Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2455: Beat the Prince Momo!


The golden blood of Long Aotian rose up like a dragon, roaring like a thunderous roar, and the vast dragon power broke out from Long Aotian's body, making his whole person's momentum more frightening. stand up.

After Prince Junmo was blown away by him with a punch, Long Aotian did not stay in the slightest. The whole person bullied himself and went straight up, like a golden lightning, and immediately arrived in front of Prince Junmo.

"Long Aotian, do you dare?"

Prince Junmo looked startled and felt his scalp tingling. He didn't expect Long Aotian to have such a speed, which made him too late to react.

"What do I dare? Junmo, today is your death!"

Long Aotian's eyes were as bright as electricity, and he was unmatched. He grabbed an arm of Prince Junmo directly, and his violent power exploded, so that Prince Junmo felt that his arm was about to be torn.


Prince Junmo had a red flame rising, and behind him seemed to have raised a three-legged golden black, exuding monstrous grievances, and was coming to fight against Long Aotian.

Long Aotian sneered with a sneer, not shining, and the other hand punched out directly. The golden fist erupted like a mountain in the void, suppressing the three-legged Jinwu directly under the mountain. , Suddenly burst into a bright rain of light.

At the same time, Long Aotian kicked out of the air with a kick, as fast as lightning. This foot seemed to be able to smash a mountain. Prince Junmo's arm was caught by Long Aotian. There was no way to avoid this foot and be directly Kicked on his stomach, the whole person suddenly looked like a cooked lobster, all curled up, and a spit of blood burst into his mouth.

Long Aotian's incomparably tricky feet directly shattered the just condensed divine power in Prince Junmo's body. The whole person felt weak and powerless, and had no resistance. He was directly spoiled by Long Aotian.


Long Aotian was like a dazzling meteor descending from the sky. He lifted up Prince Junmo and directly hit a mountain in the distance.

That mountain suddenly collapsed, the horrible fluctuations swept the Quartet, and the towering ancient trees around them instantly turned into powder.


Prince Junmo spurted blood into his mouth, feeling that his bones were about to fall apart, his clothes were messy, his face was pale, and he looked very embarrassed, where there was a trace of divine temperament.

boom! boom! boom!

But Long Aotian couldn't control that much, he raised Prince Junmo's constant soaring, and then crashed down, all the mountains were smashed into powder by Long Aotian, and the earth was shaking violently It was like a spider web cracking apart. The terrifying momentum made everyone watching the battle on the Changsheng Mountain frightened, and all the faces were unbelievable.


Everyone was in an uproar, as if completely stunned, rubbing his eyes hard, as if in a dream.

They simply could not imagine that Prince Junmo, who was like a young **** king in their hearts, was now being beaten up like a dead dog.

"Oh my god, am I right? How could Prince Junmo lose to Longaotian?"

Everyone's voice was shaking, looking at the scene in front of him, his eyelids jumped straight, and he felt terrified.

"It's too violent! I seem to have seen Long Aotian transformed into a golden dragon? Is it possible that Long Aotian is a dragon god? Otherwise, how could there be such a terrible combat power?"

"Today's battle, I am afraid that the entire God of War Realm will be extremely shocked. It turns out that this Long Aotian is really the first person of the young generation!"

"Hey, do you really think that Long Aotian can make a difference today? I think he is just looking for death! Although Prince Junmo is not his opponent, His Majesty the King has sent countless strongmen to search the door of Changsheng, This kid jumped out of his own today, and it is certainly impossible to leave alive!"

"Yes! Long Aotian is still too young. If he can stay dormant for a few more years, it will not be so easy to die! Today's God of War Realm is not the time when Changshengmen dominated the world ten years ago!"

"But what a pity, Long Aotian, the peerless Tianjiao, could have ascended to God Realm, but it is about to fall today..."


Everyone looked different, looking at all this in front of them, and whispered.

Some people watched with cold eyes, some were indifferent to others, and some felt sorry for them, because they witnessed a peerless battle with their own eyes. It is the dead dog who is generally in the hands of Long Aotian, and is unaware of life or death.

They remembered the Longevity Gate. Ten years ago, the Longevity Gate was still the master of the whole God of War. There are countless strongmen in the Longevity Gate. The prosperity is at its extreme, and everyone is proud to be able to visit the Longevity Gate.

But ten years ago, because of the advent of many powerful people such as God Realm and Devil Realm, Changshengmen experienced a fiasco and then disappeared in the God of War Realm without a trace.

And now Long Aotian is at the top of the Changsheng Mountain, and he has a peerless battle with Prince Junmo, which is enough to be included in the history.

Everyone's mood is extremely complicated.

After all, most of them are people of the God of War Realm. When they see Long Aotian's peerless style, they will also admire and admire them. They will also be dissatisfied and angry when they oppress the strong men who come from the upper realm.

But they were too weak, so weak that they could only sit on the sidelines and even dare not speak loudly.

Ling Xiao looked at the battle between Long Aotian and Prince Junmo in front of her, her face was calm, and there was a trace of appreciation in her eyes.

How can he not see it?

The Zulong Mystery and the Move Mystery were all passed to Long Aotian. The Zulong Mystery Long Aotian has been cultivated to the realm of the body of the Dragon, and even the Move Mystery has reached the Dacheng, Long Aotian. It is extremely difficult to achieve rapid progress through the resources of the God of War Realm for the past 100 years.

"Ling Xiao, your big cousin is not easy! In his body, there is an ancestral dragon bloodline?! If this kid is in the demon world, he must definitely be treated as a baby pimple by the old monsters of the dragon family!"

He looked at Long Aotian with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

"Ancestral Dragon Bloodline? He should have gotten some kind of opportunity to make the bloodline return to his ancestors, and then he has the Zulong Bloodline! This **** is indeed extraordinary!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

When he hadn't ascended to God Realm a hundred years ago, Long Aotian's body only had the Dragon Blood Vessel in his body. It must have been in this century's time that he got some kind of opportunity that Ling Xiao didn't know before he got the Blood Vessel of Ancestral Dragon.

If it weren't for the restrictions of God of War Realm, the blood of the ancestors of Dragon Aotian could have been flying into the sky!


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