Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2420: Tianshan!

"Elder Ling Xiao, every time Tianlu opens, it is at the top of Tianshan Mountain! Tianshan is located in the extreme west, thousands of miles away, and it is also the place where the Taiyi ancestors testified. It is said that in the ancient times, I was too Taiyi. The mountain gate is above the Tianshan Mountain, but somehow moved to this Taichang Mountain later!

Tianshan is a mysterious realm, which contains not only the mysterious heavenly road, but also the inheritance of my Taiyi door! When Elder Ling Xiao went to Tianshan, he could have a good exploration and maybe he would gain something! This is the map I prepared for you, and the data of the three people. I hope Elder Ling Xiao will gain something from this trip! "

Qin Feng said slowly, then took out a book and handed it to Ling Xiao.

Legend has it that you can reach the Eternal God Realm along the heavenly road, but this road is too difficult. Since ancient times, few people have been able to succeed, but anyone who embarks on the heavenly road, even if they can't enter the God Realm, they can get it. Not a small chance.

Qin Feng knew that Ling Xiao's talents were extraordinary, but he didn't think he would be able to enter the Divine Realm, so Tai Xuanzi would let Ling Xiao enter the Heavenly Road to find the scroll of Tai Yi Zhen Jing.

"Thank you!"

Ling Xiao nodded his head, and the book was prepared by Qin Feng long ago. Among them were not only the map of Tianshan, but also the information of the main building of the demon master, the Tianjimen Tianyunzi and the elder ancestor Murong Jin of the Dazhou. It is said that the three greatest masters like today are the strongest. Taiyimen naturally collected a lot of information.

"Brother Ling Xiao, I hope... your journey is safe!"

Qin Yao raised his head and looked at Ling Xiao, as if there were a thousand words in his mouth, but the words came to his lips, but it just turned into a simple blessing.

"I will return!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly at Qin Yao, the smile was clear and bright, somehow Qin Yao's mood began to get better.

"The gatekeeper, the realm of the master, is like this sea of ​​clouds, born in heaven and earth, but DúLì is born in heaven and earth, and travels by the power of heaven and earth, but it is universal and free, you can carefully understand it! I'm gone!"

Ling Xiao suddenly turned his head to look at Qin Feng, his voice roared like thunder, and at the same time contained an unspeakable charm, then he stood up instantly, turned into a bright golden light, and disappeared directly into the sky.

"The sea of ​​clouds was born in heaven and earth, but DúLì was born in heaven and earth.

Qin Feng murmured to himself, Ling Xiao's words were like Hong Zhong Da Lu, let him tremble, and his eyes showed the indefinite god, staring at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him, as if he was caught in a wonderful enlightenment of Taoism In the environment.


Qin Yao turned his head to say something, but felt that there was a vast and mysterious atmosphere in Qin Feng's body, as if blending with the surrounding world.

Qin Yao quickly covered his mouth, and his eyes were full of surprises: "Dad, is this going to break into the realm of the master?"

At the same time, her heart was also shocked. Ling Xiao even let Qin Feng fall into a breakthrough state in a sentence. What realm should Ling Xiao's cultivation practice reach?

You know, a few days ago, Ling Xiao’s cultivation practice was the same as hers, but the day after tomorrow was complete, but a few days later, Ling Xiao was reborn and turned into a generation of guru!

"The gap between me and him is still too big..."

Qin Yao smiled bitterly in his heart, then shook his head and quietly left the top of Taiyi Peak.

Afterwards, the elders of Taiyi Gate were so excited that they listed the top of Taiyi Peak as a forbidden place and protected it firmly.

They are waiting for Qin Feng to wake up, waiting for the birth of a new master!



Tianshan is located in the extreme west of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is the frontier of the Great Zhou Dynasty. To the west of Tianshan is the endless desert, without any vitality.

The Tianshan Mountain is high, majestic, and magnificent, like a pillar of heaven, and there are people who can’t see the top of the mountain at a glance.

In this world, Tianshan is a dwelling place of gods and legends in mythology and legend. It is rumored that Tianshan leads directly to God Realm and can be reached along Tianshan.

Ten million years ago, Tai Yi's ancestors preached on the Tianshan Mountain and shattered the void, leaving behind endless legends, creating the martial arts of this world, and making the legend of Tianshan more real.

However, the Tianshan Mountain is extremely steep, the legend is that the birds are difficult to cross, and the mountaintop is covered with endless thunder all year round, but it is a living place. There are very few people.

However, the number of people who come to Tianshan is increasing, as can be seen from the small town at the foot of Tianshan. There are many strangers in the town. Most of them are people with swords and lakes who carry swords and even inns. It's all overcrowded.

"Have you heard? The demon leader has come out of the sky, and heard that it has found the scroll of Tai Yi Zhen Jing!"

"What?! The scroll of the Tai Yi Zhen Jing? The legend of the Tai Yi Jing Jing is the world's first magical skill, which is more powerful than the deceptive nerves of the demon, but it has been lost many years ago. There is only the upper scroll of the Tai Yi Zhen Jing in hand! Since the lower scroll of the Tai Yi Zhen Jing falls in the hands of the demon, shouldn’t the deity let go of the Tai Yi?"

"Who said it's not? I heard that the Demon Sect had sent the Dark Lord and the two great princes to destroy Taiyi Gate and **** the scroll of Taiyi Mantra, but failed, and all died in Taiyi Gate!"

"His... how is it possible? The three great masters shot, all died? Isn't Tai Yi Men saying there is only one master in the door?"

"No? But no one knows what All the people who only know the magic church are dead!"

"This is big news! This time, the demon leader is probably going to be furious this time, but I heard that both Tianyunzi and Murongjin have arrived! All three Grand Masters must come to the heavens, I am afraid that he has no way to do it! "

"Yes! But I estimate that this time Tai Yi was completely irritating the demon. After the Tianlu disappeared, I was afraid that Tai Yi would really be destroyed!"


A restaurant in the town is full of sèsè rivers and lakes. Everyone talks and talks about the recent events in the rivers and lakes.

A young man in white sits alone on a table, pours himself, and looks handsome and elegant, with extraordinary temperament, drinking and listening to the comments of everyone around him.

White youth is naturally Ling Xiao!

After he left Taiyi Gate, he learned the customs and customs of the Da Zhou Dynasty all the way, and did not rush to the road, so it took more than half a month to cross the thousands of miles and came to the foot of Tianshan.

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