng's eyes was like substance, and he roared towards Ling Xiao, his heart was bleeding.

Xuanhuang Needle is one of the most important supreme holy treasures in his hands, and even he was regarded as the foundation of Taoism, but it was made from the Xuanhuang mother gas he finally got, originally intended to be refined by hard work for another hundred years, etc. In order to reach the pinnacle of the Great Saint, his cultivation can directly refine Xuanhuang Mother Qi and testify to the Holy King.

But now, it's all cheaper Ling Xiao!


Ling Xiao's whole body sprayed out a powerful life essence, **** sky, Xuanhuang mother gas is the power of innate origin, supreme treasure. After being refined by Ling Xiao at this moment, Ling Xiao's flesh began to skyrocket again.

Even with his primordial spirit, rules and mental strength, he has been greatly improved. The whole person seems to have eaten a big tonic, and the dragon and tiger are fierce.

"Hahaha...Dongtian Dasheng, are there any black needles? Come and come, I'm all happy to receive my master!"

Ling Xiao laughed loudly, and in a sentence, Dong Tian Da Sheng almost vomited blood.


Ling Xiao was stimulating the Eastern Heavenly Great Sage with his language, while controlling the colorful skylights of his body, rumbling towards the seven golden war guns, and at the same time exerting supreme fist, the supernatural flesh power exploded, wanting to fight the seven golden wars The guns all shattered.

The seven heavenly kings all changed their looks. Seeing that even the black needles were broken down by the colorful skylight, they also developed a strong fear of the colorful skylight. The seven golden war guns burst into a fiery Jinxia, ​​just like the seven ancient gods. , Suppressed towards Ling Xiao.

At the same time, the seven of them bullied themselves straight up, one by one erupted into a terrifying monstrous atmosphere, and the tricks directed at Ling Xiao's vital point!

"Ling Xiao, you die!"

Dong Tian Da Sheng is about to be mad by Ling Xiao, and under the condition of anger and anger, a Da Sheng's cultivation is exploding with all his strength, and a ray of thunderous light rises, making him look more majestic and mysterious. The black python suddenly appeared in the sky, filled with endless thunder and slaying towards Lingxiao!

The black python, covered with scales and grimace, the huge triangular head is like a mountain, the eyes are cold and cruel, and the breath is terrible, so that the momentum of the Great God of East Heaven has also begun to skyrocket.

"It is the black water mysterious snake of Dongtian Dasheng! This is an ancient beast that is connected with his fate. It is said that it has now reached the cultivation of the Great Sacred Realm. The horror! It seems that Dong Tian Da Sheng is desperate!"

Some people recognized the origin of the black giant python, but it was a fierce black water black snake. It is said that it can fight with the dragons during the ancient times.

The Eastern Celestial Grandmaster summoned the Black Water Black Snake, and merged with the Black Water Black Snake. He possessed the Black Water Black Snake's power to control the wind and thunder, and also had its extraordinary defense.


The colorful sky was dazzling and dazzling, Ling Xiao exploded around his body with physical strength, and collided with the seven golden war rifles. One fist print fell down, and finally all the mountains transformed by the seven golden rifles were shattered.

At the same time, Dongtian Dasheng merged the Black Water Profound Snake and came towards Ling Xiao.

The huge snake tail volleyed, and the void was blasting, like it was about to break at any time, and the speed was almost extreme!


Ling Xiao punched out and collided with the tail of the black water black snake, and suddenly there was a muffled noise in the void, and he and the black water black snake flew away at the same time.

"Black water mysterious snake? Today, I will peel and cramp your evil animal to make a snake soup!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed fiercely, and he drove towards the black water mysterious snake.

He felt that the ancient blood of this black water black snake was extremely rich, so he had unparalleled physical strength and defensive power. Ling Xiao’s extremely overbearing punch could not break the defense of black water black snake. .

However, if you can devour the ancient blood of this black water black snake, you might be able to further your own physical strength!


The black water mysterious snake seemed to understand Ling Xiao's words, and his eyes instantly turned blood-red, full of hatred and killing intent, roared, and wrapped around the endless wind and thunder, opened a big mouth of blood basin, and flew towards Ling Xiao Come up. ()

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