Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2421: Musou son!

Ling Xiao did not expect that the news of the Battle of Taiyi Gate had spread so quickly that even at the foot of the Tianshan Mountain thousands of miles away, it was already well known.

But he also understands that today Taiyi is no need to worry. The Demon Church has no time to be distracted. It has already been involved in Tianlu. Even if he wants to find Taiyi, it is also after Tianlu ends.

Ling Xiao rested in this small town just to inquire about some news, understand the situation of Tianshan and then go up the mountain.

"Little friend, I think your Yintang is black, and your eyes are awesome. You know how to pinch your fingers, and today you will suffer from bloodshed!"

Suddenly, an old voice rang in Ling Xiao's ear.

Ling Xiao flashed his eyes, and found an old Taoist priest with a whisk and a worn robe standing beside him. His hair was very long. It looked like an immortal wind bone, but his eyes and bones were turbulent. There is a very cunning feeling.

The old man didn't seem to have any practice, but he stood quietly beside Ling Xiao, leaving Ling Xiao without any awareness.

"Isn't it the devil's master, Chonglou, Tianyunzi or Murongjin?"

Ling Xiao thought, secretly thinking.

Maybe others can't see the old man's cultivation, but what is his insight? Almost instantly, I noticed that this old man's cultivation practice has reached the peak of the guru's realm. The innate innate energy in the body is unmatched, far exceeding him, but the secret is only covered by the secret method.

According to Tai Xuanzi's guess, there are only three Grand Masters who can make Ling Xiao cautious and careful.

But this old man in front of him is definitely not a heavy building, so I don't know if it is Tian Yunzi or Murong Jin.

The old man smiled happily and sat down across Ling Xiao's courtesy. Then he poured himself a glass of wine and took a sip of his own, seeming contented.

"Oh? Dotor thinks there is a solution?"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, his expression was very calm, he lifted his glass and drank it, as if there was no unexpected color.

"Little friends are good-looking! Lao Dao is in a good mood today, and you are more pleasing to the eye, then I will give you some hard advice, but the law cannot be passed lightly!"

A strange color appeared in the old eyes, but then a very uncomfortable face appeared, and **** stretched out.

"Master Dao, there is no money underneath!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have any money. I think your pendant is good. Give it to Lao Dao. Lao Dao tells you how to resolve the plague of blood, how?"

The old man laughed, his eyes fell on Ling Xiao's neck.

On Ling Xiao's neck, with the pendant he gave, it looked crystal-clear and the characters on it were lifelike. Ling Xiao did not deliberately hide it in his clothes, but exposed it outside.

"Pendant? Sorry! Taoist, this is a family heirloom and cannot be given away! If the Taoist is fine, he will leave now!"

A glimmer of glance flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, glancing at the old man, and then he returned to calm, and said lightly.

This old man knows this pendant!

Although Ling Xiao moved her heart slightly, but on the surface there was no expression, and she stood up directly, took the dry food and water that Xiao Er had prepared for a long time, and then turned and walked out.

"Don't go, little friend! There is something to discuss, this pendant you brought is not an amulet, but it is a lifesaver! If you don't give it to the master, there will really be a blood disaster today..."

The old man looked at Ling Xiao and went straight away, stunned for a while, and then quickly chased up.

Ling Xiao did not follow the old road, but walked towards Tianshan on his own.

The Tianshan Mountain is very vast, but there is a bluestone road winding up to the top of the mountain. Both sides are filled with towering ancient trees. It looks lush and the scenery is very magnificent.

Ling Xiao walked all the way, and the old man also followed the way, as if she was extremely patient, chattering behind Ling Xiao, just wanting to get the pendant above Ling Xiao's neck.

But what makes Xiao Xiao curious is that this old man didn't even start robbing directly.

Ling Xiao did not know his intentions, so he did not reveal his identity, but walked towards Tianshan on his own.

His pace was very light. At the beginning, there were some people on the mountain road, but Ling Xiao quickly left them behind. The mountain road was winding straight up, leaving only the figure of Ling Xiao and Lao Dao.

Clouds and mist all around, like being in a fairyland.

"Dao Dao, you followed me all the way. I already said that the pendant is a heirloom and cannot be given to you! You still give up!"

Ling Xiao suddenly stopped and smiled at Lao Tao slightly.

"Xiaoyou, I said, if you don't give me the pendant, you will suffer from bloodshed today! I believe you will give me the pendant willingly!"

The old man said with a smile, confidently.

As soon as Lao Tao's voice fell, he heard a crisp and sweet piano sound, Wan Xianyin lingered, no trace, but from far and near, and soon came to Ling Xiao and Lao Dao.

They were four girls dressed in light gauze, with graceful appearance and beautiful appearance, but the pace was extremely vigorous. The four men carried a chariot from the mountain and walked on the winding path like a flat ground.

The driver was covered with light gauze, and a young man was sitting vaguely on it. He was stroking the piano. The sound of the piano just came from the driver.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and he saw that the four girls were all cultivated in the congenital realm, and the most part of the body of the **** was opened, which was regarded as the late congenital realm.

As for the young man above the drive, it is clearly a guru!

"Wu Shuangshuang son is driving here, and he keeps at a constant speed!"

The four girls soon came behind Lao Dao and Ling Xiao, and one of them was indifferent, yelling at Ling Xiao and Lao Dao.

"Wu Shuang son?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved. He heard Qin Yao mention it several times, all in a very admired tone. It is said that Wushuang son is a rare wizard for thousands of years, and his talent is unparalleled. It's just over twenty years has become a master.

The old man smiled, and even without any opinion, he directly opened the way.

Ling Xiao thought, and did not have the same general knowledge with these four young girls, opened her body slightly, and gave the road to them.


Like a gust of wind, they floated in front of Ling Xiao, emitting a faint fragrance.

But when they just passed Ling Xiao, they stopped in front of Ling Xiao and Lao Dao.

"Huh? This friend, the pendant on your body seems to be one of my old friends. I wish to make 12,000 silver. I wonder if my friend can cut love?"

A refined and clear voice sounded from the top of the car.

PS: At the end of the third, everyone rests early. (https:)

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